This week, my colleagues on Board of Supervisors and I adopted an ordinance that will provide greater oversight over group and sober living homes in the unincorporated areas of Orange County.
Under the ordinance, sober living homes in the 5th District unincorporated communities of Coto de Caza, Emerald Bay, Ladera Ranch, Las Flores, Rancho Mission Viejo, Stonecliffe and Wagon Wheel cannot be within 650 feet of any other sober living home or State-licensed alcohol or drug abuse treatment facility.
Historically, our County lacked a mechanism to identify and track the location of sober living homes. With this ordinance, sober living homes in unincorporated areas must obtain permits that require them to have 6 or fewer occupants with a house manager on site 24 hours and develop a good neighbor policy.
To report sober living homes or other group homes out of compliance with the ordinance, please call the Neighborhood Preservation number at 1-866-552-8120.
Discussing U.S. Census 2020 on THISDAY
Click the image above to view the TV video.
I had the pleasure of once again appearing on the TV talk show THISDAY on Village Television in Laguna Woods with host Ken Goldenberg. As our discussion focused on the U.S. Census 2020, joining me was Saul Viramontes, Orange County Census Manager. To view the TV interview, click here.
The U.S. Census is now hiring! Now through June 2020, the U.S. Census will be hiring Orange County residents to help with the total count. If you are interested in applying or learning more, please click here.
September is National Preparedness Month
As previously reported in my newsletter, September is National Preparedness Month, and the 2019 theme is: Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters.
The toolkit provides photos and graphics, along with sample newsletter copy to use on social media, websites, print or digital newsletters and more to promote broader awareness about emergency preparedness and the importance of registering for AlertOC.
We hope that you can share this information on your organization's social and digital channels. Thank you for supporting these two vital campaigns and helping our great County to prepare!
Be Disaster Aware! Are You Prepared?
Because September is National Preparedness Month, our friends at Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) remind us that having an ample supply of water is also a top priority in an emergency. You can live for weeks without food, but without water, you can die in as little as 3 days!
Help emergency responders, water districts, and other relief organizations by having an adequate emergency supply of water, food and other essentials. Store one gallon of water per person, per day for three days.
According to the American Red Cross and FEMA, you should store at least a two-week supply of water for each member of your family. A minimum three-day supply is essential. Don’t forget to store additional supplies for your pets, too! For more water storage tips from SMWD, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
South County Disaster Preparedness Expo!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Laguna Niguel Regional Park Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Juan Creek & Capo Beach Channels
Click the image above to enlarge.
Serrano Creek Channel Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
O'Neill Retarding Basin Rehab Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
Aliso Viejo Mayor Recommends OC Flex
In his September message to the City of Aliso Viejo, Mayor Ross Chun shared some of the benefits of OC Flex. Here’s what he said:
How do we transport our children to school, Town Center, and their friends’ homes or local parks when they want to socialize, exercise, or just hang out? How do adults in a single-car household get around if their car is being serviced? Many people in our community face transportation challenges at times.
Across our county, the Orange County Transportation Authority is working to address regional and statewide concerns with new and innovative public programs. In our City, OCTA has implemented OC Flex, a unique pilot program that is helping to address short-trip challenges folks face every day.
The premise is similar to other ride-sharing programs but with a twist: Smaller specially designed shuttle vans offer the service at an affordable rate.
OC Flex is OCTA's new on-demand, curb-to-curb shuttle service serving two zones in Orange County – including parts of Aliso Viejo – seven days a week. Inside each OC Flex zone, you can take unlimited rides to work, play or fun for $4.50 per day with the OC Flex mobile app or $5 per day if paying with cash on-board.
The service during the pilot program is primarily funded with a grant from the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee, which supports projects that take cars off the road and reduce air pollution.
Since bicycling and walking are not always viable transportation options for people shopping or heading around town, OC Flex is a great resource to check out!
As part of the I-405 Improvement Project, the Bushard bridge need to be demolished. These activities require full freeway closures, and the tentative schedule is as follows:
Bushard over SB 405: 11 PM Saturday, Sept. 28 to 9 PM Sunday, Sept. 29
The map below outlines the detours for the work on Bushard:
Click the image above to enlarge.
Check Out OCWR’s New Recycling Tool!
Recycling is more important now than ever, and we all need to do our part to recycle right. To help, OC Waste & Recycling (OCWR) has launched a new online tool, the OC Recycle Guide. The simple and easy-to-use site makes figuring out where to bring items you want to recycle as easy as 1-2-3!
Can’t find the item you need? Click here to contact OC Waste & Recycling. Together we can learn to recycle right and keep unnecessary waste out of our landfills. For more information, click here. For more tips on waste management and recycling, follow OCWR on social media @OCWaste.
Electric Zero Emissions Buses for JWA
I'm pleased to report John Wayne Airport (JWA) will embark on a multi-year project to replace compressed natural gas (CNG) powered vehicles with electric zero emissions vehicles, funded in part by the Airport Zero Emissions Vehicle and Infrastructure Pilot Program (ZEV) administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The $2.1 million grant will provide 80% funding for the purchase of three zero emissions shuttle buses, charging equipment, and infrastructure modifications.
The ZEV program is designed to facilitate the implementation of zero emissions vehicles at airports, encouraging technology advancement and raising community awareness. By switching to electrically-powered shuttle buses, the Airport will reduce emissions and improve Airport air quality.
