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Chairman Shawn Nelson - 4th District Update
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April 27, 2018
Volume 9 Issue 8
Board of Supervisors
Welcome to Nelson's E-News!
Thank you for reading this edition of my newsletter. I hope you find the information below very helpful. As always, I appreciate and look forward to your feedback.

The next board meeting will be Tuesday, May 8, 2018 9:30am in the Hall of Administration – 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana 92701. The agenda may be accessed here.

Please see photos and descriptions below of some of the events our office attended in the community this week. If you were unable to attend, there are other events listed at the end of this newsletter.

Shawn Nelson
Board Updates
The County of Orange Seeks to Intervene in the Department of Justice Litigation against California State “Sanctuary” Laws
The County of Orange has filed a motion for leave to intervene and join in the pending case United States v. California, Case #18-264. The Department of Justice’s lawsuit seeks to restore the federal government’s Constitutional authority and sole jurisdiction over immigration issues and to end the existing conflict that local law enforcement encounters with state law.

This action seeks injunctive relief to stop enforcement of Senate Bill 54 and Assembly Bill 103 that restrict local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Currently, under the State Sanctuary Laws, local law enforcement is unable to provide information on the release date of removable criminal aliens in custody. “The State Sanctuary Laws are a clear public safety threat to the citizens of Orange County and California. It is inappropriate to put the lives, safety and security of our residents behind those of criminal illegal aliens. We look forward to our day in court,” stated County Supervisor Shawn Nelson. “I will do everything I can to stop it”.

“There have been over 250 inmates in the country illegally who have already been released into the community because of this legislation. We will not tolerate this abhorrent public safety hazard to continue any longer,” continued Nelson.
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Homelessness Update
On Tuesday, April 17, the Board of Supervisors held a study session to discuss and outline what the county is doing regarding homelessness. It provided an opportunity to discuss the funding of homeless solutions, potential housing models and the mental health treatment needed to serve this population. The County of Orange currently has 543 units in the pipeline for permanent supportive housing, mental health housing and veteran’s housing. While we have made significant steps forward, there is still room for improvement and to do more to fully address the needs of the homeless population in our communities. For further information, please see the attached presentation.

Click here for the Building System of Care PDF file.
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County Extends Fullerton and Santa Ana Armory Emergency Shelters For 90 Days
The County of Orange, in cooperation with the host cities of Fullerton and Santa Ana, is extending the County’s Cold Weather Armory Emergency Shelters in Santa Ana and Fullerton an additional 90 days. This action allows the County program to continue providing more than 400 beds per night, (200 at Santa Ana and 237 at Fullerton), for three additional months with the approval of the California National Guard for use of their armories. The County opened the Santa Ana shelter early in October 2017.

Both armory shelters were originally scheduled to close April 15. The armory program typically runs December through April, with coordination and support from the California Military Department. The armories provide a safe place to sleep along with a nutritious meal, a warm shower, warm clothes and a wide variety of supportive services.

The armory program is operated by Mercy House through a contract and funding by the County’s OC Community.

Several agencies provide on-site services aimed at breaking the cycle of homelessness and moving individuals to self-sufficiency and independent living, including the Orange County Health Care Agency, Orange County Social Services Agency, Mental Health Association of Orange County, Public Law Center, 2-1-1 Orange County, Orange County Rescue Mission and many others. Donations from other nonprofit organizations, churches and individuals add to the available resources to make this program a success.

The contract for the three-month extension is in an amount not to exceed $800,000, which will be paid for through the County’s General Fund. The Board of Supervisors is expected to authorize the funding to extend the operation of the two armories at the April 24 Board meeting.

In February, the Board of Supervisors fast tracked plans to:
  • Expand temporary shelter capacity at the County’s Bridges at Kraemer Place
  • Negotiate and execute a contract for an additional 60 shelter beds and related services at the SAFEPlace by WISEPlace for Women
  • Identify housing for couples through Washington House - American Family Housing
  • Coordinate with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other organizations regarding the delivery of services for veterans experiencing homelessness, and;
For additional information about the County’s shelters, visit the OC Housing & Community Development webpage at
OCTA to Increase Bicycle Capacity on Buses

Installation of three-position bicycle racks will help OC cyclists more easily access the bus system and their final destination
The OCTA board of directors on Monday approved a contract to install the racks on all standard 40-foot buses – up to 484 buses in all.

