As September 8 - 14 is Suicide Prevention Week, I was pleased to present a resolution this week to members of the Be Well OC Suicide Prevention Leadership Committee during our Board of Supervisors meeting this week.
With the Be Well OC Suicide Prevention Leadership Committee.
Suicide is one of the most important challenges facing our communities throughout America causing tremendous pain and suffering. Most of us have been touched by the tragedy of suicide. We may have lost someone close to us or been moved by the loss of someone we may have never met.
Suicide is preventable. As such, we believe successful suicide prevention efforts in Orange County require a robust, coordinated, multi-sector approach that combines health care system efforts with community efforts. To this end, the Board of Supervisors allocated $600,000 earlier this year to Mind OC to create a countywide suicide prevention initiative through the Bell Well OC public and private partnership.
To view a video sharing a message of hope and providing the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline as a resource for those in need of support, please click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to view the video.
While we pledge our commitment to suicide prevention collectively, I believe each one of us can make a difference. We all can start by learning to recognize the warning signs, the words to use to start a conversation and about available resources at
Please know that anyone in need of help or concerned about a loved one can call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. To view a PowerPoint presentation on the County of Orange HCA-BHS Youth Suicide Prevention Programs, please click on the image below.
Click the image above to view the presentation.
September is National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month! The 2019 theme is Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters.
The toolkit provides photos and graphics, along with sample newsletter copy to use on social media, websites, print or digital newsletters and more to promote broader awareness about emergency preparedness and the importance of registering for AlertOC.
We hope that you can share this information on your organization's social and digital channels. Thank you for supporting these two vital campaigns and helping our great County to prepare!
Be Disaster Aware! Are You Prepared?
Because September is National Preparedness Month, our friends at Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) remind us that having an ample supply of water is also a top priority in an emergency. You can live for weeks without food, but without water, you can die in as little as 3 days!
Help emergency responders, water districts, and other relief organizations by having an adequate emergency supply of water, food and other essentials. Store one gallon of water per person, per day for three days.
According to the American Red Cross and FEMA, you should store at least a two-week supply of water for each member of your family. A minimum three-day supply is essential. Don’t forget to store additional supplies for your pets, too! For more water storage tips from SMWD, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
Coastal Cleanup Day Volunteers Needed 9/21!
Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer day to protect our environment. Heal the Bay invites you to take part Saturday, September 21. Volunteers from all over the world will do their part to clean local beaches, rivers, creeks and parks.
For information on Coastal Cleanup Day efforts in South County, please click on the links below:
On Thursday, September 26, the public is invited to participate in the release of the County of Orange 2018 Hate Crimes Report. The report will also be available online here upon release.
To increase awareness, strengthen hate crime prevention programming, and promote a bias-free community, the County produces and publishes an annual hate crimes report.
The 2018 report reflects an increase in hate crimes from 2017 in Orange County, with the most frequent victims being people of the Jewish faith, and Latino and Middle Eastern communities. The report also cites the recent Blaze Bernstein case, a 19-year-old who fell victim to a hate crime in Orange County last year.
The time is now. Together, we can oust fear and bigotry tied to this hate and, instead, promote acceptance and embrace what makes each one of us different. The County will continue to invest in the necessary resources to prevent these hate crimes and incidents from occurring.
The County of Orange would like to thank the Orange County Human Relations Council, which is contracted by the County to work closely with law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, diverse faith leaders, and community members to respond and track hate crimes and incidents on behalf of the County.
The County would also like to thank the Orange County Human Relations Commission, made up of volunteer members of the public appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to seek out the causes of tension and conflict; discrimination and intolerance based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or marital status; and attempt to eliminate those causes.
To learn more about services provided by the County through the Human Relations Council and the Commission, click here. To view the full press release, click here.
2018 Hate Crimes Release Information
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2019
Time: 9 – 11 a.m.
Location: Los Olivos Community Center, 101 Alfonso, Irvine, CA 92618
Speakers: Jeanne and Gideon Bernstein, parents of hate crime victim Blaze Bernstein; Ebrahim Baytieth, Orange County District Attorney's Office
Serrano Creek Channel Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Juan Creek & Capo Beach Channels
Click the image above to enlarge.
O'Neill Retarding Basin Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
I-405 Improvement Project: Bridges Demolition
As part of the I-405 Improvement Project, the Talbert and Bushard bridges need to be demolished. These activities require full freeway closures, and the tentative schedule is as follows:
Bushard over NB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 14, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 15
Talbert over SB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 21, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 22
Bushard over SB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 28, to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 29
The map below outlines the detours for the work on Bushard:
Click the image above to enlarge.
The map below outlines the detours for the work on Talbert:
Click the image above to enlarge.
Celebrating Anaheim Ducks 25th Anniversary
A new exhibition featuring commemorative artwork, posters, hockey jerseys, and memorabilia celebrating the Anaheim Ducks 25th Anniversary and chronicling the history of the Orange County franchise is on display at John Wayne Airport.
The fun and informative exhibit depicting the team’s history and achievements will be on display until December 19, 2019. Ticketed passengers can view the exhibit on the Departure (upper) Level, across from Gates 2 through 5 in Terminal A, Gates 18 through 21 in Terminal C and in the free-standing display cases across from Gate 14.
Battling Breast Cancer through Art at JWA
After being diagnosed with breast cancer, artist Crystal Maes found comfort through painting vivid still-life images of lemons as a representation of the emotional and physical challenges she encountered while conquering the disease.