JWA shuttle buses provide transportation between the Airport terminal and the public and employee parking lots on Main Street. Based on the estimated timeline for procurement, installation and infrastructure improvements, the new electric shuttle vehicles should be operational in early 2021.
For more information, click here. For more information about JWA's Environmental Policies and Practices, please click here.
Celebrating Anaheim Ducks 25th Anniversary
A new exhibition featuring commemorative artwork, posters, hockey jerseys, and memorabilia celebrating the Anaheim Ducks 25th Anniversary and chronicling the history of the Orange County franchise is on display at John Wayne Airport.
Orange County’s home hockey team, the Anaheim Ducks, are known throughout the world not only for winning championships but also for their philanthropic support and commitment to the community. Visitors and sports enthusiasts alike are sure to enjoy viewing the commemorative display at John Wayne Airport.
The fun and informative exhibit depicting the team’s history and achievements will be on display through December 19. Ticketed passengers can view the exhibit on the Departure (upper) Level, across from Gates 2 through 5 in Terminal A, Gates 18 through 21 in Terminal C and in the free-standing display cases across from Gate 14.
Battling Breast Cancer through Art at JWA
After being diagnosed with breast cancer, artist Crystal Maes found comfort through painting vivid still-life images of lemons as a representation of the emotional and physical challenges she encountered while conquering the disease.
Painter Crystal Maes brings inspiration through her artwork to those who may be affected by breast cancer and demonstrates that they too can overcome the disease. Guests traveling through John Wayne Airport are sure to be moved by her exhibition. For more information, click here.
Click the image above to enlarge. Use promo code SJCCHAMBER2019 for $50 off! For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
San Clemente: Seafest at The Pier
For more than 30 years, Southern California families have marked their calendars for the first Sunday in October in anticipation of Seafest, a great day fun in San Clemente with a surf contest, arts and crafts show, and a U.S. Coast Guard rescue demonstration. For more information on San Clemente Seafest, click here.
This year, the popular annual event takes place October 6. The best way to get there is by train. The Seafest venue is right next to the Metrolink station at the San Clemente Pier station. Step off the train, and you’re there – relaxed and ready after avoiding traffic by riding the train.
Taking Metrolink to the event is very affordable. Adults can travel all day on Saturday or Sunday for just $10. Have kids 5 years old and under? Each paying adult can bring up to three free. You can also enter to win two free Metrolink tickets.
Foothill Ranch Library: Author Lecture
OC Public Libraries invites to join historical fiction author Anne Cleeland at Foothill Ranch Library on Monday, October 7 at 5:30 PM, as she discusses how to get started writing your own book, including basic structure and the elements of goal, motivation and conflict. For more information, call (949) 855-8072.
Lake Forest: Tri-Chamber Mixer
Click the image above to enlarge.
Chaired the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting and presented a resolution to the Prostate Forum of Orange County in recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Participated in the OCBC Community Indicators Summit.
Participated in the BizFed AQMD/CARB Committee meeting.
Participated in the SCAQMD Mobile Source Committee and Technology Committee meetings, respectively.
Participated in the OCTA Board of Directors meeting.
Attended the OC Tax Roses & Radishes Awards Dinner.
Participated in the Mobility 21 Summit.
Attended the Council of Regional Homeless Advisors Working Group meeting.
Attended Orange County CEO Frank Kim's 50th birthday celebration.
Presenting a Board resolution to the Prostate Forum of Orange County in recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
With the BizFed AQMD/CARB Committee.
Delivering the invocation at the OC Tax Roses & Radishes Awards Dinner.
With OCBC CEO Lucy Dunn at the Community Indicators Summit.
With Darth Vader celebrating Orange County CEO Frank Kim's 50th birthday.
Participated in the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Expedia Cruise Ship Centers in Laguna Niguel.
Attended the Bruce Brown statue dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony at Watermen's Plaza in Dana Point.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Sal's Pizzeria in Foothill Ranch.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for ADIO Chiropractic in Mission Viejo.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Diamond Salon in San Juan Capistrano.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for See’s Candies in San Clemente.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Taylor Digital in San Clemente.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a certificate of recognition at the ribbon cutting for ADIO Chiropractic in Mission Viejo. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
With Dana Point Mayor Pro Tem Paul Wyatt at the Bruce Brown statue ribbon cutting at Watermen's Plaza in Dana Point.
At the ribbon cutting for Sal's Pizzeria in Foothill Ranch. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the ribbon cutting for Diamond Salon in San Juan Capistrano.
At the ribbon cutting for Expedia Cruise Ship Centers in Laguna Niguel.
At the ribbon cutting for See’s Candies in San Clemente.
At the ribbon cutting for Taylor Digital in San Clemente.
Senator Pat Bates speaking at the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting.
Mission Viejo Mayor Greg Raths and Councilwoman Trish Kelley at the ribbon cutting for ADIO Chiropractic. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Dana Point Mayor Joe Muller, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Wyatt and Councilman Jamey Federico at the Bruce Brown statue ribbon cutting in Watermen's Plaza.
Lake Forest Mayor Mark Tettemer at the ribbon cutting for Sal's Pizzeria in Foothill Ranch. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
San Clemente Councilwomen Laura Ferguson and Kathy Ward at the ribbon cutting for See’s Candies.
Laguna Niguel Councilwoman Sandy Rains at the ribbon cutting for Expedia Cruise Ship Centers.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at