Currently, most OC Buses only have room for up to two bicycles on the carrier at the front of the bus. OCTA operates its 484 40-foot compressed-natural-gas-powered buses on 65 routes across the county, serving more than 5,500 bus stops.

When buses already have two bikes on board, cyclists have had to wait for the next bus along the route, hoping there is room for their bike. Adding a third slot for an additional bike on each bus will greatly improve efficiency for Orange County’s cycling community.

The approximately $745,000 contract with Complete Coach Works allows for the purchase and installation of up to 484 three-position bicycle racks, and an option to purchase 73 more, if needed. Funding for the project comes from the state’s Low Carbon Transit Operations Program.

Several Southern California public-transportation agencies have already installed three-position bike racks. In 2014, Governor Brown approved the use of the three-position racks on 40-foot buses in California. The new bike racks are expected to be installed in phases, approximately 100 at a time, beginning late this summer.
In the Community
Tri City Park Kids Fishing Derby
Supervisor Nelson and OC Parks hosted a first annual kids fishing derby at Tri City Park in Placentia this past weekend. The lake was stocked with over 3,000 pounds of catfish in anticipation of the large crowd, the event had over 1200 people attend with the lake completely surrounded by participants. The Fourth district wants to thank LA Rod and Reel who provided the bait and was on hand with several volunteers and brought tons of prizes for the derby and raffle winners.

Tri City park has been opened since the early 1970's and was managed by the Tri-City Park authority with participation from the cities of Placentia, Brea and Fullerton. This succesful childrens event wouldn’t be a possibility unless Supervisor Nelson hadn’t directed staff in 2011 to begin discussions on releasing the park to OC Parks. In 2012, the title was released and it was transferred to the County of Orange. Since taking over Tri-City Regional Park, improvements in the park include:
  • Rebuilding of all three picnic shelters, and the addition of electrical outlets to each shelter
  • Addition of 13 high efficiency LED street and walkway overhead lighting (remaining 3 lights will be replaced within the next year)
  • Repair and re-planking of all three foot bridges
  • Upgrading and repairing all landscape irrigation systems
  • Upgrade of electrical service to better accommodate special events, picnics, area lighting, and other high current demands
  • Installation of entrance/exit gates. The park is now physically closed at night to discourage illegal camping, misuse of facilities, and better facility security
  • Addition of toddler playground equipment at the existing playground
  • Removal of wood chip playground fill material, and replacement with poured rebound play surfaces
  • Upgrading restroom buildings to meet current ADA standards
  • Re-slurry and restriping of all paved parking lots, roadways, and walking paths
For more information on future OC Parks events, please visit

Supervisor Nelson MC’s the derby with over 1200 attendees

A participant catches his first fish!

Supervisor Nelson helps a kid’s mom untangle their line

Supervisor Nelson and a fishing derby participant

Over 1200 attend

What a great crowd!

First Place winner!

LA Rod and Reel Team

LA Rod and Reel weighing the winning fish at the weigh station (4 lbs, 10 ounces)
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Association of General Contractors Meeting
Supervisor Nelson along with Assemblyman Steven Choi and State Senators Josh Newman and John Moorlach attended and spoke at a Legislative forum sponsored by Association of General Contractors. The main topics of discussion were the potential repeal of SB 1 (the statewide gas tax), federal funding for the 405 widening project, and the status of the California high speed rail.

Founded in 1920, the AGC is a premier organization of choice for both experienced and next generation construction and contracting professionals. With more than 1,000 contractors, specialty, and associate member companies throughout California, AGC members represent the full spectrum of the construction industry.

AGC members build California's highways, roads, tunnels, dams, utility systems, power plants, bridges, refineries, hospitals, schools, sewage and waste treatment plants, rail transit systems, office buildings and building restoration.

