I am pleased to announce there is good news when it comes to South County traffic relief! On Wednesday, March 12, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency (F/ETCA) Board of Directors will vote to approve the advancement of Alternative 22, which is a NON-TOLLED extension of Los Patrones Parkway from Cow Camp to Avenida La Pata, and end further study and efforts to build additional toll roads in South County.
Finding a solution to traffic congestion in South County that does not impact homes, businesses or resident views has indeed been a challenge, as I heard local residents' concerns about the alternatives initially presented as part of the South County Traffic Relief Effort Project.
To that end, in 2017, I tasked our OC Public Works Director, Shane Silsby, to assist me creating a new alignment that the community could support, as well as improve regional mobility and enhance public safety. As a result, we created what is now termed Alternative 22 and worked with all stakeholders, including community leaders and local residents, to gather support.
It was reassuring to learn the community supports this Alternative, which does not impact built-out communities, stays out of environmentally sensitive areas and will be constructed below the ridge-line. Additionally, the community especially is supportive of the fact that this new road will be built as, and will remain, a non-tolled County arterial.
So how will Alternative 22 move forward? The County of Orange will take the lead on Alternative 22 and work with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), TCA, and regional stakeholders to create a project development plan. Upon completion, this plan will come back to the F/ETCA Board for approval.
I very much look forward to moving this project forward and seeing it through to fruition. Regional stakeholders and local residents alike can now rest assured that they will know what transportation infrastructure will be built-out in South County, and what will not. It certainly has been a long and winding "road" to get to this point, but well worth the effort!
Don't Miss the Dana Point Festival of Whales!
Click the image above to view the TV interview.
I recently had the pleasure of appearing on Village Television in Laguna Woods with Andrea Swayne (Dana Point Festival of Whales Foundation) and Ken Goldenberg, host of the TV talk show THIS DAY, to discuss the new format for the 2020 Dana Point Festival of Whales. To view the TV interview, click here or on the image above.
For more information about the Dana Point Festival of Whales taking place this weekend and next, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
5th Annual South County Pet Expo!
Click the image above for more information.
OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee Recruitment
Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is recruiting new committee members for the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). OCTA strongly encourages residents and community leaders to get involved and help improve the quality of life for all Orange County residents.
The Citizens Advisory Committee is a 34-member group that provides input on a range of transportation projects, studies and outreach activities. Appointed by OCTA’s Board of Directors, the committee’s responsibilities include identifying opportunities for community input, serving as a liaison between the public and OCTA, and participating in round-table discussions.
OCTA is seeking individuals with a demonstrated interest in community activities and transportation issues who are willing to dedicate at least 15 hours per year to meetings and activities. This is an unpaid volunteer position and committee members are asked to commit to a two-year term. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and live in Orange County. For more information, click here.
OCTA Transportation Needs Assessment
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is conducting a Transportation Needs Assessment (TNA) to gain insight into the mobility needs of persons living and/or working in Orange County. The purpose of the TNA is to develop service and program recommendations that OCTA can utilize to guide future planning decisions and engagement activities.
OCTA wants to hear from YOU! Take our community survey today at www.OCTASurvey.com to provide input/feedback about transit in Orange County and your mobility needs. This survey is available for all Orange County residents (current transit riders as well as non-riders). All respondents will be given the opportunity to enter into a random drawing to win one of several $100 VISA gift cards!
Improvements Coming to I-5 in South County
Today, nearly 360,000 motorists travel I-5 daily between SR-73 and El Toro Road. Transportation planners expect traffic volumes to grow 25 percent by 2045. To address this travel demand, OCTA and Caltrans are working together to implement the I-5 Widening project from SR-73 to El Toro Road. Construction will be done in three segments. Crews began work on the first segment from Oso Parkway to Alicia Parkway in 2019.
In March, construction will begin on the second segment, a 2.1-mile stretch between SR-73 and Oso Parkway that borders Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, and Laguna Niguel.
Improvements include adding one general purpose lane to increase capacity and reconstructing Avery Parkway to expand it from four to six lanes, increase bike lane width, install sidewalks on both sides of the street, and construct monument walls under the bridge featuring a pastoral ranch theme.
