December 5, 2017 |
Volume 2 Issue 35 |
News and Updates |
Are We Effectively Using Our Mental Health Dollars? |
Mental Health is a growing problem in Orange County. The County of Orange through our Health Care Agency has over $390 million budgeted for behavioral health services with $186 million of this allocated for over 210 mental health programs for adults afflicted with serious and persistent mental illness, and children with serious emotional disturbances.
Now more than ever we need to ensure that our mental health dollars are making the most impact through efficient spending and meaningful programs for patients. The comprehensive performance audit and evaluation that Supervisor Do submitted to the Board will be discussed on Tuesday. Supervisor Do is making sure are meeting the needs of our community.
For more details, read Supervisor Do’s op-ed in the OC Register from this Sunday here. |
Building Trade Apprenticeships in Orange County |
There are over 60,000 trade apprenticeships in California every year, and they are growing in Orange County. There will be an influx of build trade jobs because of the many infrastructure projects in Orange County, including the County’s Civic Center Master Plan, Dana Point Harbor Revitalization project, and the $1.9 billion 405 freeway expansion project.
Trade jobs are a great vocational career for our high school graduates and the apprenticeships offer a gateway to that career with training and experience.
An apprentice electrician or carpenter would work in the field being mentored by experienced tradespeople while completed classroom training. The apprenticeship would last 3-5 years, and pay would start at $15/hour. After the classroom training and program, the apprentice can pass the state certification to become a journeyman and make around $42/hour, or close to a wage of $80,000 a year plus benefits and pension. All apprenticeships are paid for by union dues, so no public funds are used to pay or train the apprentices.
Supervisor Do met with Building Trade organizations this past week, including the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters and first year students at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers local 411 apprenticeship program, to talk about their pathway to a career in the building trades and the opportunities here in Orange County.
To learn more you can visit IBEW and the apprenticeship program, you can visit their website: To learn more about the Southwest Carpenters, you can visit their website here, |

First District Volunteers for Operation Santa Claus |
Operation Santa Claus, headed by the Orange County Social Services Agency, is in full swing with Christmas fast approaching. Supervisor Andrew Do and his staff spent Wednesday morning volunteering at their warehouse and store to help shoppers, mostly social service workers and foster parents, find holiday gifts for children in need.
Supervisor Do and First District staff helped organize toys, find gifts for children by age-range, and collect vouchers in exchange for the gifts. Last year Operation Santa Claus distributed over 39,000 donated toys to over 18,000 children in Orange County.
Orange County Social Services Agency’s Operation Santa Claus is a year-round operation collecting donated toys to distribute to the less fortunate children in Orange County, including our foster care youth.
This year, Operation Santa Claus is short on toy donations. If you can donate, please bring new unwrapped toys to 1505 E. Warner Ave, Santa Ana or email for a list of donation sites. Every toy donated means one more child will have a present to open this holiday season, be the one who makes a child in need have a happy holiday. |

First District Appoints Two Santa Ana Residents to County Boards |
The Orange County Board of Supervisors recently approved two of Supervisor Andrew Do’s appointments to the In Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee and the Orange County Cemetery District Board. The appointees are Helen Martinez and Maribel Marroquin, both are Santa Ana residents who are highly involved in the community.
Helen Martinez will serve on the In Home Supportive Services Board. Helen has been an advocate for those living with disabilities for much of her life. She has supported her daughter, who is now an adult, with her permanent disability and navigated the many agencies, programs, and challenges associated with it. Helen served as Santa Ana Unified School District PTA President and has advocacy experience with In-Home Supportive Services, OC Regional Center, and other agencies related to those living with disabilities. Her experience gives her extensive subject matter knowledge and we look forward to having her represent the First District for the County of Orange.
Maribel Marroquin, a lifetime Orange County resident, has been appointed to the OC Cemetery District Board. She has extensive experience and expertise in both event planning and outreach including her work with Los 32 Por Mexico helping organize the Mexican Independence Day Parade and The Lincoln Club of Orange County’s UNIDOS project. An avid kickboxer and martial arts enthusiast, Maribel brings a fresh energy to the board, meet the needs of our Latino community, and engage residents of diverse backgrounds about the services available there.
If you would like to know more about these boards and who they serve, please visit their websites here and here. |
ALDI Opens its Doors in Santa Ana |
ALDI, short for Albrecht Discount, opened a new location in Santa Ana as part of their grocery store chain. A representative from Supervisor Andrew Do’s office was in attendance to present them with a certificate of recognition and a warm welcome to the district.
The event was attended by so many shoppers that the line to get into the building before the doors were opened wrapped around the side of the building. The management also awarded their 100th customer with $100 for walking in to shop. The store claims to be able to save shoppers up to 50% on their regular grocery bill.
Check out Santa Ana’s newest grocery store located at 2830 S. Bristol Street for a new shopping experience. |

Chris Wangsaporn
Chief of Staff
Tara Campbell
Communications Director
Veronica Carpenter
Senior Policy Advisor
Ofelia Velarde-Garcia
Policy Advisor
Chris Gaarder
Policy Advisor
Manning Pham
Administrative Assistant
Joyce Rivero
Executive Secretary
Matt Haines
Field Representative
Stay Updated! |