Header Image of Supervisor Janet Nguyen
March 19, 2012

First District Map

Welcome to this issue of Janet’s Journal, a First District Report designed to keep you updated on issues and events concerning our communities in Orange County especially in the First District.

I am proud and honored to represent over 600,000 people within the First District covering the cities of Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Westminster and the unincorporated community of Midway City.

I hope you will find this journal informative. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen













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Volume 6 Issue 1
Janet's Journal

The Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) recently accepted pre-applications for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Waiting List. I hosted a successful pre-application housing assistance event on February 15, 2012 at the County Community Service Center (CCSC) in Westminster, during which over 2,000 people came to get their questions and concerns addressed. It is projected that 40,000 - 50,000 pre-applications were received countywide via fax, mail or the Internet.

Throughout the course of the year, you will see updates on important projects and special district events. I look forward to the 3rd Annual Health and Senior Expo's, as well as the continued progress of the Haster Basin Project. As always, I am committed and honored to serve the People of the First District.

 Board of Supervisors

Board and Commission Appointments

Annually, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors makes appointments to various Boards and Commissions, with approval from the rest of the Board. Supervisor Nguyen received several appointments and re-appointments.

The Boards and Commissions Supervisor Nguyen will serve on in 2012 are: the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), National Association of Counties (NACO), Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG), Orange County Housing Authority, as well as serving as an alternate on the Children and Families Commission of Orange County. Supervisor Nguyen is very pleased to be part of these boards and is ready to continue to work hard for the families of the First District and of Orange County.

Public Defender and Clerk of the Board Appointments

The Orange County Board of Supervisors recently appointed Frank Ospino as Public Defender and Susan Novak as Clerk of the Board. As Public Defender, Mr. Ospino will be tasked with safeguarding the Constitutional rights of all by providing high-quality, cost-effective legal services to the indigent of Orange County. As Clerk of the Board, Ms. Novak will keep the official repository of County records and provide administrative support to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Nguyen would like to congratulate Mr. Ospino and Ms. Novak and offer best wishes as the take on their new roles.

New Regional Park at the Former Marine Corps Air Station at Tustin Given the Green Light

A Concept Plan for a Regional Park at the Former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin and the preservation and adaptive reuse of the North Blimp Hangar has recently been approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Concept Plan envisions a traditional urban regional park functioning in tandem with the adaptive reuse of the historic North Blimp Hangar.

Possible uses of the Hanger include, but are not limited to, tradeshows, concerts, public festivals, commercials, and music videos. Zones around the Hangar have been outlined for turf areas, playgrounds, picnic areas, walkways and trails, and recreational activities. One zone was left as a possible site for a small lake. Another zone was identified as an area for "Active Recreation Use" and could contain potential sport specific facilities, such as a water polo and/or an ice hockey complex.

Extension of Lease Agreement for WIC Program Facility

OC Public Works, in conjunction with the Health Care Agency, has negotiated an extension to the current lease of 4,610 square feet of office space located in the City of Anaheim for use as a Public Health/Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program facility. The amended rental rate is $1.35 per square foot which represents a savings of $1,152 per month. WIC is a supplemental food, nutrition education and breastfeeding support program. It serves low to moderate-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, and infants/children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk.

HIV Testing and Care Services Updates

The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian and Advanced Skincare MedCenter, Inc. for HIV Health Care Services through February 28, 2013. Hoag Hospital is used for outpatient procedures performed by HCA's HIV Specialty Care contracted providers, while Advanced Skincare provides medically necessary non-cosmetic dermatologic procedures and services to the HIV population. Based on current reporting trends, there are approximately 300 to 350 newly reported HIV and AIDS cases in Orange County each year. Funds are provided through the HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act.

Additionally, because many individuals do not recognize that they are at risk of HIV infection and/or are not comfortable requesting an HIV test, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now calls for making HIV screening a regular part of healthcare delivery, including in emergency departments and/or community health centers. Consequently, the Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with Regents of the University of California, on behalf of UC Irvine Medical Center for the provision of HIV Expanded Testing Services through 2013.

Workforce Investment Training Programs

The Board of Supervisors recently approved a funding increase of $500,000 for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Training Account Master Agreement. The motion will allow additional training opportunities to WIA participants using the One Stop Centers.

Additionally, the Board of Supervisors approved the First Amendment to Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Cost Reimbursement Agreement with Coast Community College District/Coastline Community College District (CCCD) for the Community Based Job Training Recycling and Resources Management Project. The Amendment revises the CCCD Agreement to reflect an additional $117,530 funding amount that became available as negotiations were finalized. The Project provides training and placement assistance to job seekers interested in recycling and resource management occupations. The additional funding will be utilized for participant support services such as books and other training supplies.

