Come to the South County Pet Expo on March 9 and meet Bella, canine star of the blockbuster movie "A Dog's Way Home" (now playing at a theater near you) and Bruce Cameron, author of the bestselling book and major motion picture!
Click the image above to enlarge. For Booth and Sponsorship info, please click here.
Hunger and Homelessness Prevention
Click the image above to enlarge.
Dana Point City Trolley OCTA Grant Award
Presenting a grant award from OCTA to Mayor Joe Muller at the Dana Point City Council meeting.
I was pleased to attend the Dana Point City Council meeting last week to present a grant award in the amount of $5,107,544 from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) for the Dana Point Trolley System. This amount includes what has been awarded from OCTA over the last few years, including funding for the expansion of the service.
The Dana Point Trolley in the Lantern District.
Through Project V funds, known as Community Based Circulators Programs, Dana Point has done an excellent job implementing the routes and accessibility of its trolleys. The program was established for cities to develop local transit services for their communities that complement regional transit services.
While this program is countywide, I'm pleased the 5th District is leading the way in implementing such successful programs. We are now working on completing the connection throughout South County so residents can have a public transportation option to visit our cities and enjoy everything they have to offer.
County Connections
Exotic Underwater Photography Comes to JWA
As a certified National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) Dive Master and avid traveler, photographer Beverly Factor of Laguna Beach has visited every corner of the globe, taking photos of the world’s most pristine coral reefs and mysterious creatures deep below the ocean’s surface.
Ms. Factor’s underwater photographic artworks explode with color, texture and visual excitement. Visitors at John Wayne Airport are sure to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants that many have never seen before.
An exhibit of her vibrant undersea images comes to the surface in the John Wayne Airport Community Focus Space, now through March 19. For more information, click here.
OC Food Establishment Award of Excellence
The Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) has issued the 2019 Award of Excellence to 3,239 Orange County food facilities to recognize local businesses for their outstanding food safety and sanitation practices during 2018.
This annual recognition was created to provide an incentive for retail food businesses that consistently meet or exceed health and safety standards for food facility operations. In 1999, the first year of the program, 584 food establishments received the recognition. With increased outreach and improved compliance with food safety laws, the number of recipients has grown significantly since its inception.
Orange County’s restaurants bring a diverse and special experience to our quality of life. We are fortunate to have such great culinary options throughout our county, and I am proud these establishments are being recognized for their health and safety efforts!
Included in the Award of Excellence program are food facilities such as restaurants, catering establishments, meat/seafood markets, retail bakeries, supermarkets, supermarket/bakery combinations, and public and private schools with food production service. A complete list of all recipients and award criteria is available online.
OCTA Board Sets Transportation Vision for 2019
As reported in my newsletter last week, the 2019 strategic initiatives of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors focus on improving the regional transportation network by delivering capital projects, offering modern transit solutions, and emphasizing fiscal responsibility.
The six initiatives act as our guide for the upcoming year and outline specific targeted projects for completion by the end of 2019.
The OCTA Board initiatives for 2019 include:
Delivering on capital projects, including reconstruction on eight bridges as part of the I-405 Improvement Project, construction on the I-5 improvements between SR-73 and El Toro Road in South Orange County, and expanding the Anaheim Canyon Metrolink Station.
Championing fiscal responsibility by continuing to be good stewards of funds from OC Go (also known as Measure M), the County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. This includes setting priorities for 2020 State Transportation Improvement Program funding, supporting state and federal transportation legislation consistent with OCTA platforms, and awarding OC Go funding to improve streets, synchronize signals, and enhance water quality.
Developing state-of-the-art regional transportation plans by focusing on the county’s future needs, including studying the Bristol Street Corridor and taking a comprehensive look at continuing to improve transportation in South Orange County.
Strengthening regional partnerships by collaborating with the Riverside County Transportation Commission to improve the 91 Corridor by updating the SR-91 Implementation Plan, with LA Metro to study transit connections between the two counties, and with Caltrans on freeway improvements.
Implementing the OC Bus 360° vision and offering modern transit solutions by continuing to refine OCTA bus service to best meet customers’ needs. This year, that includes launching a new Bravo! 529 limited-stop bus service on Beach Boulevard, approving an operations-and-maintenance contract for the OC Streetcar, and implementing new technologies such as additional hydrogen-fuel-cell buses.
Reinforcing a culture of safety to ensure the well-being of the public and OCTA employees through ongoing training, completing pilot projects aimed at enhancing coach-operator safety, and developing a Safety Management System, a new federal requirement.
OC Public Safety Agencies Launch Text-to-911
As I shared last week, Orange County law enforcement and fire dispatch centers are now equipped with Text-to-911 to allow the hearing impaired, speech impaired or those in an emergency situation who are unable to make a phone call reach emergency services dispatchers by text message.
Text-to-911 was jointly launched by every Orange County public safety agency with a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) on February 6. In 2018, more than 1,243,092 calls were made to 911 in Orange County. Eighty percent of those calls came from mobile phones.
Remember to always call if you can, and text if you can’t. Calling provides a faster response, allowing information to be relayed to responding public safety personnel as quickly as possible. It also allows dispatchers to hear background noises or conversations and gather additional information.
When texting, residents should first provide their location and whether they need law enforcement, fire or medical aid services.
More about Text-to-9-1-1
Ensure location services on your mobile phone are turned on and be prepared to provide your location in the text.
To get started, type “911” in the “to” field of the text message and, in addition to your location, provide the type of emergency services you need (police, fire or medical).
Use plain text and refrain from abbreviations.
