November 13, 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
In August, during our Second District community budget workshop, I heard from many City of Orange residents regarding cuts to the City’s crossing guard program due to the financial constraints faced by the city. Many residents expressed concerns about their children’s safety as they travel to and from Orange Unified School District schools. Although this is not a County program; I committed to our families and looked into the issue further to see if there was some way we could assist. In partnership with City, I was able to better understand the problem and work with them to help provide one-time funding for the program. Though facing significant budget pressures, the members of the City Council worked diligently and restored the bulk of the funding for this important safety program. Our office was able to provide $75,000 in limited funding from our District Discretionary Funds to serve as a one-time gap funding measure to support the City’s program. Orange Mayor Slater and I walk safely with the students as school lets out.
Together with the dollars that the Council has allocated, the funds approved by the Board of Supervisors, will support the program through the end of the school year. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with the Council, and I look forward to continuing to work together to make our community a safer place for our children.

Vicente Sarmiento Second District Supervisor Orange County Board of Supervisors
Yasie Goebel Chief of Staff
Rosemary Contreras Operations Manager
Robert Villegas Communications Advisor
Richard Santana Community Outreach Manager
Manuel J. Escamilla Senior Policy Advisor
Vasila Ahmad Policy Advisor
Carlos Valenzuela Policy Advisor
Damiana Armendariz Executive Assistant
Thank You to Our Part-Time Staff Joese Hernandez, Jessie Lopez, Jonathan Rivas
Thank You To Our Interns Evan Devoy, Davis Garcia, Leisa Komyo, Justin Soto
Updated! |
In Community
Board Of Supervisors Honors Veterans
On election day, the Board held its regularly scheduled meeting and we had the opportunity to honor Orange County veterans. It was only fitting that on election day, when Americans exercise their freedom, we celebrated the contributions and sacrifices of veterans who make that freedom possible. Nick Berardino, the president of the Veterans Alliance of Orange County, and Bobby McDonald, President and Executive Director of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County addressed the Board and provided words of inspiration. I was grateful to recognize the courage and contributions of Kathryn Morrison, who served in the Army from 2001 to 2010, and Francisco Barragan, who served as a Marine from 1987-1994 and in the CA Army National Guard from 1994-1997. We celebrate them for their service and commitment and for their contributions to our County. 
Proclamations were presented to Kathryn Morrison and Francisco Barragan.
County Crews Continue Flood Control Channels Clean-Up
One of the key issues we have been addressing is public safety concerns related to people congregating along the riverbed and in flood control channels. We are faced with the challenge of opening access to bike paths while controlling access to these areas to prevent criminal activity, as well as ensuring we are providing services for those who need them. Over the last year, we have increased the number of cleanups from roughly 50-70 per month to 150-200 per month county-wide, with 30-40% of cleanups in the City of Santa Ana, in the areas that have seen the largest amount of activity in the channels. We have also added a second cleanup crew and over the last two years, we have increased staff working to repair damaged fencing as well as increased the number of Sheriff Behavioral Health Bureau (BHB) officers assigned to support public works encampment cleanups from 6 officers in 2022, to 8 officers in 2023, and to 10 officers in 2024. I wanted to share some of the latest before and after images of that ongoing work in Santa Ana. 
Supervisor Sarmiento brings together Santa Ana’s city manager and Public Works staff, County Public Works, and the Sheriff’s department to increase collaboration. Before After 

