Header Image of Supervisor Janet Nguyen
November 01, 2011

First District Map

Welcome to this issue of Janet’s Journal, a First District Report designed to keep you updated on issues and events concerning our communities in Orange County especially in the First District.

I am proud and honored to represent over 600,000 people within the First District covering the cities of Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Westminster and the unincorporated community of Midway City.

I hope you will find this journal informative. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen













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Volume 5 Issue 13
Janet's Journal

I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween. As we move into the Holiday Season, please take the opportunity to visit with friends and family by attending an event within the First District. Take a look at the calendar listings below to see all the wonderful events taking place throughout the district in which I'm proud to serve.

Additionally, please take note of the several important topics covered below, including OCTA's partnership with the Second Harvest Food Drive. There are many people without family and in need, especially during this season, and this is a great time to show compassion to our friends and neighbors. I encourage all of you to look for ways to give back this Holiday Season.

 Board of Supervisors

Orange County Report on the Condition of Children

The Orange County Board of Supervisors recently approved the release of the Orange County Children's Partnership's (OCCP) 17th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children. This year's edition includes 40 indicators which help paint a comprehensive picture of the present condition of children in Orange County. It also features four sections: Good Health, Economic Well Being, Educational Achievement, and Safe Homes and Communities, as well as a special section that focuses on family violence that encompasses the impact on children that violence can have in the home.

Among this year's notable findings is the significant improvement in the number of children under medical supervision as their enrollment in Medi-Cal and Healthy Families has increased by 54% over the last ten years. Education is an area that has shown similar advancement. Data confirms that nearly 75% of Orange County Schools achieved the API target, in comparison to 49% statewide.

However, despite great progress the report highlights several conditions that are in need of improvement. Of particular interest is the increased number of infants born with low birth weight, as well as the prevalence of obesity. Despite the fact that there has been a significant decrease in obesity among low income children since 2002, there is much work to be done to lessen its prevalence.

The report will be available in its entirety at the Tenth Annual Community Forum on November 16th at the Titan Student Union at Cal State University Fullerton from 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. To register, please call (714) 704-8777, or visit http://ccr2011.eventbrite.com. The forum will explore the implications of the report and possible solutions. The entire report is currently available at http://ochealthinfo.com/occp/report.

County of Orange Receives National Emergency Grant

The Orange County Workforce Investment Board will receive an additional $277,740 to provide reemployment and training services to dislocated workers who were impacted by large scale layoffs, from both the public and private sectors. Services include: retraining, career counseling and job placement resources. First District job seekers can access services at the OC One-Stop Center located in Westminster at 5405 Garden Grove Blvd # 100.

Homeless Assistance Funding Application Moves Forward

The Orange County Community Services Department has been authorized by the Board of Supervisors to submit a funding request list of projects serving the homeless to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The annual application process known as the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Application serves as renewal certification for programs already receiving HUD funding.

In addition to securing funds for pre-existing projects, the County has requested funding for seven new projects that emphasize permanent supportive housing. Since 1996, OC Community Services has secured over $139 million to provide transitional shelter, permanent supportive housing and supportive services to the homeless in Orange County.

Haster Basin Update

The Board of Supervisor received the Final Environmental Impact Report and approved the draft construction drawing for the Haster Basin improvement project. This is a joint project between OC Public Works and OC Parks to provide regional flood protection and increased recreational opportunities.

The flood control facility and improvements to the flood channel will provide regional flood protection and mitigate the flood threat in the Westminster Watershed area. When construction is complete, the park will offer a level pad for soccer and other activities increasing the park space, among other improvements.

Orange County Parks Foundation Established

The Orange County Parks Foundation has been established by the Board of Supervisors. The intent of this organization is to allow individuals to become more involved in supporting and furthering the goals of OC Parks in an effort to make Orange County parks "America's Best Regional Parks."

OC Parks Job Order Contracts

An advertisement for bids has been released for Job Order Contracts (JOC), which will assist OC Parks in the completion of ongoing projects. JOC's expedite the completion of maintenance tasks throughout Orange County. These contracts achieve the ability to complete contracts in a timely manner by creating an agreement for on-call services. The JOC's advertised are for General Engineering, General Building and Earthwork and Asphalt Paving.

Bus Passes for Individuals Under Probationary Supervision

The Board of Supervisors has approved an agreement with OCTA for the purchase of bus passes that will be used by individuals under probationary supervision. The agreement will take place over a five year period and was designed to remove the transportation barrier to these individuals by allowing them to utilize Orange County's transportation system. It will provide them the ability to successfully make the transition back into the community.

