Last month, the Orange County Board of Supervisors appointed Julie Quillman to serve as as the new County Librarian, effective immediately, following a year-long recruitment to fill the high-level position.
The position became vacant after the retirement of former County Librarian, Helen Fried, in August 2018. We are truly happy to have a member of the County of Orange family become our newest County Librarian.
As County Librarian, Julie will oversee staff, operations and activities of OC Public Libraries (OCPL). Under direction of the Board of Supervisors and County Executive Officer, she will maintain and uphold the mission and long-term vision of OCPL, including directing the development and implementation of the department's goals, policies and strategic plans.
OCPL provides library services to residents throughout the County with 32 public branches in 24 cities and unincorporated areas of the County of Orange.
The program has been recognized for a number of accolades, including two National Association of Counties (NACo) awards and one California State Association of Counties (CSAC) award this year.
Julie began her career at OC Public Libraries in 1986 as a Specialist Librarian in Cataloging and rose through the ranks. Most recently, she became head of the Bibliographic Services division and was a member of the Library Administration Policy Team, where she helped create and direct the annual OCPL strategic plan.
Please join me in congratulating Julie Quillman on her appointment, as well as thanking Sherry Toth for her dedication and professionalism, as she served in the role of Acting County Librarian during the recruitment process.
OC Public Libraries: eCards Have Arrived!
Library patrons are now able to apply for an eCard online with OC Public Libraries. By registering for an eCard, library cardholders will receive instant access to a world of online resources, which include eBooks and eAudiobooks. This new service aims to provide greater access to library resources and makes signing up for a card fast and easy.
OC Public Libraries eCard holders will have immediate access to over 40,000 eBooks and over 29,000 eAudiobooks, perfect for enjoying while on work commutes, in the waiting room, during lunch breaks, or even on vacations and weekend trips!
Those who wish to have full service library cards can simply visit any of the 32 branches and convert their eCard into a full-service card.
Click the image above to enlarge.
Plan to Improve Health of OC Community
On behalf of the Orange County Health Improvement Partnership (HIP), the OC Health Care Agency announces the availability of the 2020-22 Orange County Health Improvement Plan for public review and comment through January 20, 2020. The plan lays out assessments, goals, objectives and strategies for six priority areas over the next three years.
The health of the Orange County (OC) community continues to fare well compared to other California counties. The County Health Rankings ranks OC the 5th healthiest county in California. Despite that, there are some troubling trends that impact local communities.
The following are a few findings from the Orange County Health Improvement Plan:
Babies born just miles apart in OC can face up to a 7-year difference in life expectancy.
OC’s older adult population will nearly double by 2040 when almost 1 in 4 residents will be 65 or older.
1 in 5 OC adults is obese and more than 50% are overweight.
Mirroring national trends, rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections have increased dramatically over the past 10 years.
The HIP identified that improving health in OC requires a close look at the conditions that create health inequities. To that end, two of the six focus areas in this plan address overall system issues: Social Determinants of Health, and Access and System Navigation. The remaining four areas highlight health topics identified as the most pressing to work on in the next three years: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Mental Health and Substance Use; Older Adult Health; and Sexual Health.
The new year has arrived and our friends at OC Waste & Recycling would like to encourage residents to make recycling right their new year’s resolution. Need some motivation? Legislation is changing with new statewide recycling goals, so let’s work together to achieve them. In addition to recycling items such as paper and plastic, composting is another way to go green this new year.
Click here or on the image below for more ideas on how to make a “Green Resolution.”
Click the image above for more info.
Oso / Antonio Parkway Intersection Update
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more info or click here.
Antonio Parkway Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
Aliso and Wood Canyons Trail Rehabilitation
Click the image above to enlarge.
Bunny Pet of the Week: Meet Snowy!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Lake Forest: Civic Center Open House
Join the City of Lake Forest for an open house Saturday, January 11 from 9 AM to 12 PM, as they open the doors to their new 100-Year Home and first permanent Civic Center at 100 Civic Center Drive.
