April 11, 2017 |
Volume 2 Issue 2 |
News and Updates |
Local nonprofit Love Santa Ana hosted a city beautification project on Saturday April 8th. Partnered with the group were organizations such as the Santa Ana Police Department, the Artist Coalition, Orange County Public works, and others.
The rain didn’t stop over 300 volunteers from participating in making Santa Ana a more beautiful and welcoming place to live. Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides, OC Public Works Staff, and Santa Ana Police Commander Ken Gominsky were just some of the public representatives present among the volunteers. Beautification efforts included painting over rusted fencing, creating artistic murals, and other beautifying activities.
Local schoolchildren were able to help members of the Artists Coalition paint murals including one of Mother Earth and another of sprawling vines. Murals are located in multiple locations including the intersection of Sullivan and Wilts near Lincoln Elementary and across from the flood channel next to Monte Vista elementary. Projects such as this not only make neighborhoods more aesthetically pleasing, but foster a real sense of community among those who live there. |
The Santa Ana Rotary Club honored Supervisor Andrew Do Wednesday April 5th for his public service to the residents of Santa Ana and his support of the charitable operations of the Rotary Club.
A donation was made to the Free Wheelchair Mission in Supervisor Do’s name. The Mission provides wheelchairs for disabled persons living in underserved regions of the world. The gift of mobility provided through the Mission is a life changing event for recipients.
The Rotary Club of Santa Ana routinely makes donations to organizations such as the Free Wheelchair Mission in order to improve the lives of others not only in Santa Ana but around the world. |
Today, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a new bikeway and pedestrian trail project in Westminster. This approval comes on the heels of similar bike path expansion projects throughout the County such as the Santa Ana Gardens Bikeway located in the Townsend-Raitt neighborhood of Santa Ana.
The new project will be constructed along the Anaheim Barber City Channel which is owned by the Orange County Flood Control District. The bikeway and trail will be constructed along the current flood control channel which borders Rancho Road in Westminster.
“Increasing open space and promoting a healthy living are priorities for me,” said Supervisor Andrew Do. “These bikeways will add significantly to the quality of life in Central Orange County.”
This project is a great opportunity for the County and the City of Westminster to work together to benefit the community by providing more open space and access for bicycles and pedestrians. The bikeway will be constructed and maintained by the City with no financial impact on the County. |
Supervisor Andrew Do was sworn in as a new commissioner of the Children & Families Commission of Orange County on Wednesday March 29th. The commission is charged with allocating money from proposition 10 tax revenue, sales tax on tobacco products, to services and programs that respond to the needs of children’s health and development across Orange County.
The Orange County Children & Families Commission has identified, funded, and supported programs with demonstrable positive impacts on children’s health and school readiness. It uses strategic partnerships with community organizations and nonprofits to leverage collective resources to meet the challenges associated with keeping children healthy and ready to learn.
Supervisor Do will be part of the decision making process on how to allocate the commission’s nearly $20 million dollar budget to ensure children’s needs are being met in communities that have the most underserved populations. If you would like to know more about what the commission does and what role it plays in serving children here in Orange County, please visit their website at http://occhildrenandfamilies.com. |
Join Supervisor Do and healthcare experts at the 3rd Annual Orange County Leadership Forum on Aging.
The event is at the Garden Grove Community Meeting Center on Friday, April 21st.
RSVP at http://2017ocleadership.eventbrite.com and for more details see the flyer below. |
Chris Wangsaporn
Chief of Staff
Nick Lecong
Deputy Chief of Staff
Tara Campbell
Communications Director
Luigi Luciano
Policy Advisor
Ofelia Velarde-Garcia
Policy Advisor
Chris Gaarder
Administrative Assistant
Adriianna Lagorio
Administrative Assistant
Manning Pham
Administrative Assistant
Joyce Rivero
Executive Secretary
Matt Haines
Executive Aide
Stay Updated! |