Dispatchers cannot accept pictures, videos or icons.
Text-to-9-1-1 cannot be used in a group text.
If your text does not go through, you should receive a message to make a voice call.
Calling or texting 9-1-1 when it is not an emergency is a crime punishable by up to a year in County jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
OC Public Libraries (OCPL) will be offering an amnesty program of “Fine Free Library Days” through February 24. Any items with overdue fines or items that have been marked as "lost" can be returned with related fines and fees waived.
Demonstrating our mission of providing access to library services for all County residents, OCPL will be initiating “Fine Free Library Days” to support local communities and welcome back patrons who may have avoided the library because of their fines.
Our Orange County Public Libraries serve as a place to empower and enrich our community. "Fine Free Library Days" will allow individuals to re-engage in utilizing our system and help bolster positive feelings for their library.
I'm pleased to report that OC Animal Care broke its organizational record in 2018 by achieving a combined save rate of nearly 82 percent for dogs and cats, almost 10 percent higher than in 2017.
OC Animal Care achieved progress in 2018 though the implementation of the strategic plan approved by the Board of Supervisors in May 2018. This plan brought about new programs, changes in procedures and increased adoptions, among other improvements.
Our OC Animal Care team excelled in 2018 - from completing a successful transition to the new facility in Tustin to implementing elements of its strategic plan - and is now celebrating its highest dog and cat save rate ever. These are the kind of accomplishments and care our animals deserve! For more information, click here.
Pet of the Week: Meet Maxwell!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Adopt a Shelter Rabbit Month!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Out and About in South County
Mission Viejo: African Children's Choir
Click the image above to enlarge.
Aliso Viejo: Home Security Rebate Program
The City of Aliso Viejo is partnering with Ring to provide discounts for Aliso Viejo homeowners interested in purchasing select home security devices. The program will allow 500 verified Aliso Viejo homeowners to receive a $100 promotional discount code toward select Ring security devices. This rebate program kicks off with a launch event Thursday, February 21 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the future Chipotle at 26661 Aliso Creek Road in Aliso Viejo Town Center, where homeowners can register in-person to participate in the program on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, click here.
Aliso Viejo: Brave Race 5K Joyful Child Fun Run
The Joyful Child Foundation is excited to host their annual BRAVE RACE 5K with a Fun Run for children Saturday, February 23 at Aliso Niguel High School. Proceeds benefit The Joyful Child’s BRAVE Initiative to bring safety education to children and adults throughout Southern California. For more information, click here or the image above.
Rancho Mission Viejo: Sounds of Nature Walk
Enjoy a walk through oak woodlands at The Richard and Donna O'Neill Conservancy, as we listen for bird songs February 23 from 9 AM to – 11:00 am. While becoming beginner birders, learn about animal adaptations, including the sounds they make and discover the history of Native American legends. We'll also get crafty and make our own instruments from natural and recycled materials! Space is limited. Click here to register or for more information.
Mission Viejo: South County Tri-Chamber Mixer
Click the image above for more info.
Dana Point: 2019 Festival of Whales
The Dana Point Festival of Whales, one of Southern California’s largest and longest running celebrations, kicks-off in March with a parade and street fair in Dana Point, including four full days of events and activities. This year, the Festival will celebrate its 48th year of paying tribute to the annual migration of California gray whales past Dana Point. With so many fun and educational activities, food and entertainment for the whole family, it is no wonder the event attracts 50,000+ visitors annually to the two-weekend event. The 2019 Festival is set for the first two weekends in March (March 2, 3, 9 & 10). The Festival is free to attend; however, some events and activities require an individual ticket purchase. For more information, please click here.
Laguna Bluebelt: Photo Contest 2019
Click the image above for more info.
This Week I
Participated in the Tet Festival at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley with 1st District Supervisor Andrew Do.
Participated in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors meeting.
Attended the WTS (Women in Transportation Seminar) reception honoring OCTA Chairman Tim Shaw.
Participated as 1st Vice President at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Board of Directors meeting in Sacramento.
L-R: With OC District Attorney Todd Spitzer, Sheriff Don Barnes, Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen, and Supervisors Doug Chaffee and Andrew Do at the Tet Festival in Mile Square Park.
At the CSAC Board of Directors meeting in Sacramento.
My Staff
Presented a certificate of recognition in Aliso Viejo in honor of departing Orange County REALTORS® member John Hacker.
Presented a proclamation in honor of retired Laguna Beach Mayor Kelly Boyd at his tribute luncheon held at the Laguna Beach Woman's Club.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a proclamation in honor of retired Laguna Beach Mayor Kelly Boyd at the Laguna Beach Woman's Club luncheon. (Photo courtesy of Mary Hurlbut Photography for Stu News Laguna)
Presenting a certificate of recognition to Orange County REALTORS® member John Hacker with his wife, Jean.
Elected Officials in the Community
Retired Laguna Beach Mayor Kelly Boyd and family members at his tribute luncheon held at the Laguna Beach Woman's Club.
Hon. Kelly Boyd receives a memento from Laguna Beach Police Chief Laura Farinella during his tribute luncheon.
Laguna Beach Mayor Pro Tem Steve Dicterow at the Kelly Boyd tribute luncheon.
Laguna Beach Councilwoman Sue Kempf at the Kelly Boyd tribute luncheon.
Former Laguna Beach Mayor Elizabeth Pearson at the Kelly Boyd tribute luncheon.
For questions or comments regarding my E-Newsletter, please contact my office staff at (714) 834-3550 or email my Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, at .