Orange County Leadership Academy XVI Graduation

Orange County Leadership Academy (OCLA) XVI has ended and among the graduates are two of Supervisor Nguyen's staffers: Nick Lecong, Deputy Chief of Staff/Special Assistant and Frances Cadenas, Policy Advisor.

OCLA infuses participants with leadership qualities over a number of weeks. Graduates bring to their respective offices a higher level of understanding of public service. Congratulations Nick and Frances!

Reappointments to the Senior Citizens Council and Community Action Partnership of Orange County

I would like to congratulate Jerry Margolin for his reappointment to the Senior Citizens Advisory Council (SCAC) and Alberta Christy for her reappointment to the Community Action Partnership of Orange County.

SCAC advises the Board of Supervisors, Community Services Agency and the Office on Aging (OoA) on matters affecting older adults, networks with service providers, and advocates on behalf of the elderly. The Community Action Partnership of Orange County brings together both private and public resources to solve community problems and improve communities by bringing hope and services to the poor. I wish Jerry and Alberta much success as they continue their service to the County.

County Accepts Two Major Grants from U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is providing funding to California to enhance the ability of the state, urban areas and local jurisdictions to prevent, respond to and recover from threats and incidents of terrorism.

The City of Santa Ana has been identified by the Department of Homeland Security as an Urban Area. As such, the City applied for and will receive 2011 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant funding on behalf of all of Orange County. The terms of the grant require the City of Santa Ana to apply specified grant funds to purchase equipment, technology or services to enhance countywide emergency preparedness. To accomplish this, the City will transfer $1.2 million to the County for preparation, prevention and recovery from threats and incidents of terrorism.

As part of the Homeland Security Grant Program, Operational Areas such as Orange County are required to appoint an Anti-Terrorism Approval Body to determine the allocation of grant funding. The Anti-Terrorism Approval Body for Orange County consists of the Sheriff-Coroner, the County Public Health Officer, the Chief of the Orange County Fire Authority, a municipal fire chief and a municipal police chief. The Approval Body has directed that the 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program funds are to be used to support the following areas: fire services 20%; law enforcement 20%; emergency medical services 20%; and 40% to be allocated to projects within Orange County addressing Homeland Security target capabilities without regard to discipline California Emergency Management Agency (CAlEMA). The County received a $5 million grant from CalEMA for this program.

OC Public Libraries Receives Grant to Encourage Reading

The Board of Supervisors authorized Orange County Community Resources/Public Libraries to apply for a California Council for the Humanities grant. The grant, California Reads-Searching For Democracy, is designed to fund reading programs that encourage reading and raise awareness about civic issues and democracy. The idea behind it is to create more understanding regarding the political system leading into the 2012 election. Recently Orange County Public Libraries received a $15,000 grant for this program. The grant will be used to not only encouraging reading but also create discussions and activities that revolve around these issues.


OCTA Seeks Applicant for Measure M Taxpayers Oversight Committee

The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is seeking qualified volunteers to serve on the Measure M Taxpayers Oversight Committee (TOC).

The eleven-member committee monitors OCTA's use of Measure M funds and ensures that all revenue collected from both Measure M1 (M1) and the Renewed Measure M2 (M2) is spent on voter-approved transportation projects. The independent committee was formed after the passage in 1990 of Measure M, a half-cent sales tax to fund transportation improvements in Orange County.

Applications for the 2012-2015 term will be accepted through April 23, 2012 to fill four positions; one each in the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Supervisorial Districts. Orange County residents residing in these areas are eligible to apply. Candidates must be 18 years of age, reside in one of the districts named above and be willing to participate for a three-year term. Potential committee members should also demonstrate a history of participating in community activities and knowledge of public transportation.

The Grand Jurors Association of Orange County is conducting the recruitment program and will recommend qualified candidates for membership. For additional information or to request an application, call the selection panel at (714) 970-9329 or visit OCTA's Web site at www.octa.net/toc.

Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA)

Santa Ana Fire Department

An agreement has been reached between the City of Santa Ana and the OCFA resulting in the merging of the Santa Ana Fire Department with the OCFA. Effective April 20, 2012, the agency will begin providing Fire and Emergency Medical Services to the City of Santa Ana. All 10 of the City's fire stations will remain open and OCFA is committed to maintaining the level of service necessary for protection of the Santa Ana community. Additionally, the partnership will save the City over $10 million per year.

OCFA Receives Federal Grant for Firefighting Equipment

OCFA received around $1.4 million in federal funds for new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) through a FEMA grant. Current SCBA equipment is outdated, and new equipment will provide continued protection to OCFA firefighters while they fight fires. This grant will benefit the nearly 900 firefighters throughout the county.