Other project improvements include new and improved merging lanes and the conversion of carpool lanes to continuous access to make it easier to enter and exit. For more information about the I-5 Widening Project, please visit here.
Oso / Antonio Parkway Intersection Update
Click the image above to enlarge.
Antonio Parkway Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
Click the image above to enlarge. For more information, please click here.
Be Well OC Campus Progress Report
Click the image above to enlarge.
Restaurant Meals Program's First Full Year
Click the image above to enlarge.
Where Can I Recycle My Bottles and Cans?
OC residents are some of many people across the country impacted by the recent closure of California beverage container recycling centers. The largest beverage container recycling company in California, a company called RePlanet, closed all 281 of its locations in August 2019, leaving fewer redemption centers for OC residents.
The beverage container Recycling Program is a state program run by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). For more details about these closures, please visit their website.
The good news is, residents looking for California Redemption Value, can check the following two links for the most up-to-date redemption locations from CalRecycle:
Certified Recycling Centers- there are still more than 1,200 certified recycling centers statewide including 65 in Orange County alone
Obligated beverage retailers - in areas where there are no recycling centers, obligated beverage retailers may redeem your empty California Refund Value beverage containers in-store. Additionally,
Additionally, Earth911.com has a searchable list of recycling centers as well as other environmentally friendly tips. Or, check with your local city recycling coordinator your city’s waste hauler to see if either offers any type of mobile redemption or pick up/drop off services.
As always, residents can still recycle beverage containers by placing them into curbside bins or dwelling complex carts to ensure these products stay out of the landfills and preserve the environment. To contact CalRecycle directly, please visit their contact page. For more information, click here.
Celebrate Earth Day at Discovery Cube OC!
Did you know the first Earth Day started April 22, 1970, with 20 million Americans rallying together to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment? Today, it is recognized by over a billion people in more than 190 countries.
April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and we’re teaming up with OC Waste & Recycling and Discovery Cube OC to celebrate. From April 18 to 26, families can visit the Discovery Cube OC to learn about the importance of living and nonliving things in the environment, experience the live Compost Soup show or find out more about hidden critters that help break down organic materials. Take the EcoChallenge at home and share your story! Make a pledge for a cleaner Earth by posting your contribution and tag @discoverycubeoc.
For more details and a free child admission coupon to Earth Day at Discovery Cube, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
New Program to Restart Your Education
Click the image above to enlarge.
AirPAWS Therapy Dog Program at JWA
Traveling through John Wayne Airport just became a lot less “ruff” and a lot more “PAWS-itive.” Thanks to the Orange County Board of Supervisors and Orange County Animal Allies (OC Animal Allies), your next trip to John Wayne Airport may include an encounter with a certified animal ambassador.
Research shows that therapy dogs can provide physical and mental health benefits. For example, interacting with a therapy dog can reduce anxiety, provide comfort, diminish pain, aid in relaxation, and lower blood pressure. Approximately 60 airports in the United States have a similar program.
OC Animal Allies is comprised of human and dog ambassadors, dedicated to providing these benefits to the public while educating about responsible pet ownership, and advocating against animal cruelty. Formerly known as the OCSPCA, OC Animal Allies brings smiles to senior citizens at care facilities, with children affected by autism spectrum disorder, child victims of crimes at the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, and much more.
With the decades of experience behind OC Animal Allies, and the support of the County, we know this program will take flight and continue to make traveling through John Wayne Airport even more “PAWS-ome!”
Chairwoman Steel enjoying JWA's AirPAWS Therapy Dog Program
On Saturday, March 7 at 11 AM, a hundred marching units will assemble in Laguna Beach to step off in the annual Laguna Beach Patriot's Day Parade. For over fifty years, Orange County has enjoyed the parade and its entrants, the celebrities and music, and the community spirit of this charming city by the sea.
Entries in the popular event range from civic and veterans organizations to school bands, floats, vintage automobiles, and light-hearted novelty groups. The parade also honors citizens who have served the community and those who have served the nation in time of war or national emergency. For more information, click here.
