Last week, I was honored to be elected to serve as President of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) at our Annual Meeting in San Francisco. As the leader of the Urban caucus, it was a pleasure serving as a CSAC Officer for the past two years, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be the 2020 President.
L-R: Being sworn-in as CSAC President by LA County Supervisor Mark Thomas, along with the other 2020 officers - Past President Virginia Bass, 1st Vice President James Gore, and 2nd Vice President Ed Valenzuela.
Being elected President of CSAC is an extraordinary achievement for Orange County, as our county has not served as President of the organization for 70 years.
Giving my CSAC President acceptance speech.
The CSAC Annual Conference is one of my favorite events of the year, as County Supervisors, Administrators, and Department heads throughout the state gather to discuss the most pressing issues each of our counties face.
Presiding over the CSAC Board of Directors meeting.
One of the best realizations from conference exercises and workshops is that regardless of the geography, population, or location of each county, we all deal with many of the same issues, such as homelessness and resiliency, which County leaders are working on daily across the state. We hear from other counties on innovative ways they are handing some of these issues and can all learn from one another through our respective experiences.
I am pleased to continue on this leadership journey with CSAC and look forward to advocating on behalf of Orange County and the state’s 57 other counties in both Sacramento and Washington, DC. The role Counties play is often overlooked and that is no longer acceptable. The many services we provide our constituents daily is important and necessary. As such, we need the support from our state and federal leaders to ensure those services are carried out and protected.
With the County of Orange delegation that attended my CSAC President swearing-in ceremony.
I want to thank all of the County of Orange department leaders and staff, including my fellow Supervisors and CEO Frank Kim, who have continuously supported my efforts with CSAC and helped me achieve this role. I could not do this work without you. I am extremely honored to have been elected President by my County Supervisor colleagues from across the state and look forward to working with each of our counties and CSAC in 2020!
Orange County Leadership Enrichment Program
The Orange County Leadership Enrichment Program provides a unique opportunity for experiential learning and professional growth for some of the County's administrative managers.
Participants will learn vital day-to-day business operations of a Board of Supervisors' District Office and how it drives the greater management of the County organization, as well as the ultimate provision of public services for the larger Orange County community.
In addition, participants will be able to interact directly with and be mentored by elected officials and many key management staff from the County organization. They will also be able to attend and represent a Supervisor at important meetings and events throughout Orange County, as well as the broader Southern California region, where they can network and learn from leaders of numerous cities, agencies, schools and businesses. This rare opportunity gives them the ability to engage and collaborate with many different leaders throughout the County.
Dedicated solely to a Board of Supervisors' District Office, the manager will perform the duties consistent with classification and participate as a full member of the Supervisor's team for a period of up to two years. As such, prospective managers will acquire valuable insight into all aspects of the creation of public policy through hands-on experiences.
To that end, it is my great pleasure to introduce the newest member of my staff, Yasie Goebel, who came to my office through this innovative program.
My newest office staff member, Yasie Goebel.
Yasie has been a part of the County family for over 10 years, with the majority of the time been spent working for the CEO’s office in the Real Estate division. She has managed large scale projects in excess of $500,000,000.
Her favorite project involved partnering with a development team to plan, program, and design the County’s new 250,000 square foot Administration South building. “This project allowed me to meet hundreds of County staff and learn about how different departments conduct their business," said Yasie. "Learning about the mission of the different departments and how they support both the community and other County agencies reinforced the pride I have in working for the County.”
County of Orange County Administration South Building
During her two-year rotational opportunity, Yasie is looking forward to working with and learning from her new colleagues and being involved in policy making. After the rotational program, she hopes to take the experience she will gain back to the CEO’s office and continue to serve the County with newfound perspective and insight. Please join me in welcoming Yasie Goebel to my Fifth District office team!
$10 Unlimited Metrolink Rides Christmas Day
On Christmas, Metrolink will offer a $10 Holiday discounted ticket good for unlimited rides throughout the system that day, making it even more affordable for Southern California residents to take Metrolink to beaches and visit family and friends.
Metrolink will operate on a Sunday schedule Christmas day. The Sunday schedule includes service on the Antelope Valley, San Bernardino, Orange County, 91/Perris Valley and Inland Empire-Orange County lines. Metrolink trains will not operate on the Ventura County Line, the Riverside Line nor to the four stations on the Perris Valley Line extension.
The $10 Holiday ticket can be bought on the Metrolink Mobile App or at Ticket Vending Machines at Metrolink Stations found under "special ticket options."
OC Bus Holiday Schedules
Relax and let someone else do the driving as you enjoy the holidays! On Christmas and New Year’s Day, OC Bus will operate on a Sunday schedule. View the holiday schedules here and download them from the Bus Book.
New to OC Bus? Get two free passes, learn how to ride, and download the OC Bus mobile app here.
Oso / Antonio Parkway Intersection Update
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more information.
Laguna Niguel Regional Park Pavement Rehab
Click the image above to enlarge.
O'Neill Retarding Basin Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
See the Jewel of the California Missions at JWA
Inspired by its rich heritage, natural scenery, and stunning architecture, the late landscape artist Sigrid “Jan” Mecklenburg was drawn to paint the “Jewel of the California Missions,” also known as the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano. Her artwork is currently on display in the John Wayne Airport Community Focus Space through December 17.