Project Go (Graffiti Off)

Project GO is a volunteer-based graffiti removal program committed to removing unsightly graffiti in Garden Grove. Take a few hours out of your day to help keep Garden Grove beautiful. For more information, please call Garden Grove Public Works at (714) 741-5375.

Hispanic Education Endowment Fund Scholarships

The Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) is now accepting online applications for scholarships. HEEF gives out scholarships based on financial restraints, academic performance, involvement in extra-curricular activities, community volunteer work, church service or work employment. All applicants must be Orange County residents as well as meet several other requirements which are listed on the website at www.oc-cf.org/Page.aspx?pid=978.

For more information visit the website or Juan Francisco Lara at lara@uci.edu or lara@heef.org or call (626) 390-0176.


Orange County's Largest Mixer

On Wednesday, March 21, 2012, Orange County chambers and business organizations will come together for a giant business networking event. Orange County's Largest Mixer is open to the entire business community. Come mingle with people representing the hundreds of Orange County businesses and learn how the different chambers of commerce and business organizations can help businesses grow.

Admission is $20 per person, cash only, at the door. Parking is an additional $5. Registration is not required. The OC Fair & Event Center is located at Building 10 & 12, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. For more information, please call (949) 338-8338 or visit www.ocmixer.com.


March 24, 2012 - 3rd Annual Central County Health Expo

The Third Annual Central County Health Expo will again be held at Coastline Community College and Concorde Career Colleges in Garden Grove. The event takes place on Saturday, March 24th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In past events, thousands of Orange County residents have sought services and resources from various county agencies and non-profit organizations.

This year the expo again aims to provide attendees the opportunity for medical treatments, health screenings, vision exams including prescription eye glasses and dental services, as well as information about the health resources available throughout Orange County.

According to an American Community Survey released in 2009, a half-million Orange County residents lack health insurance. The Cities of Garden Grove, Westminster, and Santa Ana have among the highest concentration of the uninsured.

March 24, 2012 - 3rd Annual Central County Health Expo


Supervisor Janet Nguyen joins her husband and son for the annual TET Parade in Westminster in celebration of Lunar New Year and the Year of the Dragon.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen greets spectators along the parade route in celebration of Lunar New Year.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen visits Roger Stanton Park in Midway City to honor Vietnamese heroes during a Lunar New Year ceremony.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen addresses recipients of the Garden Grove Police Department's new coin merit program, which recognizes citizens who perform act of kindness in the in the city.


* The following articles are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily intended to imply endorsement or support.

Orange County

Free Pet Adoption Event
OC Animal Care is hosting a free pet adoption event at its facility on Saturday, March 24th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is sponsored by The Angels Baseball Foundation and will feature hundreds of adorable animals. OC Animal Care is located at 561 The City Drive in Orange. For more information, please contact (714) 935-6848, or visit www.ocpetinfo.com.

OC Green Fair
The annual OC Green Fair, which aims to educate the public about environmental concerns, is scheduled for May 17, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Orange County Civic Center. The event will feature vendor giveaways, door prizes, networking, food and much more. Eco-friendly businesses interested in becoming sponsors or exhibitors can do so at www.ocgreenfair.com.

Traffic Ticket Amnesty
Now through June 30, 2012, anyone with overdue traffic fines are eligible to receive a fifty-percent discount from the Administrative Office of the Courts. The overdue traffic fines exclude DUI, reckless driving and parking violations, for tickets that were supposed to have been paid on or before January 1, 2009. For information, contact the Superior Court in the county where the violation occurred. To find the appropriate court, visit www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.

OC Parks Volunteer Opportunity
OC Parks welcomes individuals interested in the Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Program to sign up to help maintain and improve Orange County's Parks. Sign up as a one-time volunteer or general volunteer and get involved with a variety of events including planting, watering, and other restoration projects. To fill out a volunteer application go online to www.ocparks.com.

Water Pollution Prevention Hotline
Water pollution prevention is an important is, and it's the responsibility for us all to protect Orange County's water. To report a spill, call the Orange County 24-hour Water Pollution Prevention Hotline at 1-877-89-Spill.

Fountain Valley

Festival of the Arts Sponsorships
The Fountain Valley Educational Foundation is looking for sponsors for the upcoming Festival of the Arts. This month-long series of student vocal concerts, orchestral performances and art exhibits is scheduled for March 2012 and will raise funds for Fountain Valley School District's music and fine arts program. For more information, please call (714) 235-3523.

