January 23, 2015 |
Volume 3 Issue 3 |
Supervisor Spitzer and OC Officials Announce Environmental & Economic Benefits of New Renewable Energy Plant at County Landfill |
 Chairman Todd Spitzer, Third District Supervisor |
(Portions courtesy of OC Waste and Recycling)
Construction Starts on $60M Facility Near Irvine That Will Power Anaheim Homes, Create Jobs and Generate Royalties
On Thursday, Chairman Todd Spitzer, Orange County Supervisor for the Third District, joined with area government and business officials to present details on the environmental and economic benefits to be gained from a renewable “green” energy plant at a county landfill.
The planned landfill gas-to-electricity plant at the Frank R. Bowerman landfill northeast of Irvine will power local homes and businesses, create construction and operational jobs and generate millions in royalties for the county government system. |
 Montauk Energy Chief Executive Officer Dave Herrman, Anaheim Public Utilities General Manager Dukku Lee, Board of Supervisors Chairman Todd Spitzer of the Third District, Anaheim Public Utilities Board Member Susan Faessel, Irvine Mayor Steven Choi, Anaheim Council Member Jordan Brandman and Placentia Mayor/ Orange County Waste Management Commission Chairman Chad Wanke |
“This project makes sense for Orange County in so many important ways,” said Chairman Todd Spitzer, who represents the Third District where the landfill is located. “It represents a win-win for the environment and the economy — and shows that the County of Orange is following smart and resourceful policies regarding its public landfills.”
Spitzer made his remarks during the formal groundbreaking ceremony for the $60 million plant, a state-of-the-art facility to be built on the 725-acre landfill that is one of the largest on the West Coast. The project—to be financed by Caterpillar Financial Services and built and operated by Bowerman Power, a subsidiary of Pennsylvania-based Montauk Energy—was championed by Spitzer. It won approval from the full Board of Supervisors in October after a previous agreement for the facility was revised and updated.
At the event, Spitzer, Bowerman/Montauk executives and other officials listed the many benefits to be gained by the plant, which will be completed and operational by early 2016:
- The plant will be a processing and power unit that captures landfill gas created by the millions of tons of waste buried at Bowerman. The gas, a natural byproduct of solid waste decomposition, contains high amounts of methane, which is a prevalent greenhouse gas.
- The gas will be converted to an estimated 160,000 megawatt-hours of electricity, which is sufficient to serve about 18,500 homes. The electricity will be sold to Anaheim Public Utilities to power residences, schools and businesses in that city.
- The plant’s Caterpillar reciprocating engines will feature gas clean-up and emissions reduction technologies that will meet all local-state-federal air quality requirements. Thus, the project overall will have very minimal environmental impacts or detriments.
- The electricity will be sold under a 20-year agreement with the City of Anaheim through its contract provider, Anaheim Public Utilities.
- The average annual royalty payment to Orange County is projected at $1.62 million, which over the 20-year agreement will total an estimated $32 million.
- An estimated $1 million in annual costs for plant operation and maintenance services will be paid for by Montauk.
- 60 construction jobs will be generated along with the local purchase of various building materials and services. In addition, a total of 7 full-time employees will be hired by Bowerman for plant operations.
- The Bowerman plant will be the county’s fourth gas-to-energy facility. The other three are at the Olinda and Prima Deshecha active landfills near Brea and San Juan Capistrano, respectively, and the Coyote Canyon closed landfill in Newport Beach.
- Altogether, the four facilities will produce 400,000 megawatts of electricity annually, enough to power more than 50,000 homes, which represents a population equivalent to the City of Costa Mesa.
 Future location of the Bowerman Power Gas to Energy Project |
Montauk Energy Chief Executive Officer Dave Herrman said the corporation, as an experienced developer of landfill gas-to-energy projects, will move quickly to complete the construction of the 113,000-square foot facility. The plant will feature Caterpillar reciprocating engines that have state-of-the-art gas clean-up and emissions reduction technologies that will meet all local-state-federal air quality requirements.
Montauk Energy develops, owns and operates large-scale, renewable energy projects utilizing landfill methane. The company has over 20 years of experience in permitting, design, construction and operation of energy facilities and extensive specialty experience in the development, ownership and operation of landfill methane recovery and processing projects. Montauk Energy's expertise and experience includes pipeline quality gas production, electric power generation, renewable energy credits, landfill gas collection system operations.
