Board of Supervisors |
Welcome to Nelson's E-News! |
As we enter the last two months of 2013, a lot is happening in our community. There are a few issues and events I would like to highlight. In Buena Park, I attended the new Bodies and Titanic exhibits and, in Anaheim, I attended an Athletic Directors Association meeting to collaborate on youth athletic programs in the County. Please see the photos and descriptions below.
Elsewhere in the County, I spoke at a VEOLIA Transportation Conference regarding high speed rail and other transportation options in Orange County and to the Orange County Business Council regarding the I-405 improvement project. My office also attended several ribbon cuttings and community events, including Silverado Days in Buena Park. If you were unable to attend these, please continue reading for a calendar of upcoming events throughout the district.
The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, November 5 at 9:30am in the Hall of Administration, 333 West Santa Ana Blvd., 92701. The agenda may be found online here. Please note that the County will be closed on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. As a result, the Board will be dark on Tuesday, November 12.
Shawn Nelson |
Board Updates |
Pension Accomplishments |
When I took office in 2010, I advocated for reducing costs to the taxpayers. Arguably, the bloated public employee retirement formulas represent the largest unnecessary expenditure at the County. In response, the Board of Supervisors has supported and implemented several measures to rein in pension costs since then. This Tuesday, November 5, the Board will vote on two additional items: whether to immediately eliminate County pick-ups of required pension contributions for members of the Board of Supervisors and whether to place on the June ballot a measure that eliminates County pick-ups of required pension contributions for all County of Orange elected officials assuming office on or after January 1, 2015. Below are some of the previous major accomplishments:
- June 5, 2012: Measure B approved by Orange County voters with 72.4% votes, which requires future County Supervisors to enroll in the least expensive pension plan available.
- December 18, 2012: Board approved to adopt 1.62% @ 65 retirement benefits formula for all employees hired on or after 1/1/13.
- December 18, 2012: Board approved to adopt 2011-2014 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Orange County Managers Association (OCMA), which requires all managers to pay for their share of the normal cost of pension and reverse pick-ups associated with 2.7@55.
- March 5, 2013: Board adopted a resolution & unilaterally imposed terms and conditions of employment for Orange County Attorney’s Association (OCAA), which requires all attorneys to pay for their share of the normal cost of pension and reverse pick-ups associated with 2.7@55.
- February 7, 2012 to May 7, 2013: Board appointed Clerk of the Board (2/7/2012), Office of Performance Audit Director (3/19/2013), Clerk-Recorder (4/2/2013), Auditor-Controller (4/16/2013) and County Executive Officer (5/7/2013) positions and required them to pay for their share of the normal cost of pension and reverse pick-ups associated with 2.7@55.
- January 15, 2013 through April 9, 2013: Board approved agreements with various labor groups requiring all employees hired on or after January 1, 2013, to pay for past service liability associated with the 2.7@55 retirement formula provided to certain County employees and commonly referred to as the "Reverse Pick-up" (OCEA 2/5/13, OCMA 4/9/13, AOCW 1/15/13).
- May 21, 2013: Board revised the Personnel and Salary Resolution to eliminate County pick-ups of required pension contributions for Executive Management, Executive Aides and Executive Assistants, effective 6/28/13; and members of the Board of Supervisors and other Elected County Officials who are elected, appointed or re-elected to a term on or after 1/1/15.
- In addition, action taken by the Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS) Board resulted in the County and other plan participants making larger contributions to the retirement system by amortizing future Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) over a shorter amortization period (from 30 years to 25 years). OCERS also reduced investment earning assumptions from 7.75% to 7.25%.
 Supervisor Nelson at the 10/22/13 Board of Supervisors Meeting |
OCTA Team Shares Update on 91 Westbound Lane Project with West Anaheim Neighborhood Council |
OCTA staff shared a presentation on the 91 Westbound Lane Widening Project with approximately 40 residents and stakeholders Thursday, Oct. 16 at the West Anaheim Youth Center.
The City of Anaheim organizes this quarterly meeting as an opportunity for West Anaheim residents and stakeholders to learn about and discuss ongoing projects, services and activities in the area.
OCTA Director Gail Eastman, also Anaheim mayor pro-tem, joined the project team in sharing updates about the project that is the third in a series of freeway improvement projects that are increasing capacity and improving operations on the 91 Freeway in Orange County.
The team also highlighted the project’s Measure M and Proposition 1B funding strategy as well as summarized the project’s progress, including the newly implemented safety and traffic management measures, demolition of numerous bridges and walls, and the substantial work on rebuilding a portion of the Houston Channel, which provides storm drain services along the northern edge of the freeway.