Water Pollution Mitigation Program
Recently the City of Fountain Valley has moved to further mitigate water pollution by adding specialized filters inside storm drains. These filters are designed to prevent trash that accumulates in storm water catch basins from being washed out to the ocean, which can happen with large amounts of rain. The city is installing 63 of these filters using $99,645 in grant money from OCTA. The Public Works Department in Fountain Valley will clear out the filters on a regular basis.

For additional information about the program and water pollution you can visit the city website, www.fountainvalley.org/news/index.php?p=item&a=35.

Garden Grove

Garden Grove Unified School District Receives Grant for New Buses
The Garden Grove Unified School District recently received a $1.5 million grant from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The grant will be used to purchase nine new 50-passenger school buses powered by natural gas.

Daily Hot Lunches for Seniors
Community SeniorServ serves hot lunches daily at H. Louis Lake Senior Center in Garden Grove for seniors 60 and older for a suggested donation of $2.50. For those younger than 60, lunch costs $3.50. Bus services are also available to seniors living in Garden Grove who participate in the lunch program.

For more information, please call Community SeniorServ at (714) 226-0550.

Santa Ana

Volunteers Sought for Old Orange County Courthouse Exhibit
The Museum of Teaching and Learning is currently looking for volunteers. Docents are needed to interact with visitors at the Old Orange County for the exhibit, "A Class Action: The Grassroots Struggle for School Desegregation in California." They are requesting a commitment of two to five hours for one day a week.

All volunteers will receive training on the history of the exhibit and successfully engage visitors. The exhibit will run through June 2012. For more information, please contact Carolina Zatary at (909) 287-9509 or email czata001@csu.fullerton.edu.


Food Truck Tuesdays at Westminster High School
Support Westminster High School's academic incentives program while dining on delicious food. Westminster High School will be hosting the Food Truck every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 14325 Goldenwest St. For more information, please call (714) 893-1381 or email info@whslions.com.


County of Orange
There are currently many new bids to contract with the County of Orange. For more information, please click here.

 Community Events

City of Fountain Valley
April 13, 2012 - Disabled Dance
The City of Fountain Valley will be hosting a dance for individuals with disabilities on Friday, April 13th at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center and Sports Park. The dance will run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Fountain Valley Community Foundation and presented by the Advisory Committee for the Disabled.

Location: Fountain Valley Recreation Center, 16400 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley.

For more information, please contact Nora Webb at (714) 593-4446.

City of Garden Grove
March 24-25, 2012 - FREE Workshops at Home Depot
Home Depot will be offering the following three free workshops at their Garden Grove location throughout the weekend of March 24th and 25th:

Workshop: How to do Lawn Maintenance
When: Saturday, March 24th
Time: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Workshop: How to Install Vinyl Flooring
When: Saturday, March 24th
Time: 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Workshop: How to do Landscape Design
When: Sunday, March 25th
Time: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Location: The Home Depot, 10801 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove.

For more information, please contact Debbie Bovshow at (714) 539-0319 ext. 440, or email debbie.bovshow@yahoo.com.

March 25, 2012 - Garden Grove Farmers' Market
Every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the City of Garden Grove hosts a Farmers' Market on Main St between Garden Grove Blvd and Acacia Parkway. The vendors will be selling fresh produce and other food items.

For more information, call Lee at (562) 498-6048 or (562) 449-9299.

City of Santa Ana
March 22, 2012 - Timeless Melodies at the Bowers Museum
The Bowers Museum will host a lecture at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday March 22nd. The title of the lecture is "Timeless Melodies: The 1950's." Larry Maurer, educator and expert in American music presents a brand new show on the decade that changed it all! The cost is $7 for members and $10 for non-members.

Location: The Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main Street, Santa Ana.

For more information, please call (714) 567-3600.

April 7, 2012 - Art Walk
The first Saturday of every month is Art Walk night in downtown Santa Ana. Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. stroll down the streets of downtown Santa Ana, view working lofts owned by local artists, purchase art work and dine in a local eatery.

Location: 2nd Street Promenade, from Broadway Ave. to Spurgeon St., Santa Ana.

For more information, please visit http://santaanaartwalk.com.

City of Westminster
April 7, 2012 - Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
On Saturday, April 7th come join the Easter Bunny for pancakes from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Community Services Building. Children must be accompanied by an adult to participate in such activities as crafts, an egg hunt, and photos with the Easter Bunny. Space is limited and registration is required. Ticket prices are $7 each for adults and children.

Location: Community Services Building, 8200 Westminster Blvd., Westminster.

For more information, please call (714) 895-2860.

To contact Supervisor Janet Nguyen, please call 714-834-3110 or email Janet.Nguyen@ocgov.com.