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Andrew Do - Supervisor, First District
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August 12, 2020 Volume 5 Issue 31
News and Updates

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OC Restaurants Can Apply to Receive a $1,000 Grant

On July 14, I proposed a plan to allocate $10 million of CARES Act funding to help restaurants keep their employees and customers safe from COVID-19 by providing grants that they can use to cover the costs of cleaning supplies and other personal protective equipment. Thank you to my colleagues on the Board of Supervisors for their unanimous support.

Today, that plan is known as the SafeDineOC Restaurant Program.

Orange County restaurants that do not have any uncorrected major violations from their last routine health inspection are eligible to receive a $1,000 grant for taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their physical location.

This includes purchases for masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment, site reconfiguration, employee training, cleaning supplies, etc.

Qualified restaurants will also be listed on Orange County Business Council’s website as a “SafeDineOC Restaurant.”

For more information, check out my press release.

And to apply, visit

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OC Expands Testing Capacity for Schools

On Tuesday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a plan, authored by Supervisor Doug Chaffee and I, to allow public and private schools to utilize county-run COVID-19 testing drive-thru sites as part of the school re-opening waiver application.

School closures were necessary to keep communities safe back in March and slow the spread of COVID-19. In many cases, those closures may still be necessary. But for schools in Orange County that are submitting waivers for in-person learning, expanding testing capacity is a critical component of their re-opening plan.

For more information, check out my press release.

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Fitness Trainer Shares His COVID-19 Story

One of the most striking aspects of COVID-19 is the glaring difference in experiences of the disease. Some people never develop symptoms, whereas others, some apparently healthy, have severe or even fatal pneumonia.

Ruben Mata, an Orange County fitness trainer and motivational speaker, was among many who didn’t follow the safety guidelines put into place by health professionals. He miraculously defeated COVID-19 after a 5-day induced coma and is here to share his story.

Check out his video here.

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OCTA’s Mask Mandate for Passengers and Staff

This week, OCTA passed a resolution that requires all riders and drivers to wear a mask when boarding our buses. This resolution will reinforce polices that train and educate our drivers on how to keep all riders and drivers safe. Our bus drivers are essential front-line workers, and by equipping them with the right tools we can continue to serve our County.

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Pet Adoption or Donation

Throughout the month of August, OC Animal Care is participating in the “Clear the Shelters 2020” campaign. If you’ve been thinking about adopting, now is the time!

Please call 714-935-6848 to make an appointment, or to donate please visit:

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8/12 @ Mile Square Park

Today, the District 1 team spent the morning with Saddleback Church distributing over 1,100 boxes of nutritious food to Orange County families in need. It’s so heartening to see volunteers dedicating their time to help our neighbors in need.

The next meal distribution event at Mile Square Park will be Wednesday, September 2nd.


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8/07 @ Hope Community Church

On August 7th, Saddleback Church and the District 1 team distributed over 300 boxes of healthy, nutritious food to families in need. These food distributions are critical to so many in our communities.

Thank you to those who donate and the organizers who’ve made this possible.

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Mariscos El Yaqui in Santa Ana

If you’re looking to support a local Small Business, check out Mariscos El Yaqui in Santa Ana! They’re open for take-out and outside dining – and their fish tacos are delicious!

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#MaskUpOC Contest Winners Announced!

Three weeks ago, I started the #MaskUpOC Contest to boost mask-wearing in Orange County. It’s been great seeing so many of your creative and fun submissions.

Here are a few great entries below!


“Best Video” Winner: @booford_t

“Wash up. Repeat! Back up. 6 feet! #MaskUpOC!” Check out his lyrical mask-wearing message.


“Most Impactful” Winner: Kara Chu

Kara Chu created an illustrated children’s book, “Smiling from Ear to Ear!” to help parents normalize children wearing masks. Check out her work at


Youth Winner: @MartinMeidl

Thank you for helping encourage others to mask up, Miya, and thanks for sharing!


Arts & Craft Winner: Claspell Customs Creations

“Spread Love, Not Germs” – This custom mask-holder by Claspell Custom Creations makes it easy to remember to grab a mask when you’re headed out!


“Best Coworker Collab” Winner: Bowers Museum

While enjoying a safe and beautiful SoCal weekend, the Bowers family encourages people to join in #MaskUpOC by sharing fun pics in their favorite masks!


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In This Issue
orange arrow OC Restaurants Can Apply to Receive a $1,000 Grant
orange arrow OC Expands Testing Capacity for Schools
orange arrow Fitness Trainer Shares His COVID-19 Story
orange arrow OCTA’s Mask Mandate for Passengers and Staff
orange arrow Pet Adoption or Donation
orange arrow 8/12 @ Mile Square Park
orange arrow 8/07 @ Hope Community Church
orange arrow Mariscos El Yaqui in Santa Ana
orange arrow #MaskUpOC Contest Winners Announced!
Chris Wangsaporn
Chief of Staff

Veronica Carpenter
Deputy Chief of Staff

Guadalupe Carrasco
Communications Director

Matt Haines
Communications Specialist

Chris Gaarder
Senior Policy Advisor

Ofelia Velarde-Garcia
Policy Advisor

Jack Du
District Representative

Joyce Rivero
Executive Secretary

Stay Updated!
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