In an effort to provide participants a “behind the k-rail” look at the project, staff presented a series of photos that illustrated the successful demolition of five of six major westbound overpasses, including those at State College Boulevard, Acacia Street, Raymond Avenue, Euclid Street and Brookhurst Road. Similarly, staff discussed images that showed crews working at the channel, walls and other structures.
The project team also explained OCTA and Caltrans’ communications and outreach program that is part of the ongoing partnership that has enabled the agencies to add 18 lane miles to the SR-91 in Orange County since December 2010.
The 91 Westbound Lane Widening Project will add a new 4-mile general-purpose lane between the Orange Freeway (SR-57) and the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5).
Crews anticipate completing the project in late 2015 through the partnership of Anaheim-based C.C. Myers, Inc., the project’s construction contractor.
For more information, please visit the project website. |
OCTA Enhances Website to Improve Access for Visually Impaired |
For the visually impaired in Orange County, navigating the public transportation system just became a little less challenging. OCTA recently unveiled enhancements to its website,, that make it easier to absorb information from the entire thousand-page site.
Public transportation is particularly important to the visually impaired, according to the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). People who are blind or visually impaired cannot drive themselves and often rely on buses, trains or paratransit services for independent travel to work, school, shopping, healthcare and elsewhere.
As people age, vision diminishes. And as huge numbers of Baby Boomers reach their senior years, the need for adaptive technology grows. Working with Dayle McIntosh, a Garden Grove-based resource center that helps persons with disabilities live independent lives, OCTA’s Digital Communications Team designed three versions of the website to address the diverse needs of those with visual impairments.
One version includes only text; another features text and images but no navigational content like menus, headers and footers. Both allow easy access via text reader so users can listen to the information. The third variation, with white text on a black background, provides heightened contrast for easier reading. To access that version, users simply select “High Contrast” at the top right of any OCTA web page. |
Before, during and after creating the three variations, the OCTA team met with Dayle McIntosh to learn what the visually impaired need in order to have a positive experience with the OCTA website. Now, Orange County residents have additional ways to access the transit information they need to successfully complete their journeys. |
Shape the Future of Transportation |
OCTA is preparing for the future with its Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a roadmap to transportation improvements between now and 2035.
Orange County faces some challenges in the coming years, such as increased traffic congestion, limited funding for improvements, and restricted rights of way to widen highways, streets and roads. By 2035, the population of Orange County is expected to grow by 13 percent while jobs are projected to increase by 19 percent. This growth could result in a substantial increase in traffic delays if improvements are not made to the transportation system.
To address these issues, OCTA is asking the public for their feedback on transportation improvements such as signal synchronization, active transportation, managed lanes, high capacity transit, express transit, technology, and other solutions.
Using the LRTP, OCTA is designing ways to deliver on voter-approved commitments, improve system performance and efficiency, expand transportation choices, and support fiscal and environmental sustainability initiatives.
OCTA updates the LRTP every four years, consistent with the development schedule for the Southern California Association of Governments’ Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
Until Dec. 15, residents have the opportunity to provide input on the future of mobility for Orange County by watching a video and completing a brief survey on OCTA’s website, The input will help shape the LRTP and the future of Orange County transportation. |
In the Community |
Bodies Exhibit |
This past week, Supervisor Nelson was honored to be the MC for the BODIES Exhibit and the Titanic Experience in Buena Park.
Experienced by more than 15 million people worldwide, Bodies…The Exhibition offers an intimate and informative view into the human body. Using an innovative preservation process, the Exhibition allows visitors to see the human body’s inner beauty in educational and awe-inspiring ways. The Exhibition will feature over 200 actual human bodies and specimens meticulously dissected and respectfully displayed, offering an unprecedented and wholly unique view into the amazing body.
Titanic The Experience is an unprecedented opportunity to travel back in time and experience the wonder and tragedy of the world’s most famous ocean-liner, Titanic. Visitors are guided through the interactive Exhibition by trained actors in period costume that will portray Titanic notables such as Captain Smith and Margaret Brown. The Exhibition will feature over 250 authentic artifacts that have been recovered from the wreck site of Titanic, 2.5 miles beneath the ocean surface. These amazing objects, once thought to be lost forever, along with authentic recreations of some of the most famous rooms on board Titanic, will offer visitors an educational, emotional and poignant look at this iconic Ship and its passengers.