Rich in California’s multi-cultural history, Mission San Juan Capistrano welcomes visitors both locally and from afar to what’s often referred to as the birthplace of Orange County. Travelers, students, and history enthusiasts alike who travel through John Wayne Airport are sure to enjoy Jan Mecklenburg’s vibrant work.
Feeling encouraged to paint by her surroundings in Trabuco Canyon, nature served as an inspiration for many of Mecklenburg’s paintings. With a short drive from home, she spent many days at Mission San Juan Capistrano, where she painted multiple scenes depicting how the mission looked in the past and present, always including flowers and beautiful skies.
Mecklenburg died from breast cancer in October 2017. Her exhibit may be viewed (pre-security) on the Departure (upper) Level near security screening areas in Terminals A, B, and C and on the Arrival (lower) Level adjacent to Baggage Carousels 1 and 4. For more information, click here.
Lake Forest Civic Center Ribbon Cutting!
Click the image above for more info.
Celebrate The Holidays at Discovery Cube OC
Click the image above to enlarge.
Canine Pet of the Week: Meet Chuck!
Click the image above to enlarge.
OC Animal Care: Free Adoptions "Pawliday!"
Click the image above to enlarge.
Pet Photos with Santa!
Click the image above to enlarge.
45th Annual Boat Parade of Lights!
Click the image above for more info.
Lake Forest: Candlelight Walk at Heritage Hill
Click the image above to enlarge.
Lake Forest: Elf Yourself 5K
Click the image above for more info.
Laguna Niguel: Holiday Parade 2019
Experience the unique sights and sounds of the annual Laguna Niguel Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 14, from 10 AM – 12 PM. View over 100 exciting entries, including marching bands, floats, special guests, youth groups, equestrian units, exotic cars, military members, local heroes and fun attractions! For more information, click here.
Mission Viejo: Christmas in Kid City!
Click the image above for more info.
Aliso Viejo: Santa's Workshop
Kids ages 5-11 will enjoy a fun-filled night Friday, December 20, with the City of Aliso Viejo recreation staff, making holiday crafts and much more! To take part in Santa's Workshop, kids must be registered by December 16. For more information, click here.
Laguna Beach: Winter Fantasy 2019
The Winter Fantasy at the Sawdust Festival grounds in Laguna Beach takes place Saturdays & Sundays through December 22. This annual holiday event features 180 artists and craft makers, 3 stages of live music, holiday-themed festival classes and ceramics, art demonstrations, daily visits with Santa, Christmas carolers, a petting zoo, marionette shows, falling snow, thousands of lights and decorations for your perfect festive photo ops, outdoor cafes and saloon, and much more! Click here for more information.
Participated in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors meeting,
Chaired the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting and presented commendations to members of the OC Fire Watch Network.
Participated in a Joint Meeting of the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) Boards of Directors.
Was the the keynote speaker at a meeting of the Laguna Beach Rotary Club.
Hosted our annual Holiday Open House in collaboration with my fellow Orange County Supervisors.
Presenting commendations to members of the OC Fire Watch Network.
Speaking at a meeting of the Laguna Beach Rotary Club.
With Peter Freeman (Past President of Laguna Beach Rotary Club), Laguna Beach City Treasurer Laura Parisi, and Councilman Peter Blake.
With Santa & Mrs. Claus and my fellow Supervisors prior to our Holiday Open House.
Awaiting the guests for our Holiday Open House.
With my Chief of Staff, Doug Woodyard, at our Holiday Open House.
Vice Chair Michelle Steel at my Holiday Open House.
With Supervisor Andrew Do at my Holiday Open House.
Supervisor Doug Chaffee and his wife, Paulette, at my Holiday Open House.
With Former Senator John Lewis at my Holiday Open House.
With former Dana Point Mayor Scott Schoeffel.
L-R: Julie Hile (my Assessment Appeals Board appointee), Laura Parisi (Laguna Beach City Treasurer) and Shaena Stabler (Editor of Stu News Laguna).
L-R: With Laguna Beach City Treasurer Laura Parisi, Laguna Canyon Conservancy President Harry Huggins, and Laguna Beach artist Bill Atkins.
L-R: South Coast Water District Board President Bill Green, Municipal Water District of Orange County Director Megan Yoo Schneider, and OC Public Works Director Shane Silsby.
With Jim Taylor, President of the San Juan Capistrano Fiesta Association.
With a furry little four-legged friend at my Holiday Open House.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for StretchLab in Mission Viejo.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the 25-year anniversary of Rancho Santa Margarita Library and visited their Aquarium of the Pacific on Wheels exhibit.
Served as a judge for the Dana Point Harbor Boat Parade of Lights.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Trio Rewards in San Juan Capistrano.
Participated in the Friends of the Dana Point Library dedication celebration for the new landscaping at the Library.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a certificate of recognition for StretchLab in Mission Viejo.
L-R: With Branch Manager Jenny Gasset, Friends of the Library President Alice Dailey, and Councilwoman Anne Figueroa, presenting a commendation in honor of the 25-year anniversary of Rancho Santa Margarita Library.
Visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific on Wheels exhibit at Rancho Santa Margarita Library.
judging at the Dana Point Harbor Boat Parade of Lights.
Presenting a certificate of recognition at the ribbon cutting for Trio Rewards in San Juan Capistrano.
L-R: With Dana Point Councilman Paul Wyatt, Acting County Librarian Sherry Toth, Branch Manager Laura Blasingham, and President of the Friends of the Dana Point Library Lisa Buchner at the celebration for the new landscaping.
With the Friends of the Dana Point Library.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at