November 14, 2017 |
Volume 2 Issue 32 |
News and Updates |
Supervisor Do Advocates for OC in DC |
Last week, Supervisor Do had a very successful trip to Washington D.C. discussing projects for Orange County with Members of Congress, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The meetings focused on fully funding our Housing and Urban Development vouchers to provide more housing, adding case managers for Veterans Affairs so we can house our homeless veterans faster, and opening a port of entry at John Wayne Airport.
A priority of Supervisor Do’s is to work closely with these Members of Congress to eliminate $13 million annually in flood insurance premiums for our residents, protect flooding for over 120,000 residents and prevent the loss of 30,000 structures equaling $4 billion in property loss in our West and Central Orange County region.
Thank you to all the Members of Congress that we met with, including Orange County’s own U.S. Representative Lou Correa and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, U.S. Representative Ed Royce; Chairman of Homeland Security, U.S. Representative Michael McCaul; and Chairman of Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, U.S. Representative Garret Graves. |
 U.S. Representative Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Senior Member of the House Financial Services Committee
 U.S. Representative Lou Correa, Member of the Homeless Veteran Caucus
 U.S. Representative Garret Graves, Chairman of Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

Ralph Gaines, Assistant Secretary of Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S. Department of House and Urban Development Office of the Secretary Ben Carson |
Veterans Celebrated in the First District |
On Friday, the Westminster Senior Center held a Veterans Day lunch featuring free meals for Veterans and entertainment by the Singing Good-Timers, an all-senior musical group who perform classic hits. Supervisor Andrew Do helped to kick off the lunch by speaking to the crowd of seniors and thanking the Veterans in attendance for all they’ve done to ensure the safety of our values and freedoms. During the lunch those in attendance were treated to patriotic show-tunes sung by the musical group and barbequed hamburgers.
On Saturday, the Veterans of Foreign Wars hosted their Veterans Day Ceremony in Fountain Valley to both honor the fallen and to thank those who served. The keynote speaker was Sergeant Victor Pavo Real, USMC, who served during the Korean War. Stories from our Veterans about their experiences help us understand more clearly why we celebrate and honor their service.
Thank you to all our Veterans who have given so much and made immense sacrifices to protect our freedom. While we took this weekend to celebrate Veterans Day, we will remember and acknowledge your service to our great nation every single day. |

Cambodian Independence Day Celebrated |
On November 9th, the Royal Honorary Consulate General of Cambodia hosted a celebration for Cambodian Independence Day. Cambodia gained its sovereignty from the French on November 9, 1953. Orange County’s high concentration of Cambodian residents and proximity to Long Beach, which has the second largest population of Cambodians residing outside of Southeast Asia, make this holiday especially significant to many here is Southern California.
The event was held in Long Beach and featured Cambodian cultural performances and celebratory speeches from distinguished guests. Supervisor Do’s office presented a Certificate of Recognition to the Consulate General in honor of the occasion. |

Volunteer Opportunity from Community Action Partnership Orange County |
The Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC) will be hosting its largest annual volunteer event, National Family Volunteer Day, this Saturday, November 18. The event will be held at the CAPOC building, located at 11870 Monarch Street, Garden Grove, CA 92841. Everyone is encouraged to volunteer.
Volunteers will help pack nutritionally balanced food boxes for vulnerable seniors. Last year 1,373 volunteers assembled 30,901 food boxes in one day. The goal is to package a sufficient number of food boxes to satisfy the demand this holiday season as well as provide a meaningful service opportunity to the community.
Volunteering can be done in two-hour shifts: 8:00AM-10:00AM, 10:30AM-12:30PM, 12:30PM-2:30PM, and 2:45PM-4:45PM.
If you would like more information, please visit the CAPOC Facebook page here, or their website here. |
Chris Wangsaporn
Chief of Staff
Tara Campbell
Communications Director
Veronica Carpenter
Senior Policy Advisor
Ofelia Velarde-Garcia
Policy Advisor
Chris Gaarder
Policy Advisor
Manning Pham
Administrative Assistant
Joyce Rivero
Executive Secretary
Matt Haines
Field Representative
Stay Updated! |