December 12, 2014 |
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
Ambulance Services RFP Re-Consideration |
Earlier this year, before I was elected to serve as the 5th District Supervisor, the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) determined that the Orange County Emergency Medical Services (OCEMS), a subdivision of the County’s Health Care Agency, is now required to conduct the ambulance request for proposals (RFP) process for nineteen contract cities contracts. Previously, the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) handled the procurement process.
In March, the Board directed OCEMS to publish a draft RFP for public review, comment. OCEMS provided an online forum for the public to provide comments on the published RFP. Following the public review in April, the Board was provided a final opportunity to weigh in on the content of the RFP.
One of the most substantial changes is the RFP has reduced the previous 19 ambulance operating areas into five exclusive operating areas (EOAS) and the manner in which prospective bidders will be chosen. While this change is critical, my primary concern is the nineteen cities which are primarily in the 5th District.
Since April, the RFP process has progressed and HCA released the RFP on May 19, 2014. Notices of Intent to Award and of Non-Selection for the RFP were released to all bidders, EMSA, on October 9, 2014. Thereafter, three bidders submitted seven protests to the Notices of Intent to Award based upon the individual proposals in some of the five Exclusive Operating Areas. In addition to bid protests, a number of city managers submitted letters of concern related to the RFP scoring process. Accordingly, HCA and its counsel reviewed the RFP process and made the determination to cancel the RFP.
On Tuesday, during my first Regular Board of Supervisors meeting, my colleagues and I voted to rescind the cancellation of the RFP and specifically outlined criteria to regrade the current RFP’s submitted by bidders.
Over the last several months, I have paid attention to this issue closely and believe that in order to maintain the County’s safety and provide for a fair, and transparent competitive procurement process, the rescission of the cancellation and the opportunity for the current RFPs to be regraded under a well-balanced and unbiased evaluation panel is imperative.
To view the Staff Report please click here and to view the Resolution approved by the Board please click here. |
Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors Swearing-In |
On Monday December 9th, I was honored to be sworn-in to the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors. |

Next week, I will provide you with an update on the Board actions taken. |
241/91 Express Lanes Connector Project Progresses |
The 241/91 Express Lanes Connector project continues in the preliminary design and environmental clearance phase.
The Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors approved an amendment to RBF Consulting’s contract to provide for additional scope for this work. The work has become necessary that is not included in the current contract and is addressed in the proposed amendment. This additional work will help move the project forward through the environmental clearance phase.
The 241/91 Express Lanes Connector is designed to provide a seamless connection between the northbound State Route (SR) 241 and the eastbound SR 91 Express Lanes as well as the westbound SR 91 Express Lanes to the southbound SR 241. |
2015 Point in Time Count of the Homeless |
A worthwhile event is being planned for late January 2015 that will significantly impact the future of many homeless families and individuals residing in Orange County. Every two years, the County of Orange and its non-profit partners conduct a single day count of the County's sheltered and unsheltered homeless population. The January 2013 count process determined that approximately 12,700 people become homeless in Orange County over the course of a year.
This project is undertaken to preserve over $16 million in annual federal funding for homeless programs and services. The project also serves as a means for leveraging additional funding from other government and private sources for needed homeless services and provides data to inform decision making on better service planning and delivery including Orange County’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness.
1,500 volunteers are needed to count the homeless throughout Orange County. As Supervisor for the 5th District, I am inviting you to support the 2015 Point-In-Time Count of the Homeless effort. 5th District residents can support the 2015 Point-In-Time Count by contributing a small amount of volunteer time to assist in this effort.
Each of the five County districts will have a deployment center where volunteers will gather on the morning of Saturday, January 24, 2015 to count the homeless from approximately 4:30 am – 9:00 a.m. on the streets throughout the entire county. A short training session is required prior to the day of the count. The location of each volunteer deployment center will be posted on the Point in Time website after December 1, 2014. The location of each volunteer deployment center is as follows:
1st District - Santa Ana
2-1-1 Orange County Office
1505 E.17th Street
Conference Center, Ste. 100
Santa Ana, CA 92705
2nd District - Huntington Beach
Colette’s Children’s Home
7372 Prince Dr., Ste 106
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
3rd District - Irvine
Families Forward
8 Thomas
Irvine, CA 92618
4th District - Anaheim
Victory Baptist
227 N. Magnolia
Anaheim, CA 92801
5th District - San Clemente
Family Assistance Ministries
1030 Calle Negocio
San Clemente, CA 92673
Construction Begins on Phase 2 of Multi-Purpose Basin in Santa Margarita Water District |
Construction of the lower section of the Canada Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin south of Coto de Caza is getting underway, with the entire Santa Margarita Water District project on schedule to be complete in June.