National American Indian Heritage Month

The Board of Supervisors passed a resolution proclaiming November 2011 as National Indian Heritage Month. American Indian cultures have made many contributions to our national identity and communities across the United States, including Orange County. Their cultural knowledge and rich traditions continue today, and it is only fitting to acknowledge their legacy and urge Orange County residents to learn more about American Indian history and heritage.

Coroner Training Services

The Sheriff-Coroner has been authorized to execute an agreement with the State of California for reimbursement costs provided by the County for coroner training courses per the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). The Sheriff-Coroner Department operates the California Coroner Training Center, which was constructed in 2002 with $10 million in state revenue that was allocated to the County for the facility. This state-of-the-art coroner training center was constructed so that specialized coroner training courses would be made available to death investigation professionals throughout the state.

Crossing Guards

The Sheriff-Coroner Department has received approval to renew a contract with All City Management Services to provide crossing guard service at designated spots in the unincorporated areas of Orange County and the City of Villa Park. The task of providing these services to the unincorporated areas of the County is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors as stipulated by California Law. The City of Villa Park has also requested that the County provide them with crossing guards, which will be paid for through the annual law enforcement contract between the city and county.

Sheriff's Criminal Justice Academy Students Receive College Credit

The County of Orange will continue to reimburse the Rancho Santiago Community College District so that recruits in the Sheriff's Criminal Justice Academy can receive college credit for some of the courses they complete. These courses are designed to allow students to become knowledgeable in criminal justice issues with hopes that they will pursue a career in criminal justice or law enforcement.

Victims Services Contract Renewed

Community Service Programs, Inc. (CSP) has been selected to provide victim services in Orange County for a five year period. These services included victim/witness services, domestic violence services, child dependency services, violence against women persecution program and many others.

Additionally, the Board of Supervisor approved CSP to administer the Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership (GRIP) Program Case Management Services as well. This change would effectively allow CSP and the GRIP program to work in tandem to administer victim compensation and victim/witness assistance if the victim was involved in gang related crime.

Airlines Renew Lease Agreements with John Wayne Airport

The Board of Supervisors recently approved airline lease agreements with a number of airline providers operating out of John Wayne Airport for commercial and cargo carrying flights. Airline providers are required to pay rent for space used at JWA, and as a result, the projected revenue from these lease agreements is $188 million over four years.

County Internships

The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted to approve a five-year Internship and Cooperative Site Agreement with Chapman University. This agreement stipulates the terms and conditions for students who seek internships within County departments. Each year, 1200 students and recent graduates intern with the County of Orange and provide much needed assistance in all areas of civil service. Additionally, this program provides students and recent graduates with valuable experience and insight toward future career choices and opportunities.


Second Harvest Food Drive

From November 3rd through 7th join OCTA in its effort to "stuff a bus" by donating dry and non-perishable goods at four locations in Orange County: Main Place Mall in Santa Ana, Westminster Mall, Laguna Hills Mall and Brea Mall. Donations automatically enter you into a drawing for a free Jingle Pass, which allows unlimited access on OCTA busses from November 16th through December 31st.

OCTA Awards $9.3 Million in Competitive Grants from U.S. Department of Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood recently announced that the Orange County Transportation Authority will receive $9.3 million in grants through the Bus Livability and State of Good Repair Programs. OCTA was awarded five grants to assist with improvement projects throughout the County. Three of the grants were awarded under the Bus Livability Program and two under the State of Good Repair Program. These include $7.5 million to Anaheim's Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (ARTIC), $768,000 to further implement the Bike Share Pilot Program and $828,000 for underground storage tank removal from the Bus-bases throughout the county. I am very pleased to see these grants awarded to OCTA as these funds will assist in continuing to create a reliable, high quality transportation system in Orange County.

Metrolink Has Introduced the 'Quiet Car'

Metrolink has designated one 'quiet passenger car' on every weekday trip. Cell phones, smart phones and other electronic devices that can be heard by others will not be allowed on these cars. The change allows those who prefer quiet during their train ride an opportunity for little disturbance, while those who prefer to socialize and do business may do so on the other cars. For more information, visit www.metrolinktrains.com.


OCSD Employee Named General Manager of the Year

I would like to congratulate OCSD General Manager James D. Ruth for being recognized as the General Manager of the Year by the California Special Districts Association. Since his arrival to the Sanitation District in 2005, Mr. Ruth has reorganized the district to be more efficient and effective in protecting public health and the environment. We are honored that the CSDA recognizes his efforts. Congratulations James!


