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Ensuring Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
As a continuation of the OC Board of Supervisors’ Latino Health Equity Initiative, which began in June 2020, the Board was proud to announce the opening of a COVID-19 Vaccine Point of Dispensing (POD) site at Santa Ana College last week. Addressing barriers that may impede people’s access to testing and vaccines, especially in low equity communities, is the reason why the Testing Ad Hoc Committee came up with the Latino Health Equity Initiative very early in the pandemic. The Santa Ana College POD site is a tangible example of the Board of Supervisors delivering on the County’s focus on equity in vaccine distribution. Click here to read the full press release. Please note that, as a result of the extreme cold weather across the country last week, several Orange County PODs closed. Please check Othena on the status of your appointments and please follow @ocgov on social media for the latest updates on the vaccine sites and schedules.
Steps to Register with Othena
Have you registered with Othena yet? Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use the platform. There is extremely high demand to receive the vaccine. The success of the tiered vaccination plan depends on everyone being patient and allowing priority groups to be vaccinated first. If you have any questions, please call the Hotline at (714) 834-2000 or send an email to support@compositeapps.net.
COVID-19 Testing in Orange County
In Orange County, getting a COVID test is easy and free, you can even have a kit sent directly to your home. You can view your options at occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/covid-19-testing.
COVID-19 Testing with Latino Health Access
Latino Health Access, in partnership with the Orange County Health Care Agency, is also offering free COVID-19 testing to anyone who wants one. They have testing every Tuesday at Santa Ana High School and every Thursday at Saddleback High School. Check out the flyers for details or call them at 714-805-7838.
Rental Assistance for OC Residents
Are you struggling with rent because of the pandemic? The County of Orange is offering emergency rental assistance to OC residents who qualify. You can learn how to apply in Spanish, Vietnamese, and multiple other languages at https://www.ochealthinfo.com/occ/emergency_rental _assistance_program Click here to view the video demo on how to apply.
Career Training and Business Opportunities
The OC Community Investment Division is now mobile! The new service will bring career training, hiring events, case management, and more to communities across Orange County. This is a great opportunity to get help finding meaningful employment, especially during these tough economic times. Click here for more information.
Extended Hours at Regional Offices
The County of Orange Social Services Agency announced that it will extend in-person office hours at its four currently open public assistance regional centers. The expanded hours will help to ensure a greater number of Orange County residents have in-person access to public assistance benefits and related services, while planning for the safety and protection of SSA clients and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning February 22, the following locations will be open to the public with limited functionality, Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
WiFi on Wheels
WiFi on Wheels is making internet access more equitable and accessible in our underserved communities. The WiFi on Wheels vehicles are deployed on all the County Libraries’ open days, Tuesdays through Saturdays. Below are the running dates for March for WiFi on Wheels. Click here for more information.
OCPL Celebrates 100 Years of Service
In celebration of OC Public Libraries' 100th year anniversary, I sat down at the Garden Grove Regional Library to chat about some books I would recommend for students as they work their way through their educational journey. Click here to check out the full video.
Apply for the First 5 Orange County Commission – Deadline 2/26
Are you passionate about making Orange County a better place for children? The County of Orange is looking for candidates to serve on the First 5 Orange County, Children and Families Commission, which oversees the allocation of Prop 10 funding, reviews critical childcare programs, and much more. The deadline to apply is February 26 at 3:00 p.m. Click here for more information and the application.
Apply for OCTA Board of Directors – Deadline 2/26
Public transportation links our communities and brings us together. You can have a voice in making important policy decisions as part of the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors. We’re currently seeking a candidate to represent the public on the 18-member board; that could be you. The deadline to apply is February 26 at 5:00 p.m. Click here for more information and to view the application.
Expanding Bus Pass Program
The college pass program is one of OCTA’s most successful transit initiatives in recent years. It knocks down a key barrier - the high cost of transportation - that can prevent students from achieving their dreams. I’m proud to have Cypress College on board. Click here for more information.
Listening Session #2
On February 26, the County of Orange and Orange County Human Relations Commission is inviting the public to participate in Health Equity Issues & the Community Experience, the second virtual listening session of a COVID-19 discrimination-based series. This event follows Understanding Our Implicit Biases & Community Experiences, the first virtual listening session of the series held in October 2020. Click here to find out how you can register.
El Pico de Gallo Grill Supports Frontline Heroes
El Pico de Gallo Grill in Santa Ana has been providing food to healthcare and essential workers throughout the pandemic. They’ve supported essential workers at St. Joseph Hospital, UC Irvine Health, St. Jude Medical Center, and more. Last week, the FTP Crew helped present a certificate of recognition from my office thanking them for their generosity to our community.
Jayden Ham Wins Contest
Last week, I had the honor of congratulating Jayden Ham, a student at Garden Grove Unified School District’s TK-6 Virtual Learning Academy, and his classmates via Zoom on winning one of the top prizes for OC Health’s Mask Message Contest. Jayden created a great Nintendo-themed video to help educate others on the importance of wearing a mask to slow the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your work, Jayden, and congratulations on winning a $5,000 technology grant for your school! Click here to watch the video entry.
Walk-Up Food Distribution at Haster Basin
Thank you to volunteers from Saddleback Church who helped feed 300 families in Garden Grove on February 10, at a walk-up food distribution. Also, special thanks to staff from Target Store in Santa-Ana who volunteered to help get food into the hands of folks that need it. The economic impacts of COVID-19 are far reaching and will last well into the future, making distributions like this one and so many others across Orange County critical to the long-term recovery of our communities.
Year of the Ox Virtual Celebration
Last week I partnered with CalOptima for our first Virtual Tet Celebration to ring in the Year of the Ox. There were several exciting cultural and musical performances and you can watch our celebration at https://www.youtube.com/ngochaofficialchannel. Last year’s Tet Festival was held at Mile Square Park and over 40,000 people from across the state and beyond the seas, paid tribute to their ancestors. The weekend-long celebration featured a diverse food selection, talented entertainers, cultural performances, carnival rides, and a spectacular firecracker display. Click here to watch last year’s celebration.