To visit the exhibit, please see information below:
The Premier Exhibition Center at the Former Movieland Wax Museum:
7711 Beach Blvd Buena Park, CA 90620
Purchase tickets: |
 Supervisor Shawn Nelson |
VEOLIA Transportation Conference |
On Tuesday October 29, Supervisor Nelson was honored to be the guest speaker at Veolia Transportation’s
bi-annual conference which was being held at the Newport Beach Marriott Bayview. As the largest private provider of multiple modes of transportation in North America, Veolia provides safe and sustainable mobility solutions under contract to cities, transit authorities, counties, airports, companies and universities. They operate 200 contracts in bus, rail, paratransit, shuttle and taxi services. Supervisor Nelson spoke about the future of High Speed Rail in California, commuter rail, and the growth of light rail in Orange County. For more information on Veolia, please visit |
 Supervisor Nelson addressing the attendees at VEOLIA conference |
Athletic Directors Association Meeting |
On Monday, October 21st Supervisor Nelson was honored to be the Orange County Athletic Director’s Association’s (OCADA) keynote speaker at their fall dinner which was held Anaheim Convention Center. The theme for the evening was “what’s right with public education” which included honoring school administrators from the various 80 high schools in Orange County. Attendees included Athletic Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, and District Superintendents. The Association honored their best site administrators with awards and Supervisor Nelson took a picture with each athletic director and principal. After a flattering introduction by Conference Program Chair and Corporate Advisor, Tom Danley, Supervisor Nelson spoke about his personal experiences in the public school system and the importance of providing our kids with quality after school programs. For more information on the California State Athletic Directors Association, please visit |
 (Top) CIF Commissioner Rob Wigod, Supervisor Nelson, Retired Athletic Director of Sunny Hills High Ralph Trigstead
(Bottom) OCADA Program Chair Tom Danley, Supervisor Nelson |
KaBOOM! Ribbon Cutting |
As of October 21, more than 350 children have a great new place to play, inspiring them to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Disney and KaBOOM!, with the help of more than 200 volunteers including local community residents, City of Anaheim and Anaheim Family YMCA volunteers and Disney VoluntEARS, joined together to deliver a new playground at Modjeska Park in Anaheim.
Planning for the playground began in August 2013 at Design Day, a unique element of this program in which local children and community leaders met with organizers from Disney and KaBOOM! to design their dream playground. The children’s drawings were then used to create the final playground design. Since 1996, KaBOOM! has used its innovative community-build model to bring together community interests and businesses to construct more than 2,300 new places to play across North America.
The new playground is one of more than 40 made possible with support from Disney to inspire kids to lead healthier lifestyles. Since 2011, in Orange County alone, five builds have provided playgrounds for nearly 7,000 children. This project was impressively built in just one day, beginning at 9:00 am and completing just before 3:00 pm. Modjeska Park is located at 1331 South Nutwood Street.
 From left to right: Paul Andresen- President and CEO of the Anaheim Family YMCA; Michael Colglazier, President, Disneyland Resort; Councilmember Lucille Kring; Deputy Chief of Staff Mark Lopez; Mayor Tom Tait; and Mayor Pro Tem Gail Eastman. |
Silverado Days |
This year’s Buena Park Silverado Days exceeded 150,000 visitors over three days at William Peak Park. Attendees enjoyed carnival rides, live music, a petting zoo, arts and crafts, food, games, contests and raffles.
Supervisor Nelson and his staff were on hand to answer questions and visit with patrons at the County public information booth.
The Main Stage showcased several live music performances, contests, and raffles. Contests included Pie-Eating, Amateur Horseshoe, Mutt Show, Baby Classic Contest, Pie Eating, World Amateur Arm Wrestling Championship, Hog Calling, and Chili Cook-off. At Sam's Marketplace, over 100 booths featured handmade arts and crafts, artisan jewelry, specialty clothes, specialty food, face painting, carnival memorabilia, professional cookware, and local business services.
Silverado Days is sponsored by the Buena Park Noon Lions Club and the City of Buena Park. Festival proceeds go to local charities. Congratulations to the City of Buena Park and the affiliated sponsors, donors and community teams who delivered another terrific Silverado Days weekend.
 Fourth District Staffer Steve Spernak and Buena Park Mayor Beth Swift |
Burrissimo Grand Opening |
It was standing room only at the ribbon cutting of Burrissimo in Brea last Thursday afternoon, October 24 as dozens of community representatives, chamber members and friends gathered to experience first-hand this tasty fast-and-fresh Italian restaurant!
Burrissimo is affordable, fresh, Italian food made fast! Every entrée is only $7.49 and you can build your own or choose a favorite. The chain’s second Orange County location offers a variety of items with fresh ingredients. Entrée choices include a signature Italian Burrito, Pizza, Pasta Bowl or Salad Bowl. There is something for everyone, with lots of healthy choices! After a few brief remarks, owner John Parlet welcomed each one of the hungry crowd to sample a free entrée off the delicious menu.