4th Annual Vietnamese Educational Conference on Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association will be hosting the 4th Annual Vietnamese Educational Conference on Diabetes on Saturday, November 5, 2011. This free event will be held at the Fountain Valley Regional Hospital from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and includes breakfast and lunch.

Event activities will include diabetes workshops, free flu shots, health information, free diabetes risk assessments, foot and vision screenings, as well as community resources and exhibits. The Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center is located at 17100 Euclid Street in Fountain Valley. For additional information, please call Allison Hickey at (714) 662-7940.

Counseling Standards for Long Term Care Options

The Orange County Office on Aging, as a key partner in the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), provides information and assistance to older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. The Office on Aging received funding from the California Department of Health and Human Services to develop counseling standards for long term care options as a core service offered through the ADRC.

Consumers and family members contacting the Office on Aging for information about long term care can receive support counseling from a trained and caring specialist who can explore community based resources as an alternative to placement in a long term care facility. For more information about long term care options as well as other programs for older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers, please contact the Office on Aging at 1 (800) 510-2020.


Westminster Chamber Networking Mixer

The Westminster Chamber of Commerce will host a networking mixer November 3, 2011 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at World Class MMA/Boxing, 14042 Locust Street in Westminster. Admission is free with two business cards; it will be a great opportunity to make new business contacts. For more information call (714) 898-9648.

New Santa Ana Business Guide

The City of Santa Ana has produced a new guide for businesses. The Guide to Doing Business in Santa Ana is designed to assist businesses in their establishment and growth, outlines ways to find city incentives and loans and provides some important contacts. You can access the guide here: http://www.ci.santa-ana.ca.us/documents/santa_ana_business_booklet.pdf.

Culinary Showcase and Tri-City Business Expo

The Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce has joined with the Costa Mesa and Tustin Chambers of Commerce for a Culinary Showcase and Tri-City Business Expo on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at the Costa Mesa Hilton. The event will feature live entertainment, free samples of tasty Orange County foods and displays of products and services. Space is limited, so hurry and register at the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce's website at www.santaanachamber.com.


Free Flu Vaccine Clinic

The Orange County Health Care Agency and the Office of Supervisor Janet Nguyen will be hosting a FREE flu vaccine clinic at the County Community Service Center on Friday, November 4, 2011. The hours of the clinic are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

OC Condition of Children's Report Community Forum


Supervisor Janet Nguyen greets parade-goers along the Fiestas Patrias parade route. Several thousands of people attended the parade in Santa Ana.

Supervisor Nguyen presents a proclamation to Visión y Compromiso for their commitment to supporting Promotores and Community Health Workers and their efforts to provide accessible health resources in Orange County.


* The following articles are for informational purposes only and are not necessarily intended to imply endorsement or support.

Orange County

Decreased Solar Panel Installation Fees
Photovoltaic solar permit fees for 131 kilowatt commercial rooftop systems have decreased in several cities within Orange County. Six Orange County cities currently have no fees for businesses wishing to install solar panels, including Santa Ana. The fees for businesses in Fountain Valley have decreased from $11,179 to $2,361, and in Garden Grove fees have decreased from $9,264 to $1,685. The City of Westminster is currently reviewing their fee amount, which sits at $6,735. For businesses in the unincorporated areas of Orange County, the permit fee is $16.

Disneyland Resort Scholarship Program
The Disneyland Resort Scholarship Program will award $50,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors in the Class of 2012. Students must meet several eligibility criteria, including residence in Orange County, completion of 100 hours of local community service between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011, a minimum 3.0 GPA between 9th grade and the first semester of 12th grade, and initiating a significant service project in their hometown or school community, among others.

The application deadline is January 31, 2012. For more comprehensive requirements and instructions, visit www.disnelyand.com/publicaffairs or call Disneyland Resort Community Relations at (714) 781-0856.

How to Get to College Workshops
On Saturday, November 5, 2011, Asian American and Pacific Islander Families and Students are invited to attend college preparation workshops at California State University, Fullerton. Middle School, High School, Community College students and their families are welcome to attend. Workshop topics include preparing for college, paying for college, CSU admission requirements, CSU on-line prep and admission resources and panel discussions. Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit booths and speak with officials from many local colleges and universities.

The event will take place at the Steven G. Mihaylo Hall Quad at Cal State Fullerton from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free parking will be available in Parking Lot F and the Eastside Parking Structure. For more information and to RSVP, call (657) 278-7327 or (657) 278-7783, or visit www.calstate.edu/fullerton.

