I was recently honored by the Japanese American Citizens League - Pacific Southwest District (JACL PSW) with their inaugural Courage Award. To view the video of the Courage Award presentation by Ken Inouye of JACL PSW, please click here.
Receiving the inaugural Courage Award from Ken Inouye at the Japanese
American Citizens League - Pacific Southwest District annual awards luncheon.
Nighttime Bridge Demo: I-5 and La Paz Road
As part of the I-5 Freeway Widening Project in South County, crews are reconstructing the La Paz Road interchange. Next weekend, they will demolish the pre-existing loop on-ramp and bridge to northbound I-5 from La Paz Road in Mission Viejo. This demolition will clear the path for widening the bridge and roadway to the east.
In keeping with OCTA’s commitment to mobility, motorists will have continued access to I-5 via a temporary loop on-ramp. Similarly, the freeway has been re-striped in this area to maintain the same number of general-purpose lanes.
The demolition will occur during the following:
Date/Time Friday, Nov. 15 & Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 PM to 8 AM
Closures La Paz at I-5 Northbound loop on-ramp Southbound loop on-ramp
Date/Time Monday, Nov. 18 – Thursday, Nov. 21, 10 PM to 5 AM
Closures La Paz reduced to one lane in each direction
Safe, approved and direct detours will be in place to guide motorists around the demolition/construction zone. Demolition must take place at night when the closure of freeway lanes and local streets are authorized by state and local agencies. Learn more about the project here.
Caltrans Begins Environmental Review Phase of the South County Traffic Relief Effort
Caltrans, in coordination with the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA), is initiating the formal environmental review phase for the South County Traffic Relief Effort (SCTRE).
The state transportation agency is seeking public engagement and input on developing mobility solutions in South Orange County by holding two public scoping meetings along with a 30-day public comment period beginning November 8 and concluding December 9 at 5:00 p.m.
“Public feedback will be an important element in the decision-making process as the alternatives are studied in more detail,” said Caltrans District 12 Director Ryan Chamberlain.
The public scoping meetings will be held Open House format with no formal presentation and attendees may arrive at any time during the event hours. Public comments will be accepted either verbally through a court-reporter or in writing.
The scoping meetings will be held as follows:
November 20, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center located at 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA 92692.
December 4, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Ocean Institute located at 24200 Dana Point Harbor Dr, Dana Point, CA 92629.
Public comments will be accepted at both meetings as well as online at: www.sctre.org and via email at scoping@sctre.org.
Comments can also be mailed to the following address:
Caltrans District 12, 1750 East 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705, Attn:Env/SCTRE Scoping.
Click here to read Caltrans’ official Public Notice. Questions about the process can also be sent to Jeff Bott at TCA – jbott@thetollroads.com or 949-754-3458.
Community Shuttle Program Rolls Forward
As a member of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors, I'm pleased to report that, following a new call for projects, cities interested in operating a community shuttle or other transit service have an additional opportunity to make their transportation vision become reality.
The shuttles are funded by OC Go (also known as Measure M), Orange County’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. Through a competitive grant program, cities develop and implement transit services that complement regional bus and rail services in areas with limited regional transit.
Previous projects include Dana Point Trolley, Laguna Beach Summer Breeze, Laguna Beach Weekend Trolley, San Clemente Trolley, and San Juan Capistrano Trolley. In addition, OCTA recently approved funding for a trolley service in Laguna Niguel. Many of these shuttles connect to each other, to transit, and to Metrolink stations, making it easier to travel to great destinations without a car.
To date, OCTA has awarded approximately $42 million for these community shuttle services. Up to $9 million is available through this call for projects. Applications are due by December 12.
Special Savings on Local Journeys with OC Flex
Reasons abound for local journeys. Friends want to get together for lunch or dinner. Students are out of school and looking for something to do. Your car is in the shop and you have a medical appointment. You need a lift to the train station or the bus stop. The list goes on and on.
OC Flex can help. The on-demand, seven-day-a-week shuttle service takes you where you want, when you want, in parts of Aliso Viejo/Laguna Niguel/Mission Viejo.
All-day rides are usually $4.50, with the special savings currently available; however, it’s easy to save on this convenient transportation option.