Nix Nature Center: Amazing Snakes!
It’s time for snakes to start emerging from their winter brumation! Visit the Nix Nature Center March 7 from 1 PM to 4 PM to see live snakes that, if you are lucky and observant, you might find out on the trail! Steve Bledsoe of Southwestern Field Herping Association will be available to share his knowledge about local reptiles.
Enjoy events and crafts. Children must be accompanied by and adult. Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Little Sycamore Canyon Staging Area/Nix Nature Center (west side of Laguna Canyon Road/SR-133, approximately 3.5 miles south of I-5/405). If parking is full, enjoy a one-mile hike from the Dilley Preserve Staging Area. For questions call: 949-497-8324 Mon-Fri or 949-923-2235 Sat/Sun. Parking: $3/vehicle. Click here for more information.
Ladera Rancho Chamber: Ranch Night Market
For more info, click the image above.
Mission Viejo: Irish Festival
Mission Viejo is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day this year on Saturday, March 14, 11 AM – 5 PM, Village Green at Oso Viejo Park, 24932 Veterans Way. Entertainment will feature OC’s renowned Irish band, Cillian’s Bridge, BFOC Irish dancers, lively sheep herding demonstrations by SoCal Herding, strolling Irish bag pipers and leprechauns, and much more! As an added bonus this year, an Irish Costume Contest will be held at 2 PM. For more information, click here.
San Juan Capistrano: Swallows Day Parade
The 61st Annual Swallows Day Parade and Mercado Street Fair will be held Saturday, March 21. The Parade takes place throughout downtown San Juan Capistrano and is one of the nation’s largest non-motorized parade. It is a spectacular event presented by the San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association. The Parade starts at 11 AM but plan to arrive early, as most street closures are in effect by 10 AM. For more information, click here.
Lake Forest: South County Pet Expo 2020
Click the image above for more information.
Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association
The Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association has released the March 2020 edition of its e-newsletter, The Doheny UPDATE, featuring information on upcoming events and activities at Doheny State Beach.
RSM: SMWD Water Festival 2020
Click the image above to enlarge.
Laguna Bluebelt: Photo Contest 2020
Click the image above for more info.
Participated in the NACO Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, and met with congressional representatives to discuss homelessness and resiliency.
Presented a proclamation to Tony Moiso, CEO of Rancho Mission Viejo, for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement, at the BIA/OC Reception & Dinner. More on this in next week's newsletter!
Participated in the South Coast AQMD Governing Board meeting.
Spoke at the farewell reception for our outgoing OC Public Works Director, Shane Silsby.
Provided a County Update to the Reata Glen Retirement Community.
Meeting with congressional representatives in our nation's capitol to discuss homelessness and resiliency.
Speaking at the farewell reception for outgoing OC Public Works Director, Shane Silsby.
Speaking to the Reata Glen Retirement Community.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for YogaSix in Ladera Ranch.
Presented an Adjournment in Memoriam to the family of Dave Loesch of Aventura Sailing Association at his Celebration of Life service in Dana Point Harbor.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the groundbreaking ceremony for Serra Sol Memory Care in San Juan Capistrano.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Modern Acupuncture in Laguna Hills.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers in Lake Forest.
Attended the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting.
Attended in the NACO Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, featuring President Donald Trump and General Colin Powell.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a certificate of recognition at the ribbon cutting for YogaSix in Ladera Ranch.
Presenting an Adjournment in Memoriam to the family of Dave Loesch of Aventura Sailing Association at his Celebration of Life.
At the ribbon cutting for Modern Acupuncture in Laguna Hills.
At the groundbreaking for Serra Sol Memory Care in San Juan Capistrano. (Photo courtesy of San Juan Photo & Digital)
At the ribbon cutting for FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers in Lake Forest.
At the NACO Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, featuring President Donald Trump.
At the NACO Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, featuring General Colin Powell.
Laguna Hills Mayor Janine Heft at the ribbon cutting for Modern Acupuncture.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at