September 12, 2024
3 Issue
What's Happening
Fishing Derby Recap
On Saturday we had a great time at Carbon Canyon Regional Park for our Fall District 4 Kids Fishing Derby! It was heartwarming to see hundreds of young anglers, alongside their parents, grandparents, and other family members, casting their lines with enthusiasm and skill. Braving the heat, attendees were able to celebrate their catches and cool off with some free ice cream. Congratulations to our talented winners - the champions of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, and a special shoutout to the winner of the smallest catch of the day! This event was a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together, enjoy nature, and learn more about fishing. I am grateful to the County of Orange, the City of Brea, and other government agencies including but not limited to OC Animal Care, Health Care Agency, and Cal Optima for joining us and providing valuable information and resources to our attendees. A huge thank you to Orange County Parks, Angler Chronicles, Bite On Fishing, and our District 4 volunteers for helping to make this day a success! Stay tuned for more events like this in the future. Until then, let’s keep casting and creating wonderful memories together! 
Musick Jail Facility Tour
Last Wednesday, Team Chaffee attended a tour of the James A. Musick Facility by the OC Sheriff’s Department. The jail is named in honor of James A. Musick, the Sheriff of Orange County from 1946 to 1974. Musick was a professional football player in the NFL from 1932-1936, served as an officer in the US Marine Corp during World War II and spent the rest of his career in law enforcement until his retirement in 1974. The facility offers a wide array of programs designed to address the diverse needs of its inmate population, ranging from substance abuse treatment to cognitive behavioral therapy. It places a strong emphasis on mental health support, offering counseling services and therapeutic interventions to address the root causes of recidivism. This holistic approach to rehabilitation reflects the facility’s commitment to nurturing positive transformation and reducing recidivism rates among its inmate population. Thank you to the Sheriff’s Department for allowing my staff and I to tour the recently expanded and renovated facilities. Together, we are making Orange County a safer place for everyone. 
County News
Fourth District Funds the Continuation of the APPS for the OC Sheriff's Department
At the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting on September 10, the Board approved the use of $150,000 Fourth District Discretionary funds to support the continuation of the Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS) for a period of two years by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. The APPS identifies individuals who are prohibited from legally owning or possessing firearms. California’s APPS is operated by the California Department of Justice. The APPS database is used to identify individuals who procured firearms and later became prohibited from legally owning or possessing them. Prohibited persons in APPS include individuals who were convicted of a felony or violent misdemeanor, were placed under a domestic violence or other restraining order or suffer from serious mental illness. DOJ agents and California law enforcement agencies use APPS to locate and disarm prohibited persons. In December 2021, as a result of funding appropriated by the State Legislature, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) awarded $4.9 million to 10 county sheriff’s departments to support activities related to seizing weapons and ammunition from individuals prohibited from possessing them. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department was one of the 10 recipients of that grant award. The grant expired and due to State budget cuts went unfunded. During the two-year period of the grant, the team conducting APPS compliance checks collected 244 firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition. 
Photo from CA Department of Justice Armed and Prohibited Persons System Report 2023
Upcoming Events
Prostate Cancer Awareness Bike Ride
Join us, One Legacy, and OC Parks for our second annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Community Bike Ride Event! Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024 Registration Begins: 7:00 am Event Begins: 8:00am Location: Craig Regional Park, 3300 N. State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835 September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. We are raising awareness and supporting those affected by this disease by hosting a fun, family friendly community bike ride through Craig Regional Park and a resource fair with government organizations and nonprofits. How to participate: *Register in advance of the event here and sign the online waiver form. Please see the flyer below for more information. If you have any questions about the event, please call (714) 834-3440 or email 
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Kindness Awards Nominations are Open!
We are accepting nominations for the Sixth Annual Orange County Fourth District Kindness Awards. The Fourth District Kindness Awards will honor individuals who have displayed exceptional kindness or community service in the Fourth Supervisorial District Cities on November 13, 2024, which is observed internationally as World Kindness Day. Kindness is often defined as doing something to help another person without the expectation of receiving anything in return. If you know anyone that works, lives, serves, and/or volunteers in the cities of Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia, Stanton, portions of Anaheim, and unincorporated communities in the Fourth District who have displayed exceptional kindness or community service, please nominate them for a Kindness Award. There will be one award recipient from each City. Please note elected officials and organizations will not be eligible to be nominated for the Fourth District Kindness Awards. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024 at 11:59p.m. To nominate an individual for the Fourth District Kindness Awards, please submit an application at 
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Registrar of Voters High School Student Volunteer Program
The Orange County Registrar of Voters office is actively recruiting 400 high school students to serve their community as a Student Customer Service Representative in one of our many Vote Centers throughout the County. Students who participate will receive a $120 stipend, community service hours, and a certificate of recognition upon successfully completing their Vote Center assignment. To qualify, students must be at least 16 years old, have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, be in good standing at a public or private secondary educational institution, and be a U.S. Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident. Written approval from their school and parent/guardian is also required. Applications close October 7, 2024. Spaces are limited and students are encouraged to apply early. Visit to apply. 
OC Animal Care: Foster to Adopt Pilot Program
OC Animal Care’s Foster-to-Adopt Pilot Program is a new way to fall in love with a dog at OC Animal Care! The program offers potential adopters the opportunity to take select dogs home for two weeks before deciding if the relationship is meant to be. During the Foster-to-Adopt period, your dog will have a chance to get to know you and show off their unique personality while at the same time, giving you the opportunity to learn if they are a good fit for your family. When fostering to adopt, you do not have to navigate this new and exciting time alone. You will have guidance and support from the OC Animal Care Foster Team to ensure the fostering process results in a meaningful and successful adoption match. OC Animal Care provides each foster a starter kit containing food and basic supplies like a leash, collar, and pet ID tags. E-mail or drop by during daily viewing Hours from 2 - 5 see Foster-to-Adopt dogs. Just look for the “Foster-to-Adopt Me!” sign on the kennel! 
Pet of the Week
Hello everyone, I'm Ghost, your spirited and lively ten-year-old husky! Don't let my name spook you, because I'm here to brighten your days with tons of love and fun! I'm currently in foster with two adult hoomans, a young hooman, and a fur sibling! Boo-lieve it or not, even us seasoned gals can still pick up a trick or two. How do I master these new tricks, you ask? I'm a major foodie! If you have treats, I'm all ears, eyes, and paws. For example, I used to lead the way on walks, but now I embrace the beauty and companionship by walking next to my foster family! I also perfected "leave it." I think it's my foster mom's favorite words because she's always asking me to "leave it" when someone is at the door or if we see squirrels and lizards during our walks. I must be doing something right because I get treats in return. Foster life is fantastic, but I'd be over the moon if I found my forever home. If you're on the lookout for the friendliest ghost in town, I'm your girl! Please consider adopting me by calling OC Animal Care at (714) 935-6848 and mentioning my animal ID A1552587! 
questions or
please contact
the Supervisor's
office staff at:
(714) 834-3440
or email
Al Jabbar Chief of Staff
Andrea Dima-Smith Senior Policy Advisor
Jessica Guerrero Senior Policy Advisor
Jesus Gaona Perez Senior Policy Advisor/Field Representative
Paulette Chaffee Ambassador
Brock Chadsey Policy Advisor/Field Representative
Emma Fisher Policy Advisor/ Communications Coordinator
Logan Ueno Policy Advisor/ Field Representative
Junellen Dillard Policy Advisor/ Field Representative