Thank you so much to the Chambers of Commerce for the Cities of Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest and San Juan Capistrano for hosting me last night at the 2019 State of South County Address & Dinner. The event, which was emceed by Kristen Camuglia of Cox Communications, was held in the Laguna Hills Community Center before a packed audience.
Delivering the State of South County address to a packed house.
It was an honor to address attendees about the work we are doing at the County on behalf of my constituents in the Fifth District, as I place great emphasis on collaboration and partnerships between the County, our Cities, the business community, and local leaders.
With emcee Kristen Camuglia at the State of South County.
Certainly there are things our County government does very well, but there are other things the private sector does better. We achieve the highest and best outcome when we work together to find the most effective solutions to meet our needs. Please be assured that I will continue to collaborate with the community to bring desired results to South County; and, as always, I want to hear from you, as well as your ideas and goals.
To view the event program for the State of South County Address & Dinner, click here. Stay tuned for more information, including the event video and photo album, coming soon in my newsletter!
Soka University International Festival 2019
Click the image above for more info.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
This week, I was pleased to present a Board Resolution in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Go Blue for OC Kids Day, as our Social Services Agency (SSA) invited the citizens of Orange County to show their support for ending childhood abuse and neglect by wearing blue April 9 for National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Presenting a Board Resolution in honor of Go Blue for OC Kids Day.
April serves as a reminder that child safety is not only a concern of parents and families, but one shared by the entire community. We are all a part of the solution to prevent child maltreatment to ensure our children live happy and healthy lives.
Currently, there are nearly 725,000 children residing in Orange County. Last year, the Orange County Child Abuse Registry received a monthly average of 4,100 calls, an increase from the year prior. Of these calls, an average of 122 cases per month required Juvenile Court involvement. The remaining cases either did not rise to the level of SSA involvement or the Agency addressed families’ needs through prevention efforts in the community.
Research shows that protective factors are present in healthy families. Promoting the following factors is among the most effective ways to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect:
Concrete Support in Time of Need
Parental Resilience
Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
Social Connections
Social and Emotional Competence of Children
Should an Orange County resident suspect child abuse or neglect, he/she is encouraged to call the Child Abuse Registry at 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464. The hotline is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, click here.
Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation
This week, I was happy to participate in the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation Celebration, as I joined Councilwoman Elaine Gennawey, Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen, and CUSD Trustees Gila Jones and Martha McNicholas in addressing the children and explaining our respective roles in local governance and public service.
Speaking at the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation.
The Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop (LNJCW), now in its fourth year, has been a great success, as up to 80 middle school students attend each month, plus quite a few parents. The LNJCW was developed to educate and inspire an awareness of the principals and responsibilities of good citizenship.
With OC Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen, Councilwoman Elaine Gennawey, CUSD Trustee Martha McNicholas, and OC Sheriff Don Barnes at the LNJCW Graduation Celebration.
Focusing on Laguna Niguel's history and the City contributions to its quality of life, these young Laguna Niguel citizens come to understand the purpose of City government, as well as its interaction with other levels of government.
With the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop graduates.
The April 9 LNJCW was the graduation celebration and gave the students an opportunity to learn about our different levels of government and interact with their elected leaders.
Serve on the OC Development Board!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Lake Forest State of the City Address
Click the image above to view the video.
Last week, my office was pleased to attend the Lake Forest State of the City Address presented by Mayor Mark Tettemer. After riding into the venue on a Kawasaki motorcycle, much to the delight of all those in attendance, Mayor Tettemer discussed the accomplishments of the City as well as the bright future ahead.
Lake Forest Mayor Mark Tettemer presents the State of the City. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Prior to the presentation from Mayor Tettemer, Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes, who was once Chief of Police Services for the City, provided comments as well.
Lake Forest Mayor Mark Tettemer with his wife (center), City Council Members, City staff and law enforcement officials, Chamber representatives, and Sheriff Don Barnes (right) at the State of the City. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
The very well attended event, co-hosted by the City and the Lake Forest Chamber of Commerce, was held at Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA, in Foothill Ranch. To view the outstanding video created by city staff and presented during the State of the City, please click here.
The project involves building American with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps and sidewalk, relocating controller cabinet, and upgrading the traffic signals at the intersection.
The shoulders and one lane on PCH will be closed from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. The project is expected to be completed before Memorial Day.
Caltrans appreciates the public’s patience while they perform this work. Portable Message Signs will notify drivers of closures and work times. Additionally, construction updates will be available via Twitter @CaltransOC and
The work schedule is subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment and/or materials, and/or construction-related issues. For more information, please contact the District 12 Public Information Office at 657-328-6000.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presents a Board Resolution in recognition of National Public Health Week to David Soules, Deputy Agency Director, Public Health Services (far right), and his team.