First ride free - Download the OC Flex mobile app, enter coupon code FREERIDE and receive a $4.50 credit in your account.
Ride together and save - 50% off group rides on weekends with OC Flex mobile app. Groups must ride with the person who booked the trip.
Free rides with referrals - Refer a friend through the OC Flex mobile app. You both get a free ride.
Download the app and learn more about OC Flex here.
Aliso & Wood Canyons Pavement Rehabilitation
Click the image above to enlarge.
Laguna Niguel Regional Park Pavement Rehab
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Juan Creek/Capo Beach Channels Rehab
Click the image above to enlarge.
O'Neill Retarding Basin Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
Serrano Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
Back Up Generator Use During PSPS Events
To help prevent wildfires caused by electricity transmission and distribution networks, utilities have developed Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMP). These plans include a number of mitigation options including de-energization of transmission and distribution systems, otherwise referred to as Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).
During these shutoffs, individuals in affected areas are left without power. Power loss can have many negative impacts on vulnerable populations, emergency service providers, and public services such as water agencies, grocery stores, and gas stations.
To stay up to date on affected PSPS areas, residents are encouraged to visit their utility provider’s dedicated webpages: Southern California Edison customers can click here; and San Diego Gas and Electric customers can click here.
CARB rules do not restrict the use of small off-the-shelf gasoline, diesel, and propane engines, so long as they are under 50 bhp (brake horsepower).
Large Industrial and Commercial Generators
CARB regulations allow the use of large engines greater than 50bhp (37kW). These engines are often powered by diesel, gasoline, propane, or natural gas. While allowed to operate, these large commercial generators require a permit from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Please see the SCAQMD Fact Sheet on Emergency Generators for more details.
At the present time, these back up engines are allowed to operate for a total of 200 hours per year. If use of the generator exceeds the 200-hour limit, you can petition for a variance to continue operating. If operated past the 200-hour limit without an approved variance, it may result in a notice of violation and a fine.
OCSD Awarded DUID Testing & Training Grant
Click the image above to enlarge.
Bat in South County Tests Positive for Rabies
A bat found on the grounds of Mission San Juan Capistrano at 26801 Ortega Highway, in the City of San Juan Capistrano on Thursday, October 24 at 12:15 PM tested positive for rabies.
Rabid bats are identified routinely each year in Orange County and around the country. Contact with bats should be avoided and any potential bat bite should be discussed with a medical provider.
Anyone who may have had physical contact with this bat or saw someone else having contact with the bat is asked to call the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) Communicable Disease Control Division at (714) 834-8180 from 8 AM to 5 PM or (714) 834-7792 after hours to determine the risk for rabies. Owners of pets who may have had contact with this bat should contact their veterinarian.
The rabies virus is found in an animal’s saliva and is transmitted to people by a bite from a rabid animal. Although very rare, contamination of the eyes, mouth or an open wound by the saliva of a rabid animal can also transmit rabies. Most cases of human rabies in the United States in recent years have resulted from bat strains of rabies; bats have very small teeth, and their bites may go unnoticed.
Once a person begins showing signs and symptoms of rabies, the disease is nearly always fatal. For that reason, preventive treatment to stop the rabies virus from causing illness is given to anyone who may have been exposed to rabies. Medical assistance should be obtained promptly after an exposure so any wound can be cleaned and preventive treatment can be started. This treatment is safe and effective.
HCA and OC Animal Care recommend the following actions to minimize the risk of rabies:
Avoid all contact with wild animals.
Vaccinate all cats and dogs against rabies.
Do not sleep with open, unscreened windows or doors.
If bats are seen inside the house or other structure, close off the area and contact animal control. Once the bat(s) have been removed, close off any areas allowing entrance into the house.
Do not leave pet food outside where it will attract wild animals.
Immediately wash all animal bites with soap and water, being sure to flush the wound well, then contact your doctor.
Report all animal bites or bats found in a home or workplace to your local animal control agency.
VFW Post 9934 and the City of Dana Point will present a Veterans Day program Monday, November 11 at the Dana Point Veterans Memorial starting at 10 AM. The Memorial is located at 34201 Selva Road, at Strand Beach, just off Pacific Coast Highway.