Highlighted media coverage on this event:
Shari Freidenrich Sworn In to Second Term as County Treasurer-Tax Collector |
 Sheriff-Coroner Sandra Hutchens, Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich, and Chairman Todd Spitzer hold up Freidenrich’s oath of office document after the swearing-in ceremony |
On Friday in the chambers of the Board of Supervisors, Board of Supervisors Chairman Todd Spitzer emceed the swearing-in of Shari Freidenrich, who enters her term as Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector. Sheriff-Coroner Sandra Hutchens administered the oath of office. Captain Emily Sanford, USN (Ret.) gave the invocation while former Supervisor/former Treasurer-Tax Collector John Moorlach led the Pledge of Allegiance.
“Shari Freidenrich has been a steady hand as Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector,” Supervisor Spitzer said. “Her careful policies have strengthened the investment pool without putting the County at risk of another bankruptcy.”
Freidenrich was unopposed in her June 2014 re-election bid for Treasurer-Tax Collector. She served as the elected Huntington Beach City Treasurer from 1996 until 2010, when she was elected to her first term as Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector. |
 Sheriff-Coroner Sandra Hutchens administers the oath of office to Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich as her husband Clive holds the Bible |
Spitzer Speaks to League of Women Voters of Central OC Area |
 Chairman Todd Spitzer, Third District Supervisor, speaks to the League of Women Voters of the Central Orange County Area |
On Wednesday, Supervisor Todd Spitzer served as the luncheon speaker for the League of Women Voters of the Central Orange County Area. Spitzer spoke about the transition for the County’s newly-elected officials, the pending end of the County’s General Fund bankruptcy obligations, County ethics efforts, County finances, public safety, and transportation, among other issues.
“I always appreciate the opportunity to speak to groups of civically-engaged citizens like the League of Women Voters,” Supervisor Spitzer said. “An informed electorate is critical to our democratic system.”
The League of Women Voters of the Central Orange County Area covers all parts of the Third Supervisorial District, except for the cities of Yorba Linda and Irvine. The League of Women Voters bills itself as “a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.” |
Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen to Offer Expanded Wedding Saturday Hours for Upcoming Valentine’s Day |
(Portions courtesy of OC Clerk-Recorder)
Orange County Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen is making it easier for couples to get married this Valentine’s Day. The Old County Courthouse in Santa Ana and the department’s branch offices in Fullerton and Laguna Hills will be open to the public from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday, February 14, 2015.
Appointments are filling up fast for couples wishing to be married on Valentine’s Day at the Clerk-Recorder’s offices. Couples are encouraged to make an appointment for a civil wedding ceremony due to the popularity of this day. Appointments can be made by visiting our website at www.ocrecorder.com and using the online appointment system. Walk-ins will be accommodated based on availability of ceremony rooms.
“With Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday, we know demand is going to be very high,” said
Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen. “We will be ready to provide our customers with excellent service and make it a memorable day for all.”
Valentine’s Day continues to be one of the most popular days of the year for civil marriage ceremonies. Last year, a record number of couples – 266 – were married by Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen and his deputy commissioners of marriage – breaking the long standing Valentine’s Day record of 173 couples wed in 1997. The department also issued 310 marriage licenses.
Couples may obtain a public marriage license for $61 or a confidential marriage license for $66. The cost for a civil marriage ceremony is only $28. The Old County Courthouse will be offering marriage licenses, civil marriage ceremonies and passport application services only. Copies of property records, birth, death and marriage certificates will be available at the Fullerton and Laguna Hills branch offices, as well as marriage licenses and civil marriage ceremonies. Please note that the Laguna Hills branch office will also be offering passport application services. Free parking will be available at all three locations.
For more information about the Clerk-Recorder Department or the services provided by the department, please visit www.ocrecorder.com or contact us at (714) 834-2500. |
I-5 Irvine Tustin Project |
 Click on the image above to view more information. |
Deadline to Apply for Grand Jury Service Extended to January 30, 2015 |
 2013-2014 Orange County Grand Jury |
(Portions courtesy of Superior Court of California)
Assistant Presiding Judge Charles Margines of the Superior Court of Orange County and chair of the Grand Jury Recruitment/Selection Committee has extended the deadline to apply for Grand Jury service to January 30, 2015.