Painter Crystal Maes brings inspiration through her artwork to those who may be affected by breast cancer and demonstrates that they too can overcome the disease. Guests traveling through John Wayne Airport are sure to be moved by her exhibition. For more information, click here.
Dana Point: "Honor The Valor" Tonight!
Click the image above for more info.
Ladera Ranch: Ranch Night Farmers Market
Click the image above for more info.
Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association
The Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association has released the September edition of its e-newsletter, The Doheny UPDATE, featuring information on upcoming events and activities at Doheny State Beach.
Dana Point: Bruce Brown Ribbon Cutting
San Juan Summer Nites Final Concert
Click the image above for more info.
Dana Point: Classic Car & Motorcycle Show
Click the image above to enlarge. For more information, please click here.
Mission San Juan Capistrano: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Accessibility Hour
Mission San Juan Capistrano is pleased to offer a new program for the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) community, including adults and children on the autism spectrum, as well as their families, friends and caregivers. This program encourages individuals to explore, reflect, and learn in an environment that is comfortable for them.
ASD Accessibility Hour will take place four times throughout the 2019-2020 school year. These dates and times (listed below) were selected to provide a quiet and less-crowded experience for visitors on the spectrum to explore the Mission at their own pace. During ASD Accessibility Hours, the Mission will offer a “quiet room” from 8 AM to 10 AM if visitors need a space to desensitize and decompress. The Mission is proud to be a place of inspiration, education, and preservation for all.
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019: 4 PM – 5 PM
Friday, Dec. 27. 2019: 8 AM – 9 AM *
Tuesday, April 28, 2020: 4 PM – 5 PM
Friday, June 19, 2020: 8 AM – 9 AM *
*Opening an hour early
Call for pricing and to schedule!
General admission rates apply during ASD Accessibility Hour. Attendees are welcome to arrive before 4 PM on ASD Hour afternoon dates and stay after 9 AM on ASD Hour morning dates. To reserve your spot for ASD Accessibility Hour, contact Group Bookings or (949) 234-1306. For more information, click here.
Candidate Academy: Ready To Run!
Click the image above to enlarge. For more information, please click here.
San Juan Capistrano: Food & Wine Festival!
Click the image above to enlarge. Use promo code SJCCHAMBER2019 for $50 off! For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
Participated in the Ocean Institute's Tall Ships & Ocean Festival in Dana Point Harbor.
Attended the Ocean Institute Alumni Board Member Reception.
Attended the Pacific Marine Mammal Center Gala at The Ranch at Laguna Beach.
Participated in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors meeting.
Chaired the Regular Meeting of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, presented Board Resolutions to the Be Well OC Suicide Prevention Leadership Committee in observance of Suicide Prevention Week and to John Wayne Airport Director Barry Rondinella upon being named Airport Executive of the Year, and adjourned the meeting in memory of Pat Evans of Dana Point.
Was the keynote speaker at the Sony PlayStation meeting.
Traveled to Washington DC with the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) delegation to attend the Southwest Regional White House Conference, which included briefings with Senior White House Administration officials on shared federal-state-local priorities pertinent to California.
Speaking with constituents in my booth at the Ocean Institute's Tall Ships & Ocean Festival in Dana Point Harbor.
Visiting the Dana Point Historical Society booth at the Ocean Institute's Tall Ships & Ocean Festival.
Enjoying the pirates encampment at the Tall Ships & Ocean Festival.
At the Ocean Institute (OI) Alumni Board Member Reception with OI CEO Dan Pingaro (left) and OI Board Chairman Michael Torcaso (right).
Presenting a Board Resolution to the Be Well OC Suicide Prevention Leadership Committee in observance of Suicide Prevention Week.
Presenting a Board Resolution to John Wayne Airport Director Barry Rondinella upon being named Airport Executive of the Year.
With CSAC officers at the Southwest Regional White House Conference.
Participated in FireOps 3631, a hands on program put on by OC Professional Firefighters, Local Union 3631, and the Orange County Fire Authority, designed to demonstrate the rigorous work that is needed to keep our communities safe.
Attended the OC Parks Sunset Cinema at Salt Creek Beach to welcome the audience and introduce "Lilo & Stitch."
Participated in the Ocean Institute's Tall Ship & Ocean Festival in Dana Point Harbor.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Mantra Fitness in San Juan Capistrano.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Step X Extreme Results in Mission Viejo.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Total Training Fitness in Rancho Santa Margarita.
Attended the Celebration of Life service for Pat Evans of Dana Point and presented her family with an Adjournment in Memoriam from the Board of Supervisors.
My Senior Policy Advisor, James Dinwiddie, participating in FireOps 3631 with OC Professional Firefighters, Local Union 3631, and the Orange County Fire Authority.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, introducing the OC Parks Sunset Cinema, "Lilo & Stitch," at Salt Creek Beach with the Polynesian Wind Dancers.
Presenting a certificate of recognition at the ribbon cutting for Mantra Fitness in San Juan Capistrano.
At the ribbon cutting for Step X Extreme Results in Mission Viejo. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the ribbon cutting for Total Training Fitness in RSM. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the Celebration of Life for Pat Evans of Dana Point.
Vice President Mike Pence speaking at the Southwest Regional White House Conference in Washington DC.
Congressman Mike Levin and family visiting my booth at the Tall Ships & Ocean Festival in Dana Point Harbor.
Mission Viejo Mayor Greg Raths and Mayor Pro Tem Brian Goodell at the ribbon cutting for Step X Extreme Results. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at