Burrissimo is located at 103 W. Imperial Highway in Brea (in the Gateway Plaza, corner of Brea Boulevard and Imperial Highway). For more information, please call (714) 494-1866 or visit Burrissimo online. |
 (Left photo) Supervisor Nelson staffer Mark Lopez presents a certificate to owner John Parlet (Right Photo) Ribbon cutting |
OCBC Meeting: Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee |
Orange County Business Council’s Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee welcomed Shawn Nelson, Chairman, Orange County Board of Supervisors, on Friday, October 25. Nelson briefed committee members on updates about the I-405 Improvement Project, as well as the recent activity of the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
Chairman Nelson highlighted the on-going conversations between Caltrans and OCTA regarding managed lanes. He also applauded the Orange County Transportation Authority’s decision to reconsider adding dual express lanes to further relieve traffic congestion on the nation’s busiest corridor. Chairman Nelson pointed out that if OCTA did not seize the opportunity to integrate managed lanes into the I-405 expansion plan, in all likelihood, Caltrans would. This could result in local toll revenues being redistributed outside of Orange County.
Many committee members took the opportunity to commend Chairman Nelson on his leadership on the I-405 Improvement Project and thanked him for his continued support of the interest of Orange County businesses in improving workforce mobility.
Chairman Nelson also briefed the committee on AQMD, as he is one of 13 members on the Board of Directors. He touched on some of the challenges AQMD faces in regulating the majority of air polluters, such as combustion engines and construction, but reiterated AQMD’s commitment to working toward more meaningful pollution mitigation solutions.

(Left to Right) Larry Labrado from SC Edison, Lucy Dunn – CEO of OCBC, Steve Finnegan - AAA, Supervisor Shawn Nelson, Bryan Starr – Sr. Vice President, Government Affairs OCBC
Daniel’s European – Grand Opening |
Congratulations to Daniel’s European on their Grand opening in La Habra! Daniel’s European is an automotive repair shop specializing in European, Asian and domestic vehicles. They are located at 731 West Whittier Boulevard Unit B in the City of La Habra. Supervisor Nelson staffer Audra Fishel was on hand to present a certificate of recognition to manager Tony Orozco. For more information on how to get involved or join the La Habra Chamber of Commerce, please visit: |
 Policy Advisor Audra Fishel presents a certificate of recognition to Tony Orozco, Daniel’s brother |
Brea Senior Center |
As part of Supervisor Nelson’s mission to enhance communications and resources to seniors, a series of one-hour conferences have taken place this past week at his Fourth District office at the OC Hall of Administration with Senior Center management.
Attending this week from Brea were Community Services Director Chris Emeterio, Senior Center Director Tim Takahashi and Senior Management Analyst Carrie Hernandez of the Community Services Department. Highlights of the Brea conference included creative ways to finance meals for seniors with partnerships into city eateries who can deliver a variety of menu specialties and flavors from Brea’s outstanding downtown restaurants at reduced costs to the Senior Center at 500 S. Sievers.
 Brea’s Tim Takahashi and Carrie Hernandez (left) joined Supervisor Nelson and Brea Community Services Director Chris Emeterio (right) to discuss senior issues and delivering County resources. |
State Farm Grand Opening |
On October 25, the Fourth District was proud to welcome John Galea with State Farm Insurance and congratulate him on his new location in the city of Fullerton! John Galea provides a full service insurance agency offering auto, home, renters, life, disability, long term care and business insurance. He has been an agent since 2000 after working as a team member in an agent’s office for 17 years and has been in the insurance business with State Farm since 1982.
John Galea’s services are found at 1102 East Chapman Ave, Fullerton, in a quaint, upgraded office space that allows his customers to feel right at home. Be sure to check out his website,, or call at (714) 526-3344.
 Fourth District Staffer Natalie Wieckert present a certificate to John Galea |
Avenida Villas Open House |
Avenida Villas is an award-winning 29-unit affordable housing community developed by AMCAL Multi-Housing, Inc. The building features beautiful craftsman-style architecture designed by Withee Malcolm Architects.
The three-story property is comprised of 23 one-bedroom units and six two-bedroom units that are 100% affordable and designated for residents with special needs. Each unit is equipped with energy-efficient appliances and high speed internet access.
Community amenities include a playground, barbeque and picnic area, large community room with ten-foot ceilings, recreational activities and table games, a lounge area, community kitchen, computer center and onsite laundry. Several part-time employees are present during the day and a full-time manager lives onsite.