Supervisor Nelson, Assemblyman Steve Choi, State Senators Josh Newman and John Moorlach (Left to Right)
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Supervisor Celebrates Grace Community Service
Supervisor Nelson was honored to deliver his county commendations in person to Pastor Paul Han and John Kim, President of KAFOC, at ceremonies hosted last week at the Sheraton in Cerritos.

The elegant evening event was both an awards night and showcasing the leadership, staff and volunteers of the Grace Community Service, a non-profit corporation founded in 1995 designed to help newly arrived immigrants with English classes, US Citizenship Programs, elderly services for Medicare and Medical applications.

Over the last 9 years, GCS has served over 270,000 breakfast sandwich meals to the homeless and works daily to provide food for homeless, women, youth and people with disabilities in the community. Supervisor Nelson who has known the works and leadership of Grace Community Service and ministries since his days as the Mayor of Fullerton, was honored to attend and present commendations to Joseph Im, Director of GCS in front of the 300 who attended the dinner event.

Special congratulations to Pastor Paul Han and his son, Sam Ham, who MC’d the nights programs.

For more information on how you can support this fantastic program and help those in need, please go to for an email or contact the office of OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson at

Supervisor Nelson delivered congratulations to Susie Han, Paul Han (Senior Pastor of Grace Ministries International), Lisa Kim and John Kim (President of the KAFOC, Korean American Federation of Orange County)

Supervisor Nelson enjoyed presenting commendations to Joseph Wonsik Im, Chairman of Grace Community Service.
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Elmer Thill Celebrates 104th Birthday!
Four years ago, Supervisor Nelson delivered his traditional honors to anyone making it to 100 years old with a copy of his Century Award, hugs, smiles and photos with a party for Elmer Thill.

When Marilyn Fedorow and Lisa Wright-Jenkins of the Council on Aging called the Supervisor to celebrate the 104th birthday of Elmer Thill it was just a blink and a smile and a GO!

Joined by Janet Baker and the Anaheim Alumni Association, Policy Advisor Steve Spernak joined the Anaheim Band at the front porch and helped them play happy birthday for Thill as he answered the door. Best part was that Thill, who graduated from Anaheim in 1932, was a band member and jumped right in with his clarinet!

Spernak re-crafted the Beatles classic of ‘When I’m 64’ by Paul McCartney into When I’m 104 and presented it as a fun Lifetime Achievement Award from the Supervisor. Spernak also gave Thill a cigar to enjoy and told Thill, at 104…it can’t matter if you smoke now! Thill and the entire band laughed hysterically and Thill pocketed the cigar to smoke that night to celebrate an amazing life-journey since his first birthday…in 1914!!!

Happy Birthday and blessings always on Elmer Anaheim and American legend.

Steve Spernak, Elmer Thill and the Anaheim High School Band

Steve Spernak and Elmer Thill
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Soroptimist International Select Top Women In Fullerton
Congratulations to Soroptimist International of Fullerton and President Leslie McCarthy for their selection of another set of outstanding candidates who were honored this past week at the Live Your Dream Awards luncheon.

Hosted at the Old Spaghetti Factory on Harbor in Fullerton, Policy Advisor Steve Spernak delivered commendations to this year’s honorees in Daniela San Elias. Talia Medina and Heather Simmons.

Honorees were selected on the essays they wrote about how they had ‘hit bottom’ and rather than give up, start fresh and fight their way back into education or professional programs to re-start their careers.

The success of their efforts was recognized by the $1,000 scholarships each received along with commendations from Supervisor Nelson, state assembly, senate and congressional members.

Best wishes and continued success to this year’s honorees and sincere thanks to the women of Soroptimist International of Fullerton who believe in the investment and faith to help the next generation of women become leaders, moms and career-employed professionals!

Policy Advisor Steve Spernak presented commendations to Daniela San Elias.
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Top DUI Police, Sheriffs and DA Honored
Supervisor Nelson was again honored to deliver commendations and congratulations to the top arresting Officers, Deputies and CHP at the annual MADD awards luncheon hosted at the Los Coyotes Country Club in Buena Park.

