News and Updates

Free COVID-19 Tests at the Anaheim Convention Center
In partnership with 360 Clinic and the City of Anaheim, the County of Orange will host contactless COVID-19 tests Wednesdays through Sundays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Anaheim Convention Center. This testing site supplements other community testing offered by the state and County. Following the state’s guidance, the OC COVID-19 Testing Super Site – which is by appointment only – is available for the following groups: • Symptomatic individuals • Healthcare workers and first responders • Workers in congregate living settings – such as skilled nursing facilities, jails, or homeless shelter settings • Individuals with close contact (15 minutes or more within 6 feet) to someone known or suspected to have COVID-19 • Essential workers in contact with the public – such as grocery and food supply workers, utility workers, and public employees For more information on how you can sign up for a COVID-19 appointment, please visit the Orange County Health Care Agency’s website at https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/supersite or call 800-446-8888. For a video on how the testing process looks like, click here. 

Let’s Do Our Part to Stop COVID-19 in Orange County

Wearing a mask is not a political issue, but rather a public health one. We have so many safeguards in place designed to stop other diseases, based on how they spread –COVID-19 should be no different. This week, I’ve launched the #MaskUpOC educational campaign to enlist the public’s help to encourage responsible face-covering. For more information, check out my press release.

OC Program for Worker Protection & Customer Safety

Last week, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved my proposal to allocate $10 million in federal funding for local restaurants that have followed health safety rules and complied with state COVID-19 health guidelines. The COVID-Safe Restaurant Program will provide $1,000 grants to restaurants for sanitary/cleaning supplies and protective equipment for employees. This would be administered by a third party and made available to all restaurants in Orange County. For more information, check out my press release.

OC Board Discharges Outstanding Dept for Juvenile Fines
Many families are struggling to survive and be together through this COVID-19 crisis, especially those who are trying to remake their lives. Thanks to an action by the Board, consistent with our Integrated Services Strategy implemented last year, Orange County families will be relieved of $18.5 million of juvenile fees, and will now have the opportunity to focus on building a better future. I’m proud of the work we have done to create pathways for justice-involved youth and adults to re-enter society successfully. 

$300M Federal Funding for Flood Control Project
After more than 5 years of advocacy in Washington D.C., I’m excited to see that this year’s federal Water Resources Development Act includes an authorization for over $300 million in funding for the East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Flood Control Project. The County of Orange and the OC Flood Control District are another step closer to major improvements that will help protect approximately 400,000 residents and 44,000 structures from major floods in this $1.2 billion project. In addition to saving lives, this funding will prevent approximately $4 billion in damages from major flood events and relieve home and business owners in the affected communities of Central and West Orange County from the need to pay flood insurance premiums totaling over $13 million annually. For more information, click here.  

U.S. Rep. John Lewis Remembered
U.S. Representative John Lewis’s work advancing civil rights has been absolutely crucial in bringing equal treatment under the law to millions of Americans. We have lost an icon, but his message resonates louder now more than ever. He truly embodied hope and the long struggle for freedom. 

Local Leaders Help Our Veterans Through Local Nonprofit
Last week, with help from Santa Anita Neighborhood Association leader, Felipe Guerrero, I recognized the Step Up on Second team for their life-skills work at the veteran housing site in Santa Ana, Heroes Landing Village. Step Up provides positive social and learning environments, vocational training, permanent supportive housing opportunities, and recovery services to empower individuals experiencing homelessness. Congratulations and great work Eddie Estrada, Moises Lopez, and Angelica Zamora. 

WIC Families Receive a $28 Card at Selected Farmers Markets
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) rolled out its annual Farmers Markets Nutritional Program this summer. WIC families get an extra $28 to spend on fruits and vegetables at participating farmers' markets. For more information, you can text "FARMERS" to 91997. 

Tickets Are Now Available for Virtual OC Fair
Although the Orange County Fair was canceled this year, residents can still enjoy the fair virtually! To find out more about all the virtual activities, check out their website at https://ocfair.com/oc-fair/. With a purchase of a ticket, you will receive a commemorative medal, a stuffed animal, and a ticket to the 2021 OC Fair. The Virtual OC Fair ends August 16th. 