The completed project will capture and naturally treat urban runoff and storm flows, and use that water to help meet irrigation demands in Coto de Caza.
The Gobernadora Basin project consists of a storm detention basin and a natural treatment system, a system to capture and divert flows to the wetlands, a pump station and a pipeline to deliver flows to the Portola Reservoir, a recycled water reservoir in Coto de Caza.
Located along the 8.5 mile Gobernadora Creek, a major tributary to San Juan Creek, the Gobernadora Basin will rely on an inflatable barrier to intercept a significant portion of the Gobernadora Creek flow for storm detention and treatment of urban runoff.
The project will reduce downstream erosion and sedimentation of the Gobernadora Creek and improve water quality. An estimated 350 to 750 acre-feet of water are expected to be captured by the project each year. An acre-foot of water is enough to meet the needs of two families for a year, so capturing the run off in Gobernadora Creek frees up more expensive drinking water for residential and other similar uses.
The project is one of several under construction or in planning that are key to SMWD’s goal of reducing its dependence on water imported from the Colorado River and Northern California.
Gobernadora is the fourth runoff detention system built by SMWD. The project cost $22 million, but SMWD received $7.5 million in grants to help offset the cost.
For more information about the Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin project, see |
Boat Parade Update |
As of this report the boat parade is still scheduled to start at 7:30 PM on Friday and Saturday December 12 &13. OCSD Harbor Patrol is closely monitoring forecasts as the upcoming storm approaches and will be making a decision on whether or not the parade proceeds tomorrow evening.
Every effort will be made to proceed as planned. OC Dana Point Harbor will be sending updates in advance of the parade as information becomes available.
For those participating in, or planning to watch our Holiday Boat Parade, have fun, be safe and enjoy the Parade! |
Special Election Date Set for 1st District Vacancy |
The Board of Supervisors Chairman has set January 27, 2015, as the date for a winner-take-all special election to fill the vacancy created by the election of former 1st District Supervisor Janet Nguyen to the state Senate.
The County Charter specifies that supervisorial vacancies must be filled by a special election held not less than 56 days or more than 70 days after the date of the vacancy. The date selection requires ratification by the Board of Supervisors.
The 1st District includes the cities of Garden Grove, Santa Ana and Westminster, portions of the City of Fountain Valley and the unincorporated community of Midway City.
For more information, please click here and here. |
County Chief Information Officer Selected |
Interim Chief Information Officer Christina Koslosky has been chosen to permanently lead the County’s Office of Information Technology, effective immediately.
The CEO Office of Information Technology provides IT solutions across County departments and agencies for voice communications, network and Internet access, as well as server hosting and data center services.
For more information, please click here. |
Holiday Pet Tips |
There's no place like (a safe) home for the holidays. Below are some helpful and useful tips to make sure your pets stay safe and healthy this holiday season:
- Holiday lights also mean extra cords and plugs. Take an extra minute or two during decorating to tape down or cover cords. This will help prevent shocks, burns or more serious injuries to your pets.
- Secure Christmas trees to keep them from crashing to the ground when a good game of doggie wrestling gets going. Keep tinsel decorations high on the tree.
- During holiday parties, provide pets with a quiet place to retreat.
- Chocolate contains the heart stimulant theobromine and in small quantities can be toxic to dogs and cats.
- Mistletoe, holly berries, and poinsettia plants can be poisonous to pets.
- Holidays and long weekends are a time when many pets are lost. Be cautious about guests, open doors and gates, and the person who cares for your pet while you are away. Be sure to have a secure collar with tags, and a registered microchip, all with more than one phone number.
For more information, please click here. |
Laguna Niguel: Holiday Parade |
Come one, come all to the Laguna Niguel Holiday Parade, "Silver Bells ~ Golden Dreams”, Saturday, Dec. 13, beginning at 10:00 AM. This event is a Southern California tradition, with more than 3,000 parade participants and an anticipated crowd of more than 10,000 people. For more information, please click here. |
Mission Viejo: Artisan Faire |
Saturday, December 13 2014, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Artisans will showcase their unique handcrafted gifts and items during the Artisan Faire each month. The family event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Mission Viejo Village Shopping Center at 25402 Marguerite Parkway. The faire will feature a host of art and crafts vendors, art demonstrations, crafts for kids, live entertainment and much more. The event take place the third Saturday of every month. It is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Arts Committee, Mission Viejo Friends of the Arts and Saddleback Lanes. |
San Juan Capistrano: Second Saturday Art Fair |
Saturday, December 13, 2014
10 AM - 4 PM
This juried monthly art fair showcases 50 talented artists, craftspeople and musicians. The show is located in historic downtown SJC on Camino Capistrano, Yorba, & Los Rios Streets. For more information please click here. |
Stay Updated! |