The development incorporates cutting edge sustainability features such as solar energy technology and has been certified by the U.S. Green Building Council as a LEED Platinum Building, the highest green designation for LEED. Additionally, Avenida Villas was honored by the Kennedy Commission as Project of the Year (Special Needs Category) at the 31st Annual Affordable Housing Awards.
Three residents made their homes available for tours by the 50 attendees. In addition to the dozens of residents and community leaders attending the celebration, OC Community Services Deputy Director Julia Bidwell, who helped facilitate the process, also stopped by.
 Staff from Chairman Shawn Nelson’s office, Scott Carpenter (l) and Mark Lopez (r), join AMCAL’s Vice President of Development Mario Turner for a photo in front of the Avenida Villas children’s playground during its open house celebration. |
OC Parks |
 Click on the image above to view a larger version. |
County Commissions and Committees |
The 4th District has vacant appointments on the following commissions or committees:
- Oversight Board of the Successor to the City Redevelopment Agency (Buena Park and Anaheim)
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please call Audra Fishel at (714) 834.3440 |
OC Animal Care |
 Click on the image above to view a larger version.
 Click on the image above to view a larger version.
Library Corner |
 Click on the image above to view a larger version. |
Events |
 Click on the image above to view a larger version. |
Magic Show with Johnny Ace Palmer! |
Where: Anaheim First Presbyterian Church, 310 W. Broadway
When: Friday, November 15
Time: 6 pm
Reservations needed-714/535/2176, ask for Karen
What: Harbor Heart Arts & Crafts Festival
Where: Corner of Lincoln Ave and Anaheim Blvd
When: Saturday, November 2
Time: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
What: Musica: the Melodies and Rhythms of Latin America
Where: Servite High School Theatre, 1952 W. La Palma Avenue
When: Sunday, November 24
Time: 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
What: 2013 Veterans Day Ceremony
Where: Downtown Community Center, 250 E. Center St.
When: Saturday, November 9
Time: 10:00 am
What: Sneak Preview for Sixth Grade
Where: Teen Zone, 695 East Madison Way
When: Friday, November 8
Time: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
What: Veterans Day Ceremony
Where: Brea Civic & Cultural Center, 1 Civic Center Circle
When: Monday, November 11
Time: 10:30 am-11:15 am
What: Nutcracker Craft Boutique
Where: Brea Community Center, 695 East Madison Way
When: Friday, November 15-Saturday, November 16
Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Buena Park
What: 35th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
Where: 7675 Crescent Ave
When: Thursday, November 21
Time: 7:00 am-9:00 am
What: City Council Meeting
Where: 6650 Beach Boulevard
When: Tuesday, November 12
Time: 5:00 pm
What: 20th Annual Art Auction for All the Arts for All the Kids
Where: Next to Fullerton Museum Center, 301 N. Pomona Avenue
When: Saturday, November 2
Time: 6:00 pm
What: Leon Owens Foundation Bingo Night Scholarship Fundraiser
Where: Hotel Fullerton, 1500 S. Raymond Ave.
When: Saturday, November 2
Time: 5:30 pm
What: Alternative Gift Faire
Where: First Christian Church, 109 E. Wilshire Ave.
When: Sunday, November 3
Time: 11:00 am-2:00 pm
What: Veterans Day Parade
Where: Begins in Fullerton’s Downtown Plaza, located on Wilshire Avenue
When: Monday, November 11
Time: 10:30 am
La Habra
What: Harrah’s Casino Trip
Where: La Bonita Park parking lot, 1441 W. Whittier Blvd.
When: Monday, November 4
Time: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
What: Veterans Day Ceremony
Where: La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd.
When: Monday, November 11
Time: 11:00 am-12:00 pm
What: Community Health Fair
Where: La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd.
When: Thursday, November 14
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
What: Veteran’s Advisory Committee Meeting
Where: City Hall Meeting Room, 401 E. Chapman Ave.
When: Monday, November 4
Time: 6:30 pm
What: Placentia City Council Meeting
Where: 401 E. Chapman Ave.
When: Tuesday, November 5
Time: 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
What: Heritage Festival Committee Meeting
Where: City Hall Meeting Room, 401 E. Chapman Ave.
When: Wednesday, November 13
Time: 7:00 pm
For questions or comments regarding Nelson’s E-News
please contact the Supervisor's office staff:
Audra Fishel Ph: 714-834-3440 Email: |
Denis Bilodeau
Chief of Staff
Mark Lopez
Deputy Chief of Staff
Audra Fishel
Policy Advisor /
Communications Director
Steve Spernak
Policy Advisor
Scott Carpenter
Policy Advisor
Natalie Wieckert
Staff Aide
Stay Connected! |