The program will include an unveiling of the updated memorial plaques which list the names of persons who have died during the past year who were members of VFW Post 9934 or members of families of Dana Point residents. For more information, click here.
Laguna Niguel: Honoring All Who Served
Click the image above to enlarge.
RSM: Veterans Day Recognition
Click the image above to enlarge.
Outlets at San Clemente Tree Lighting Celebration
Click the image above for more info.
Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association
The Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association has released the November 2019 edition of its e-newsletter, The Doheny UPDATE, featuring information on upcoming events and activities at Doheny State Beach.
Aliso Viejo: All is Bright Holiday Celebration
Click the image above for more info.
Laguna Beach: Hospitality Night
Click the image above for more info.
Mission Viejo: 25th Annual Drive-Thru Nativity
Experience this life-size retelling of the Christmas Story from the comfort of your car. Live actors, animals and narration through your car radio! You can also enjoy the Drive-Thru Nativity on foot. Park nearby and walk-thru. Bring the whole family to this annual FREE event at Mount of Olives Church, a Mission Viejo community Christmas tradition since 1994! For more information, please click here.
Was honored by the Japanese American Citizens League - Pacific Southwest District with their inaugural Courage Award. Click here to view the video.
Attended the Friendship Shelter Gala in Dana Point.
Presented certificates of recognition to Age Well Senior Services "An Evening of Giving Back" event to present certificates of recognition in honor of the inaugural Dr. Marilyn Ditty Volunteer of the Year Award winner, Susan Bristol, and the Creative Volunteer Award winners, Jackie and Jaclyn Smith.
Participated in the Homelessness Policy Workshop hosted by California State Association of Counties and League of California Cities.
Attended the South Orange County Economic Coalition event.
Received an award at the CWLA "Women to Watch" luncheon, honoring me as a "Woman to Watch in 2020."
Spoke to a class at UC Irvine.
Chaired the regular meeting of the Orange county Board of Supervisors.
Receiving the inaugural Courage Award from Ken Inouye at the Japanese American Citizens League - Pacific Southwest District annual awards luncheon.
At the Friendship Shelter Gala with Mission Hospital Foundation CPO John Miller and Friendship Shelter Executive Director Dawn Price.
With Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen at the Friendship Shelter Gala.
With Shaena Stabler, Editor of Stu News Laguna, at the Friendship Shelter Gala.
L-R: With Dr. Marilyn Ditty, Jackie and Jaclyn Smith (Creative Volunteer Award), Susan Bristol (Volunteer of the Year Award), and
Steve Moyer (CEO of Age Well Senior Services) at "An Evening of Giving Back."
Speaking to students at UC Irvine.
At the CWLA "Women to Watch" Luncheon.
Attended the Laguna Canyon Conservancy meeting to present a certificate of recognition in honor of Jinger Wallace of Laguna Bluebelt Coalition upon being named the 2019 California Cox Conserves Hero.
Presented a proclamation to Mike Ameel in honor of of being named the 2019 Rotary del Sol's Ethics in Business Award winner.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Alina Corbeanu Insurance Agency in Monarch Beach.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Lavish Boutique Salon in San Clemente.
Presented a crystal award to Outlets at San Clemente in appreciation of their sponsorship of the Dana Point Harbor 50-Year Time Capsule Celebration.
Attended the Meet & Greet in honor of Tamara Latourneau, the new City Manager of the City of Laguna Niguel,
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Lake Forest.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a proclamation to Mike Ameel for being named the Rotary del Sol's Ethics in Business Award winner.
Presenting a certificate of recognition to Jinger Wallace for being named the California Cox Conserves Hero.
At the ribbon cutting for Alina Corbeanu Insurance Agency in Monarch Beach.
At the ribbon cutting for Lavish Boutique Salon in San Clemente.
Presenting a crystal award to Outlets at San Clemente in appreciation of their sponsorship of the Dana Point Harbor 50-Year Time Capsule Celebration.
At the ribbon cutting for Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Lake Forest. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Lake Forest Mayor Mark Tettemer (right) and Councilman Scott Voigts (left) at the ribbon cutting for Holiday Inn Express & Suites. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the meet & greet for the new Laguna Niguel City Manager, Tamara Latourneau.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at