Grand Jury

Fountain Valley

Umpires Needed for Little League Baseball
The Fountain Valley Little League is looking adults and youths, 13 and older, to umpire baseball games during the spring 2012 season. Baseball games are played on weekdays and Saturdays at Mile Square Park and can earn umpires $20 per game. For more information, email cdvincent4@gmail.com.

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital Turns 40
On November 1st Fountain Valley Regional Hospital will celebrate its 40 year anniversary. Over the decades the Hospital has been committed to serving the community and providing the highest quality care possible. I would like to thank Fountain Valley Regional Hospital for being ever vigilant in delivering treatment to the injured and sick these last 40 years.

New Police Chief Named
After serving the community of Fountain Valley for 30 years, Police Chief Paul Sorrell will be retiring effective November 16, 2011. The Chief's leadership and role in the community will be greatly missed, but I would like to congratulate and welcome Captain Llorens, who has been named to replace Chief Sorell, as he begins his new role and wish him the best of luck.

Garden Grove

Road Construction nears Completion
Phase 2 of the construction project near the Garden Grove Civic Center at Euclid Street and Garden Grove Boulevard is just about complete. Traffic is currently reduced to one through-lane and one right-turn lane to facilitate construction work.

The entire project is expected to be completed by November 18, 2011. For more information, please call (714) 741-5180.

Farmers' Markets in Garden Grove
Head out to the Farmers' Market every Friday and Sunday where you can find fresh fruits and vegetables, delicious baked goods and other items to suit your fancy.

Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Farmers' Market is located at the southwest parking lot of Kaiser Permanente at 12100 S. Euclid Street. For more information, please email honescko@pacbell.net.

Additionally, on Sundays the Farmers' Market is located on Main Street between Garden Grove Blvd. and Acacia Parkway, and held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, please call (562) 498-6048 or (562) 449-9299.

Garden Grove Facebook Pages
Garden Grove news, events and other information can now be found on Facebook. Visit the city's page at www.facebook.com/cityofgardengrove and the newly launched Orange County Register joint Garden Grove-Westminster page at www.facebook.com/ggwnews.

Santa Ana

Expansion of Learning Link Program at SAUSD
The Santa Ana Unified School District has expanded their Learning Link Program this year. This program was started to teach parents strategies to assist in their child's development and learning. Because of the success last year the program has opened a new site and expanded its scope. Now families can either go to Lowell or Martin Elementary Schools to take part. Also this year nurses will be participating in order to teach families about the importance of health in the development of children.

For more information regarding this program, contact Janneth Linnell at (714) 431-7542 or email janneth.linnell@sausd.us.

I-5 Improvement Project
A public meeting will be held on November 2, 2011 in order to provide the public with information regarding the I-5 Improvement Project. OCTA and Caltrans are working together to come up with creative solutions to traffic congestion on the I-5. They are specifically targeting the freeway between the 55 and 57 interchanges. The solutions that are being researched include adding one High-Occupancy Lane in each direction, construction/reallocation of concrete barriers and realigning ramps for improved layout.

The meeting will be held in the Multi-Purpose room at Hoover Elementary School at 408 East Santa Clara Ave in Santa Ana. It will run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you need more information you can call Julie Toledo from OCTA at (714) 560-5573 or visit the website www.octa.net/I-5/CCImprovements.aspx.


Drivers Needed
The Westminster Senior Center is in need of drivers to deliver meals to homebound seniors. The program delivers lunches and dinners to seniors' homes. For more information call Maribel Avilez at (714) 895-2878, ext. 3678.

Westminster Facebook Pages
Westminster news, events and other information can now be found on Facebook. Visit the city's page at www.facebook.com/cityofwestminster and the newly launched Orange County Register joint Garden Grove-Westminster page at www.facebook.com/ggwnews.

Police Volunteers Sought
The Westminster Police Department is looking to expand its volunteer citizen base to help with non-enforcing duties. For more information or to volunteer, please call Officer Jim Bodine at (714) 548-3752.


County of Orange
There are currently many new bids to contract with the County of Orange. For more information, please click here.

 Community Events

City of Fountain Valley
November 4-5, 2011 - Chocolate Festival
Don't forget to bring your taste buds for the Orange County Chocolate Festival held at the Recreation Center and Sports Park in Fountain Valley on November 4th and 5th. Brought to you by the Fountain Valley Living Magazine, the festival will feature chocolatiers, bakeries, chocolate gift vendors and wineries, where guests can indulge in chocolate and wine tasting and purchase gifts for the holidays.

Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at www.OCcchocolatefestival.com or by calling (714) 847-7714. Guests 21 and over receive 8 chocolate and 3 wine tastings.

Location: Recreation Center and Sports Park, 16400 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley.

November 12-13, 2011 - Special Olympics
Fountain Valley will host over a thousand athletes during the Special Olympics Southern California Fall games on November 12th and 13th. Admission is FREE, and spectators are encouraged and welcome.

Locations: Fountain Bowl, 17110 Brookhurst St. and the Fountain Valley Sports Park, 16400 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley.

For more information, please call (562) 354-2600.

December 3, 2011 - Holiday Tree Lighting
The City of Fountain Valley and the Recreation & Community Services Division invites you to the FREE annual Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 5 p.m. at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center and Sports Park.

The Mayor of Fountain Valley will have the honor of lighting the tree with a special guest from the North Pole. The event will also include live entertainment, crafts, games, pictures with Santa for $2, and much more. Also, bring your appetite; Fountain Valley's local organizations food vendors will be available for you to purchase their goodies.

Location: Fountain Valley Recreation Center and Sports Park, 16400 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley.

For more information, please call (714) 893-8611.

City of Garden Grove
November 2, 2011 - Health Fair
St. Anselm's Cross Cultural Community Center will hold a health fair November 2, 2011 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will provide FREE health screenings and workshops to educate and assist the community. Come out and take advantage of these great services.

Location: 11277 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove.

For more information, please call (714) 537-0608.

November 12, 2011 - Doll Show
The California Doll Collector's Annual Holiday Doll Show and Sale will take place at the Garden Grove Community Center on Saturday, November 12th. The show will feature antique and vintage dolls, miniatures and old teddy bears. Time of the event is 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Location: Garden Grove Community Center, 11300 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove.

For more information, please call (714) 827-0345.

November 22, 2011 - Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
The Annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast brings together faith leaders, residents, business owners, elected officials and community leaders from all practices and faiths. Registration and breakfast buffet begins at 7 a.m., with the program starting at 7:45 a.m. Tickets are $20 per person.

Location: Community Meeting Center, 11300 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove.

For more information, please call (714) 741-5280.

City of Santa Ana
November 5, 2011 - Santa Ana Artwalk
Join gallery owners and art enthusiasts for the monthly Art Walk in downtown Santa Ana. On the first Saturday of every month stroll down the 2nd Street Promenade between Broadway Avenue and Spurgeon Street from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is free.

For more information, visit http://santaanaartwalk.com.

November 8, 2011 - John D. Cooper Center Open House
OC Parks and California State University, Fullerton are hosting an open house at the John D. Cooper Archaeological & Paleontological Center on Tuesday, November 8th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The Cooper Center is a partnership between OC Parks and Cal State Fullerton and displays many artifacts found around Orange County over the last 35 years.

Location: Parking is available at the Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Park, 1801 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana.

To RSVP, please call (657) 278-3673.

November 20, 2011 - Santa Ana Zoo for FREE
On the third Sunday of each month, city residents get into the zoo for free! Bring your driver's license or utility bill to prove you live in Santa Ana in order to gain your free admission. This deal is good for up to four people per household.

Location: Santa Ana Zoo, 1801 East Chestnut Ave, Santa Ana

For more information, please call (714) 836-4000

City of Westminster
November 3, 2011 - Exercise Class
Beginning November 3rd and running every Thursday for five weeks, the Westminster Community Services and Recreation Department will be offering a "Yogalates" class. The class is a combination of yoga and pilates, costs $42, and runs from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

For more information, please call (714) 895-2860.

November 20, 2011 - Old Style Car Show & Annual Toy Drive
On Sunday, November 20th roll down to Sigler Park for an old style car show brought to you by the Old Style Car Club of Orange County. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. donate a new unopened toy or $10 at the gate to join in the fun, food, raffle and music.

Location: Sigler Park, 7200 Plaza Street, Westminster.

For more information, please call (714) 895-2860.

November 24, 2011 - Community Thanksgiving Meal
On Thanksgiving Day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., American Family Housing will host a free community Thanksgiving meal. The organization is looking for volunteers and people to donate turkeys for the event.

Location: Westminster Community Services, 8200 Westminster Blvd., Westminster.

For more information, please call (714) 897-3221.

To contact Supervisor Janet Nguyen, please call 714-834-3110 or email Janet.Nguyen@ocgov.com.