Please be advised that a full closure of SR-241 in South County between Oso Parkway and Antonio Parkway is scheduled September 9 - 11 between the hours of 9 PM and 5 AM. The necessary closures will allow crews to safely install new overhead signs near the southern end of SR-241.
Detour available: Motorists can use Antonio Parkway between Oso Parkway and SR-241 (at Antonio Parkway) during the above times. This work is being performed during nighttime hours to minimize impacts to drivers. See the map below for more info.
Serrano Creek Channel Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
The Harbor: Island Way Bridge Maintenance
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Juan Creek & Capo Beach Channels
Click the image above to enlarge.
O'Neill Retarding Basin Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
I-405 Improvement Project: Bridges Demolition
As part of the I-405 Improvement Project, the Talbert and Bushard bridges need to be demolished. These activities require full freeway closures, and the tentative schedule is as follows:
Talbert over NB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 7, to 9 AM Sunday, Sept. 8
Bushard over NB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 14, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 15
Talbert over SB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 21, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 22
Bushard over SB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 28, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 29
The map below outlines the detours for the work on Talbert. The map for the Bushard detours is forthcoming. Please check my newsletter next week for more information.
Click the image above to enlarge.
Charley Wison: A Legacy of Accomplishment
My office had the great pleasure this week of presenting a proclamation to Charley Wilson, who retired from the Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) Board of Directors after 19 years of distinguished service.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presents a proclamation from my office to Charley Wilson. (Photo courtesy of Nicole Stanfield, SMWD PIO)
As we celebrated Director Charley Wilson’s illustrious career and outstanding service, it was very clear he is highly regarded as a dynamic leader, not only on the SMWD Board, but throughout the water industry and all of South County. During his nearly two decades of service, he also helped shape water policy throughout the State of California.
Mission Viejo Councilwoman Wendy Bucknum and Mayor Greg Raths present a commendation to Charley Wilson. (Photo courtesy of Nicole Stanfield, SMWD PIO)
Director Wilson was appointed to the SMWD Board in April 2000. During his tenure, he served as Board President three times and Chaired the District’s Finance and Administration Committee. Director Wilson also served on the Water Quality and Innovations and the External Affairs Ad Hoc Committees.
RSM Councilwoman Carol Gamble presents a commendation to Charley. (Photo courtesy of Nicole Stanfield, SMWD PIO)
In addition, from 2012 to 2019, he served on the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), and the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA). In civilian life, he enjoyed 25 years in the electric utility industry and is now the President and CEO of the Southern California Water Coalition in addition to work in his own consultancy.
During Charley Wilson’s tenure, SMWD developed a strategic plan to help ensure water reliability for the region. He was instrumental in many national award-winning projects, including Lake Mission Viejo's Advanced Treated Water Facility, California’s first swimming recycled water lake; the District’s fourth urban return basin, Gobernadora Multi-Purpose Basin, which allows the District to collect and reuse more than 500 million gallons of urban return flows a year; and, most recently, the construction of Orange County’s largest recycled water reservoir, Trampas Canyon, to be completed in 2020.
“Charley is a “big picture” thinker and a great and collaborative colleague,” said Board President Saundra Jacobs. “Our Board and staff will miss him. We all owe him a debt gratitude for his leadership and service.”
L-R: SMWD Directors Justin McCusker and Chuck Gibson, Charley Wilson, President Saundra Jacobs, Vice President Betty Olson, and Director Frank Ury. (Photo courtesy of Nicole Stanfield, SMWD PIO)
While Director Wilson resigned his seat on the Santa Margarita Water District Board of Directors effective August 1, he will continue to serve the water community through his excellent work with the Southern California Water Coalition and other water industry associations. Congratulations to Charley Wilson on his remarkable career with SMWD!
New County Administration South Building
Last week, my Board colleagues and fellow County elected officials had the pleasure of celebrating the ribbon cutting for our new County Administration South building, located at 601 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, in the Civic Center Plaza.
L-R: Cutting the ribbon with Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich, fellow OC Supervisors Don Wagner, Andrew Do and Michelle Steel, and Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen.
This state-of-the-art building will serve as the new home for various County departments, including the OC Clerk-Recorder and Treasurer-Tax Collector, as well as OC Community Resources, Public Works, and Real-Estate and Development.
With County elected officials and department heads at the ribbon cutting.
The County Assessor and Auditor-Controller’s offices also have service stations in the main resident services area. It officially opened to all Orange County residents September 3.
