OC Superior Court Judge John Adams (right) administering the Oath of Office for my swearing-in ceremony.
On Tuesday, I was sworn-in for my second term as Orange County Supervisor, representing the 5th District, by Orange County Superior Court Judge John Adams and unanimously elected by my Board colleagues as Chairwoman for 2019.
I would like to thank the residents of the 5th District for trusting and granting me the opportunity to serve you once again on this Board. I would also like to thank my colleagues for the great honor to serve as your Board Chair and congratulations to Supervisor Michelle Steel as our new Vice Chair.
One of the main reasons we on the Board of Supervisors were able to accomplish so much over the past couple of years has been because of the willingness for all of us on the Board to work together toward effective and efficient solutions. We did not all agree every time on every issue, but we worked together to create solutions of compromise.
I want to give a special thank you to former Supervisors Nelson and Spitzer. I look forward to the opportunity to working with them more in their new roles at the Orange County District Attorney's office.
Thank you to Supervisor Do for his great leadership as Chair last year, and I would also like to welcome our newest addition to the Board, Supervisor Doug Chaffee. I look forward to working with each of my colleagues on many important issues on behalf of our constituents.
Thank you to County CEO Frank Kim, our County staff and department leaders for continuously being reliable resources and great to work with everyday.
We have a lot of work ahead of us this year, including continuing to find new and innovative ways to help our mentally ill and persons experiencing homelessness, moving forward on the Civic Center Master Plan, general aviation improvements and other projects at John Wayne Airport, the Dana Point Harbor Revitalization Project Groundbreaking, improving our highways and transportation infrastructure, supporting our public safety officers to ensure Orange County remains one of the safest counties in the country, all while managing to keep County business more accountable, transparent and efficient.
With my staff and OC Superior Court Judge John Adams.
Immediate past Chair and Andrew Do (First District Supervisor) handing over the Chair's gavel.
2019 Point In Time Count of the Homeless
One of the fundamental aspects of ending homelessness in Orange County is determining how many people in our community need assistance. Without that data, it's very difficult to determine the resources required, potential costs involved, and to what degree we're succeeding.
This month, Orange County will embark upon one of the most important tasks of this ongoing campaign. The biennial Point in Time count, taking place January 23-24, will determine how many people are experiencing homelessness on a given night as compared to previous counts.
This effort is critical in two respects. First of all, it happens only once every two years. As such, participation by volunteers to gain accurate data is essential. Secondly, due to new methodology, results this year will produce the most accurate count we've ever had. This will greatly help us with enacting solutions in ways not possible previously.
To that end, I urge you to join me in volunteering for the Point in Time count to support our deployment centers or serve as hands-on field surveyors. If you are unable to volunteer but would like to help, you can also donate funds to support the $5 one-day bus passes that will be distributed as a "Thank You" to the homeless individuals participating in the survey.
County Connections
Clerk-Recorder Valentines Day Marriage Services
OC Clerk-Recorder's office at the Laguna Hills Civic Center.
For those looking to tie the knot on what many consider to be the most romantic day of the year, look no further! To accommodate couples, the Orange County Clerk-Recorder will be offering extended hours at his offices throughout the county, including at the Laguna Hills Civic Center location.
The department will close at 5:30 PM instead of its normal closing hours to issue marriage licenses and perform marriage ceremonies. Valentine’s Day continues to be one of the busiest days of the year for the department and this year will be no exception, appointments will go fast!
Couples are encouraged to make an appointment for a civil marriage ceremony due to the expected high demand on this special day. Couples can make an appointment by visiting OCRecorder.com. To save time, marriage license applications can also be completed online prior to visiting their offices. Click here for more information.
Assessment Appeals Workshop
Do you think your property is worth more than initially assessed? The Orange County Clerk of the Board's Outreach Program is offering free Assessment Appeals Workshops for those looking for information on how to appeal.
The workshop will provide the public with a basic understanding of the assessment appeals process, property tax timeline, and what happens to a property’s assessed value when the housing market slumps. It will also cover information on how to determine if you should file an assessment appeal and tips on how to be successful at your hearing.
Critter Chronicles
Pet of the Week: Meet Tola!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Out and About in South County
Rancho Mission Viejo: Family Walk in the Woods
Get wild this winter with a family walk in the woods! Winter on The Reserve at Rancho Mission Viejo means that new life is popping up everywhere. Activities include a mushroom craft, Winter Wildlife game, and nature walk January 19 from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Richard and Donna O'Neill Conservancy. To register and for more information, click here.
This Week I
Participated in the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, was sworn-in for a second term after winning my race for reelection last year, and was unanimously elected 2019 Chairwoman of the Board by my fellow Supervisors.
Attended the swearing-in ceremonies for various Orange County elected officials.
Presented certificates of appreciation to my outgoing field deputies, Ryan Billings and Brandon Urrutia.
Attended the Laguna Hills State of the City luncheon, to present plaques to outgoing Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce Founding President Clement Pepe and outgoing Founding Vice President Nick Socha; presided over the installation of new officers, including 2019 Chamber Board President Carl Heft, Vice President Sheri Feinberg, Treasurer Patrice Mills and Secretary Lori Renaud; and also provided a County Update.
Being sworn-in by OC Superior Court Judge John Adams during the Board of Supervisors meeting.
Presenting a commemorative gavel to immediate past Board Chairman Andrew Do with 2019 Vice Chair Michelle Steel and Supervisor Doug Chaffee.
L-R: With Laguna Woods Councilman Joe Rainey, Laguna Beach Treasurer Laura Parisi and Councilman Peter Blake, El Toro Water District Board Member Kathryn Freshley and Board Vice President Mark Monin, and South Coast Water District Board President Bill Green following my swearing-in ceremony.
Providing a County Update at the Laguna Hills State of the City luncheon.
L-R: With Laguna Hills Councilwoman Erica Pezold, Mayor Pro Tem Janine Heft, Councilmen Don Sedgwick and Dave Wheeler, and Mayor Dore Gilbert at the State of the City luncheon.
With Laguna Hills Mayor Dore Gilbert and Mission Viejo Mayor Greg Raths at the State of the City luncheon.
With newly installed 2019 Laguna Hills Chamber Board President Carl Heft, Vice President Sheri Feinberg, Treasurer Patrice Mills and Secretary Lori Renaud at the State of the City luncheon.
Presenting a plaque to my outgoing Field Deputy Ryan Billings.
Presenting a plaque to my outgoing Field Deputy Brandon Urrutia.
My Staff
Attended the Laguna Canyon Conservancy meeting to present a proclamation in honor of their President Emerita, Carolyn Wood.
Presented a plaque in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Dana Point Jewelers.
Presented a plaque in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Laguna Niguel Wellness.
My Community Relatuons Advisor, Sergio Prince (right) with Dana Point Mayor Joe Muller (left) at the ribbon cutting for Dana Point Jewelers.
At the ribbon cutting for Laguna Niguel Wellness.
At the Laguna Canyon Conservancy Meeting with (L-R) Laguna Beach Councilwoman Toni Iseman, LCC President Gene Felder, Vice President Harry Huggins and President Emerita Carolyn Wood.
Elected Officials in the Community
At the swearing-in ceremony for Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich.
Dana Point Council Members Debra Lewis and Paul Wyatt at the ribbon cutting for Dana point Jewelers.
Laguna Niguel Councilwoman Sandy Rains (left) at the ribbon cutting for Laguna Wellness.
For questions or comments regarding my E-Newsletter, please contact my office staff at (714) 834-3550 or email my Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, at Sergio.Prince@ocgov.com.