Our Team Celebrated Noche De Altares
Over 7,000 people attended this year’s Downtown Santa Ana’s Noche de Altares. We were there to join the community as we honored our loved ones with beautiful altares, authentic art, music, and delicious food. This traditional celebration brought the community together, and each altar told a story of love and remembrance. .jpg)
It was a day for remembering loved ones and celebrating with friends and family.
Supervisor Sarmiento Joins Anaheim Families in Celebration of Fall
I enjoyed seeing all the families at the Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center in Anaheim for their fall celebration. It was a day of connection and community building coordinated by Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken and Mayor Pro Tem Norma Kurtz. Our office was proud to donate pumpkins for families to decorate, alongside a resource fair featuring Anaheim Public Utilities, Anaheim Police Department, CalOptima, Anaheim Ducks, Anaheim Fire Department, United Across Borders, and more. It was a fantastic community event! 
Thank you to Mayor Aitken, Mayor Pro Tem Kurtz, and everyone who made this event great.
Supervisors Discuss County’s Climate Action Plan at CSUF Summit
The 3rd Annual Energy & Sustainability Summit, at Cal State University Fullerton, was an opportunity to present and discuss the County’s Climate Action Plan. Our panel discussion focused on ways in which the new plan can support the region’s leadership in transitioning to clean energy while ensuring the inclusion of disadvantaged communities. The summit brought together students and community organizations to discuss the County’s new sustainability efforts which can assist cities, community members, and industries to collaborate to create a more resilient Orange County. 
I was joined by Annie Yea, Interim Associate VP of Government & Community Relations and Supervisor Foley for our panel discussion, which was moderated by Cody Tubbs, Director of Public Affairs at Southern California Edison.
Team Sarmiento Tours Ronald McDonald House in Orange
My policy advisor, Carlos Valenzuela, presented a certificate of recognition to the Ronald McDonald House in Orange for the great work they do in supporting and providing comfort for families whose children receive treatment at Children’s Hospital of Orange County. Ronald McDonald House Orange County recently celebrated its $15.7 million expansion that will allow them to continue its mission and serve even more families. 
The tour of the new section of the facility highlighted the commitment to supporting families.
Trunk-or-Treat Combines Tradition and Celebration
My team joined the Social Services Agency for their 2nd annual Trunk-or-Treat celebration by decorating and providing essential resources to our foster care families. In partnership with Orangewood Foundation, all 22 County agencies participated in this event. Our office was able to provide dinner to the 700 foster families that joined this event. Thank you to everyone who made the day special for kids and families. Special shout out to Miguels Jr. Restaurant that provided free burrito cards for the families! 
Our team decorated a beautiful Noche de Altar with butterflies and marigold flowers, honoring tradition and celebrating the season.
Supervisor Sarmiento Updates Orange Rotary Members
I enjoyed meeting with Rotary of Orange members and presenting an update on recent developments in the Second District and the County. The conversation was lively as we discussed the County’s financial position and developments in governance and accountability in the wake of the Andrew Do scandal. Rotary brings together a network of volunteer leaders. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels. 
I joined Rotary Club member Adrienne Gladson and City of Orange Mayor Slater for the conversation.
Dodgers Bring Home Baseball Championship
Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers for their world championship victory. This victory holds a special connection with Orange County, home to Freddie Freeman, whose talent and passion have left an indelible mark on our community. This win was also a tribute to the legacy of the late great Fernando Valenzuela—a true legend in Dodgers history. He was not just a champion on the field, but a true icon who inspired fans across generations. 
County staff, including, Daniel Ramirez, celebrated the victory wearing their Dodger gear.
Mental Health Crisis Public Education Campaign
The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) has launched a public education campaign to transform how Orange County residents respond to mental health crises for themselves or for someone in their lives. Residents can now call the HCA’s crisis line, (855) or OC Links, for urgent specialized mental health services, rather than defaulting to calling 9-1-1. Residents can reach OC Links, at (855) 625-4657 or via live chat at www.ochealthinfo.com/oclinks. Both services are available 24/7. 
Fight Back Against Mosquitos
Mosquitoes can spread diseases such as West Nile Virus, Dengue, Malaria, St. Louis Encephalitis and Zika. There are simple steps to take to eliminate mosquito breeding sources on your property and prevent mosquito bites. Eliminate mosquito breeding sources on your property: - dumping and draining any containers filled with water at least once a week, and
- cleaning and scrubbing bird baths and pet water bowls weekly.
Prevent mosquito bites by: - applying mosquito repellent,
- closing all unscreened doors and windows, and
- wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants outdoors.
For information on ways to fight back, and to request assistance please visit OC Mosquito and Vector Control at OCvector.org. 
Recycle Your Leftover Paint at Convenient Drop-Off Locations
OC Waste & Recycling invites Orange County residents to join us in recycling your leftover paint. From November 1 to November 27, 2024, the Orange County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers (HHWCC) offers residents a convenient easy way to drop off paint, primers, stains, sealers, and clear coatings at one of our collection centers in Anaheim, Irvine, Huntington Beach, and San Juan Capistrano. 
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Internship Opportunities

Upcoming Events
Community Wellness Event Friday, November 15 
Location: 1010 W. 17th Street Santa Ana Community Wellness Event Saturday, December 14 
Location: 1010 N Tustin Ave. Santa Ana Chicano Art on Display - Free Admission August - December 
Location: 211 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana
Copyright 2024 County of Orange, California
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