The gala is a two hour moment in time for MADD and supporters like Supervisor Nelson to deliver commendations and special thanks to these line officers who risk their lives stopping the menace and murder of drunk drivers who kill 29 Americans every day.

Last year, the Officers honored at the 2018 awards luncheon arrested 5403 drunk and drugged drivers off the streets of Orange County. Policy Advisor Steve Spernak delivered commendations to the top arresting officers in the 6 cities of the Fourth District.

Also honored by Supervisor Nelson and the Board was Deputy District Attorney Vincent Marinaccio. His work was recognized by both MADD and the County Board of Supervisors as part of the specialized team of DA’s that handle the very complicated cases of murder and multiple-victim fatals caused by drunk drivers.

Congratulations to all the honorees, Chiefs who attended in their support and Tiffany Ranney, Director of MADD, and her staff who delivered another fantastic afternoon of appreciation for these DUI warriors !

Top DA Prosecutor Vince Marinaccio with District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and DUI team at MADD awards.

Policy Advisor joined Chief Todd Elgin at the MADD awards
County Commissions and Committees
The Fourth District has vacant appointments on the following commissions or committees:

  • Audit Oversight Committee
  • Assessment Appeals Board No.1
  • Orange County Visitors Association
If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please call Audra Fishel at (714) 834-3440.
OCTA Committees
The Fourth District has vacant appointments on the following commissions or committees:

  • Special Needs Advisory Committee
The Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC) advises OCTA about issues that relate to OCTA fixed-route transit and paratransit services for customers with special transportation needs
Pet of the Week
OC Animal Care Pet of the Week
Click on the image above to view a larger version.

Click on the image above to view a larger version.
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City of Anaheim Events

What: 2018 Angels Luncheon
When: May 1
Where: Angel Stadium-The Lexus Diamond Club, 2000 Gene Autry Way, Anaheim
Time: 11:00am-2:00pm

What: Anaheim Resort Job Fair
When: May 3
Where: Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel-Pacific Ballroom
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

City of Brea Events

What: JC Penny Super Hero Event
When: April 28
Where: JC Penny Brea
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm

What: Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
When: May 3
Where: 695 Madison Way, Brea
Time: 6:45am-8:30am

City of Buena Park Events

What: Love Buena Park 2018
When: April 28
Where: The Source, 6940 Beach Blvd, Buena Park
Time: 7:30am-2:30pm

What: Jazz Concert Featuring The Mitch Gorman Trio with Special Guest Niki Haris
When: April 30
Where: The Plaza at Ethlers Event Center, 8150 Knott Ave, Buena Park
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm

City of Fullerton Events

What: North OC’s Fullerton CROP Hunger Walk
When: April 29
Where: Fullerton Down Plaza, 125 E Wilshire Ave, Downtown Fullerton
Time: 12:30pm-

What: Fullerton Market
When: May 3
Where: Downtown Fullerton
Time: 4:00pm-8:30pm

City of La Habra Events

What: Chipping in for Kids Golf Classic
When: April 30
Where: Hacienda Golf Club in La Habra Heights
Time: 11:00am-7:00pm

What: La Habra Citrus Fair 2018
When: May 4-May 6
Where: 321 E La Habra Blvd, Between Cypress & Euild St, La Habra
Time: Friday 4:00pm-11:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 11:00am-10:00pm

City of Placentia Events

What: Spring Brunch at Crescendo
When: April 29
Where: Crescendo Senior Living, 351 N Palm Dr, Placentia
Time: 11:30am-2:00pm

What: Certified Farmers Market
When: May 1
Where: SW Corner of Yorba Linda & Kraemer Blvds, Placentia
Time: 4:00pm-8:00pm

For questions or comments regarding Nelson’s E-News
please contact the Supervisor's office staff:
Audra Fishel – Phone: (714) 834-3440, Email:
Nelson Team
Denis Bilodeau
Chief of Staff

Mark Lopez
Deputy Chief of Staff

George Cardenas
Policy Advisor

Audra Fishel
Policy Advisor /
Communications Director

Steve Spernak
Policy Advisor

Natalie Wieckert
Policy Advisor
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