Yesterday, during a Special Meeting of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, my colleagues and I received an oral update from various County of Orange department heads, including County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick and Health Care Agency Director Richard Sanchez, regarding the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. To view the oral update received by the Board of Supervisors, click here. 
AMENDED ORDER OF COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER Following yesterday's Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick issued a Health Officer’s Order to protect the health and well-being of our residents. Unfortunately, the Order as written caused widespread confusion, including incorrect assumptions that it was an Order to Shelter in Place. Please be aware that yesterday's Public Health Order was NOT an Order to Shelter in Place. To provide additional clarity requested by Orange County residents and businesses, the County today issued an amended Health Officer's Order. Please be aware that this is a rapidly evolving situation and the Order may be revised and/or extended at any time. To read the Amended Order and Guidance of the Orange County Health Officer, please click here. 
COUNTY OF ORANGE PUBLIC SERVICE IMPACTS The County has also produced a list of County of Orange services that have been impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis. To view the list in its entirety, please click here. To reiterate, this is a rapidly evolving situation. For general information about COVID-19, please call the Orange County Health Care Agency’s (HCA) Health Referral Line at (800) 564-8448, visit HCA's dedicated COVID-19 website, or follow the HCA on Facebook (@ochealthinfo) and Twitter (@ochealth). For any further questions, please call the County of Orange Public Information Hotline at (714) 628-7085.