Nearly 20 years in the planning, the Lake Forest Civic Center features a dedicated Senior Center, Community Center, Performing Arts Center/Council Chambers and City Hall.
The campus was built with extensive community input and without incurring debt. The City is confident the Civic Center will become a community gathering place, not only to participate in local government, but for other events, such as weddings, banquets and stage productions, etc. Click here for more information.
San Clemente: Ranger Jack Musical Concert
Bring the whole family to Casa Romatica in San Clemente for a fun musical concert Sunday, June 12 at 3 PM, as Ranger Jack performs with a host of animal puppets and a variety of musical instruments. This event is indoors in the Main Salon and seating is limited. Advance RSVP is recommended! Click here for more information.
Dana Point Harbor: Coffee Chat
The Dana Point Civic Association will hold a meeting at 8:30 AM, Friday, January 17 at Coffee Importers in Dana Point Harbor.
Their speaker will be Kirsten Vital, Superintendent of Capistrano Unified School District, who will provide an update on future projects planned for CUSD. Complimentary coffee provided by Coffee Importers. Admission is FREE and all are welcome!
Participated in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Regional Planning & Highways Committee meeting.
Flew to Washington, DC, as President of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC), to participate in a meeting of the National Council of County Association Executives.
Participated in South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Governing Board meeting.
In Washington, DC, speaking at the White House briefing as CSAC President.
With SCAQMD Governing Board Member and Lake Forest City Councilman Dwight Robinson in front of OCTA's hydrogen fuel cell zero emission bus.
With SCAQMD Board Member Ben Benoit, learning about Volvo’s heavy duty battery electric truck.
UPS’s hybrid electric delivery vehicle.
Attended the Celebration of Life Service in La Verne for Laguna Canyon Conservancy (LCC) Founder Carolyn Wood.
Participated in the Mission Viejo Chamber of Commerce's inaugural Community & Legislative Affairs meeting.
Attended the Laguna Hills 2020 State of the City Luncheon, hosted by the Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce, featuring Mayor Janine Heft as keynote speaker.
Attended the Dana Point Harbor Boat Parade of Lights Awards Reception to present the Supervisor's Award, "The Spirit of OC," to Jim & Suzi Rodgers for their boat "Aloha." See more on this in next week's newsletter!
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Golden1 Home Loans Credit Union in Laguna Hills.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Juice My Heart in San Clemente.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, providing a County Report at the Mission Viejo Chamber of Commerce's inaugural Community & Legislative Affairs meeting. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the the Laguna Hills 2020 State of the City Luncheon. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the Dana Point Harbor Boat Parade of Lights Awards Reception to present the Supervisor's Award, "The Spirit of OC," to Jim & Suzi Rodgers for their boat "Aloha."
Presenting a certificate of recognition to Golden1 Home Loans Credit Union in Laguna Hills. (Photo courtesy of Accent Portraits by Diana)
At the ribbon cutting for Juice My Heart in San Clemente.
At the Celebration of Life Service in La Verne for Laguna Canyon Conservancy (LCC) Founder Carolyn Wood.
Laguna Hills Mayor Janine Heft delivering the State of the City. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
L-R: Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce Board VP Sheri Feinberg, Councilman Dave Wheeler, Mayor Janine Heft, Mayor Pro Tem Erica Pezold, Councilman Don Sedgwick, and Chamber President Carl Heft at the State of the City. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Laguna Hills Mayor Janine Heft (center) with MNWD Board Members (L-R) Bill Moorhead, Don Froelich, Dick Fiore and Duane Cave. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
Laguna Hills Mayor Janine Heft at the ribbon cutting for Golden1 Home Loans Credit Union. (Photo courtesy of Accent Portraits by Diana)
SMWD Board President Saundra Jacobs at the Mission Viejo Chamber of Commerce's inaugural Community & Legislative Affairs meeting. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at