Unveiling the plaque at the new County of Orange Administration South building.
I'm very proud of the outstanding work put into the Civic Center Master Plan and confident this new building will create an even more positive work environment for our employees, as well as a more efficient process for residents seeking the many resources we offer.
September is National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month! The 2019 theme is Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters.
The toolkit provides photos and graphics, along with sample newsletter copy to use on social media, websites, print or digital newsletters and more to promote broader awareness about emergency preparedness and the importance of registering for AlertOC.
We hope that you can share this information on your organization's social and digital channels. Thank you for supporting these two vital campaigns and helping our great County to prepare!
Don't Miss The "Hail To The Heroes" Concert!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Dana Point: "Honor The Valor" Event
Click the image above for more info.
Ladera Ranch: Ranch Night Farmers Market
Click the image above for more info.
Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association
The Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association has released the September edition of its e-newsletter, The Doheny UPDATE, featuring information on upcoming events and activities at Doheny State Beach.
Dana Point: Bruce Brown Ribbon Cutting
San Juan Summer Nites Final Concert
Click the image above for more info.
Dana Point: Classic Car & Motorcycle Show
Click the image above to enlarge. For more information, please click here.
Mission San Juan Capistrano: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Accessibility Hour
Mission San Juan Capistrano is pleased to offer a new program for the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) community, including adults and children on the autism spectrum, as well as their families, friends and caregivers. This program encourages individuals to explore, reflect, and learn in an environment that is comfortable for them.
ASD Accessibility Hour will take place four times throughout the 2019-2020 school year. These dates and times (listed below) were selected to provide a quiet and less-crowded experience for visitors on the spectrum to explore the Mission at their own pace. During ASD Accessibility Hours, the Mission will offer a “quiet room” from 8 AM to 10 AM if visitors need a space to desensitize and decompress. The Mission is proud to be a place of inspiration, education, and preservation for all.
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019: 4 PM – 5 PM
Friday, Dec. 27. 2019: 8 AM – 9 AM *
Tuesday, April 28, 2020: 4 PM – 5 PM
Friday, June 19, 2020: 8 AM – 9 AM *
*Opening an hour early
Call for pricing and to schedule!
General admission rates apply during ASD Accessibility Hour. Attendees are welcome to arrive before 4 PM on ASD Hour afternoon dates and stay after 9 AM on ASD Hour morning dates. To reserve your spot for ASD Accessibility Hour, contact Group Bookings or (949) 234-1306. For more information, click here.
Candidate Academy: Ready To Run!
Click the image above to enlarge. For more information, please click here.
Was the keynote speaker at a meeting of the Niguel Shores Men's Club.
Participated as 1st Vice President at a meeting of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Board of Directors in Sacramento.
Participated in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Board of Directors meeting.
Speaking at the Niguel Shores Men's Club meeting.
With Virginia Bass, CSAC President and Humboldt County Supervisor, at the CSAC Board of Directors meeting in Sacramento.
At the CSAC meeting with Kelly Long, CSAC Board Member and Ventura County Supervisor.
Attended the OC Parks Sunset Cinema at Laguna Niguel Regional Park to welcome the audience and introduce "The Princess Bride."
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting for Liberty at Aliso Apartments in Aliso Viejo.
Attended the Santa Margarita Water District Board of Directors meeting to present a proclamation in honor of Charley Wilson upon the occasion of his retirement after 19 years of outstanding service.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for The Fort in Laguna Niguel.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Row House in Lake Forest.
Participated in the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presents a proclamation to Charley Wilson upon his retirement from the SMWD Board. (Photo courtesy of Nicole Stanfield, SMWD PIO)
Presenting a commendation to Geoffrey Brown, President/CEO of USA Properties Fund, at the ribbon cutting for Liberty at Aliso Apartments.
At Laguna Niguel Regional Park with Princess Buttercup and Dread Pirate Roberts to introduce the "The Princess Bride."
At the ribbon cutting for Row House in Lake Forest. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the ribbon cutting for The Fort in Laguna Niguel.
Lake Forest Mayor Mark Tettemer presenting a commendation at the ribbon cutting for Row House. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
L-R: With Aliso Viejo Councilman Bill Phillips, USA Properties Fund CEO Geoffrey Brown, Joan Leveen (resident), and USA Properties Fund VP Milo Terzich at Liberty at Aliso Apartments.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at