Each year, during the first week of April, communities across the United States observe National Public Health Week to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving health. The theme for 2019 is "Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health."
This year, Orange County Health Care Agency’s Public Health Services team celebrated by holding a showcase to highlight innovations in public health services. Staff from throughout Public Health Services shared their latest innovations and the many ways they are working to improve health for those who lives, work, and play in Orange County.
Deputy Agency Director David Soules and Public Health Services staff celebrating National Public Health Week.
As Chairwoman of the Orange County Board of Supervisor, I highly commend our Health Care Agency’s Public Health Services team for their outstanding efforts!
For ways Public Health Services has contributed to improving health in Orange County, please click here. To learn more about the many accomplishments and innovations of Public Health Services, click here. To learn more about Orange County Health Care Agency, Public Health Services programs, click here.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Click the image above to enlarge.
Critter Chronicles
Feline Pet of the Week: Meet Loki Kenobi!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Did You Find Kittens? Follow These Steps!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Out and About in South County
Irvine: Superhero 5K / Health & Safety Expo
Click the image above for more info.
Aliso Viejo: 2019 State of the City
Click the image above for more info.
Orange County Great Park: Movie Night
In conjunction with the Orange County Great Park’s "The Art of Competition" exhibition and the countywide arts festival Imagination Celebration, the City of Irvine invites you to a movie night Friday, April 19, in celebration of the world of sports. Enjoy the Great Park Gallery's extended hours from noon to 7 PM, and check out The Art of Competition on display. Then, enjoy a screening of "D2: The Mighty Ducks" on the Terraced Lawn after sunset. For more information, click here.
Laguna Niguel: Earth Day Celebration
Click the image above to enlarge.
Dana Point: Easter Egg Hunts
Hop on down to Dana Point with your family Saturday, April 20, and discover the hidden treasure of candy and plastic-filled eggs at their springtime Egg Hunts for children up to 10 years of age. They offer two Egg Hunts, one at Pines Park, 34942 Camino Capistrano, and Sea Canyon Park, 33093 Santiago Drive. Family activities and Easter Bunny visits held from 9 AM to 10 PM, with the Egg Hunts beginning at 10 AM. For more info, click here.
Outlets at San Clemente: Easter Fun!
Click the image above for more info.
San Clemente: Sensational Springtacular
Did someone say EGG HUNT? Bring your baskets, get ready for some photos, arrive on time to scramble for some eggs and hunt for the special golden egg! Saturday, April 20, beginning at 9 AM. Vista Hermosa Sports Park, 987 Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. For more information, click here.
Aliso Viejo: JamFest & Summer Camp Expo
Click the image above for more info.
Laguna Beach: Charm House Tour
Click the image above for more info.
This Week I
Participated in a meeting of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors.
Chaired the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting and presented resolutions in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, Community College Awareness Month, Arab American Heritage Month, and DMV/Donate Life California Month.
Attended the swearing-in ceremony for Irvine Mayor Christina Shea.
Participated in the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation Celebration.
Participated in a meeting of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
Participated in a Joint Meeting of the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) Boards of Directors.
Provided certificates of recognition for the officers who were honored at the Orange County Sheriff Department's Medal of Valor Luncheon.
Participated in the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Budget Workshop.
Delivered the State of South County Address at the Laguna Hills Community Center.
Presenting a Board Resolution to SSA in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Go Blue for OC Kids Day.
Presenting a Board Resolution to SOCCCD, Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College in honor of Community College Awareness Month.
Presenting a Board Resolution in honor of Arab American Heritage Month.
Presenting a Resolution in honor of DMV/Donate Life California Month.
With Orange County Clerk Recorder Hugh Nguyen and Sheriff Don Barnes at the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation Celebration.
Delivering the State of South County Address.
My Staff
Participated in OC Public Libraries' Literary Orange event.
Attended the Laguna Beach Arts Alliance Awards Ceremony.
Attended the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation Celebration.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Eat Street Kitchen in Mission Viejo.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Howard's Appliance in Laguna Hills.
At the ribbon cutting for Howard's Appliance in Laguna Hills.
At the ribbon cutting for Eat Street Kitchen in Mission Viejo. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Elected Officials in the Community
Mission Viejo Mayor Greg Raths presenting a certificate of recognition at the ribbon cutting for Eat Street Kitchen. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
CUSD Board of Education President Gila Jones and Trustee Martha McNicholas at the Laguna Niguel Junior Civic Workshop Graduation.
For questions or comments regarding my E-Newsletter, please contact my office staff at (714) 834-3550 or email my Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, at