The Grand Jury performs civil oversight of local government by reviewing and evaluating county and city agencies, jails, schools, and special districts within Orange County and writes a final report with its findings and recommendations. The Grand Jury also considers evidence for possible indictment of individuals in felony cases and reviews complaints submitted by citizens.
The current stipend for Grand Jury service is $50 per day, up to five days per week. The panelists receive reimbursement for mileage at the current County of Orange rate and free onsite parking.
Superior Court judges interview qualified applicants and choose the top candidates. Final selection of the 19-member Grand Jury is accomplished by a random drawing of the 25 to 30 nominees who represent each of Orange County’s five Supervisorial Districts. Current Grand Jury members and their advisors provide training to the panelists.
The requirements to serve are:
- At least 18 years old
- United States citizen
- Resident of Orange County for at least one year
- Sufficient knowledge of English
- In possession of sound judgment and a sense of fairness
The application form can be obtained by clicking here or in person at the Jury Commissioner’s Office, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. |
Measles Continues to Spread in Orange County |
(Portions courtesy of OC Health Care Agency)
Orange County now has twenty-two confirmed cases of measles. Ten of the reported measles cases in Orange County, along with others throughout California and in other states, are connected to visiting Disneyland or Disneyland California Adventure Park in December. The source of the infection for the six most recent cases is not known; they were not exposed at Disneyland and had no known contact to any of the confirmed Disney-associated cases.
The identification of six measles cases with acquisition from unknown community contacts indicates exposure to measles is more widespread throughout the county. The Health Care Agency expects that the measles outbreak will continue to spread, so all should be aware of the signs and symptoms of measles. Health officials remind the public that the best way to prevent the measles is by getting vaccinated.
Measles is a highly contagious and potentially severe disease that causes fever, rash, cough, and red, watery eyes. Children too young to be immunized, pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems are at the greatest risk for severe illness. Measles spreads very easily by air and by direct contact with an infected person. People are contagious from approximately four days before the rash appears through four days after the rash appears. Anyone suspecting they have measles should CALL their medical provider BEFORE arriving at the medical office to avoid exposing others to the measles virus.
Protect Yourself and Family from Measles:
- Children should receive their first MMR vaccine at 12-15 months of age. The second dose of MMR is given at 4 to 6 years of age before going to school.
- Vaccinating children, adolescents and adults is the best way to protect infants who are too young to receive the MMR vaccine.
- Vaccinations are very safe. The benefits far outweigh any risks. Side effects are usually mild, such as soreness where the shot was given.
- Measles is found in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Vaccination before traveling is recommended.
- Measles vaccine is widely available in the community, and free and low-cost vaccinations are available. A complete list is available at www.ochealthinfo.com
To learn more about measles, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Orange County Health Care Agency. |
Pet of the Week |
 Click on the image above to view a PDF version. |
Events Around the District |
 Click on the image above to view a PDF version. |
Author Thornton Cline
Saturday, January 24, 2015, 11:00 AM
East Anaheim Branch Library, 8201 East Santa Ana Canyon Road
Family Storytime
Monday, January 26, 7:00 PM
Canyon Hills Branch Library, 400 Scout Trail
Certified Farmers Market
Sunday, January 25, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Orange County Great Park
Princess & the Pirate Puppet Show
Saturday, January 31, 3:00 PM
El Modena Library, 380 South Hewes Street
Farmers Market
Wednesday, January 28, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
El Camino Real & 3rd St.
Villa Park
Toddler Storytime
Tuesday, January 27, 9:30 AM
Villa Park Library, 17865 Santiago Blvd.
Yorba Linda
Minecraft Mania
Thursday, January 29, 6:30 PM
Yorba Linda Public Library, 18181 Imperial Hwy.
Nixon Library Concert
Saxophone Quartet, Directed by Ernie Del Fante
Sunday, January 25, 1:30 PM
Richard Nixon Library, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd.
For questions or comments regarding Spitzer’s E-Newsletter
please contact the Supervisor's office staff at: (714) 834-3330 or Melanie.Eustice@ocgov.com