Acting County Health Officer Approves Reopening of Additional Industries and Issues New Order
Dr. Clayton Chau, Acting County Health Officer, has approved the reopening of certain additional industries in Orange County, following review of local epidemiological data, including cases per 100,000 population, rate of test positivity, and local preparedness to support a health care surge, vulnerable populations, and contact tracing and testing.
Examples of Businesses Permitted to Reopen include:
Movie theaters and family entertainment centers
Restaurants, wineries and bars
Zoos and museums
Gyms and fitness centers
Hotels (for tourism and individual travel)
Card rooms and racetracks
Public and HOA swimming pools
All businesses, industries, and entities listed on the State of California’s website here and here that reopen in Orange County as part of the various Stages of the State’s Resilience Roadmap shall post their corresponding industry-specific checklist at a location visible to the public at the public entrance of each property.
In addition, the Acting County Health Officer also issued a New Amended Health Officer Order and Strong Recommendations (New Health Order) that apply to all of Orange County (both incorporated and unincorporated areas) and revise and supersede the May 28 Amended Health Officer’s Orders and Strong Recommendations (Previous Health Order).
What Has Changed:
The County Health Officer’s previous Order, requiring most residents to wear cloth face coverings outside their home when unable to physically distance themselves by at least six feet, can now be safely modified to a strong should instead of a must.
“This change ensures the OC Health Care Agency is acting consistently with our partners at the California Department of Public Health and is based on Orange County’s measures against State-mandated COVID-19 metrics. That said, I stand with Public Health experts and believe strongly that face coverings help slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives,” said Dr. Clayton Chau, Acting County Health Officer and Director of the OC Health Care Agency.
Residents are encouraged to read the Acting Health Officer’s amended Order and strong recommendations (as well as related FAQs) in their entirety by clicking here, as there is greater detail that will help provide necessary clarification.
Individuals with questions about the COVID-19 may call the OC Health Care Agency’s OC COVID-19 Hotline at (714) 834-2000, Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, or email For questions about the enforcement of the Acting Health Officer’s Order or to report businesses in violation, please contact your local law enforcement’s non-emergency line.
This week, I was pleased to present an informational webinar, featuring officials from the County and the Small Business Development Center, discussing my Small Business Grant Relief Program to distribute CARES Act funding for eligible businesses and nonprofits in the Fifth Distinct.
The presentation provided important information on applicant eligibility and criteria, as well as the opportunity for Q&A. If you were not able to participate in the webinar, please click here or on the image above to view the video.
South County Drive-Thru Grocery Distribution
I'm pleased to join Saddleback Church in hosting a South County Drive-Thru Grocery Distribution to support individuals and families who have fallen on hard times as a result of COVID-19. The event will take place Saturday, June 20 from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the parking lot of Laguna Hills Mall, entering from Avenida De La Carlotta, ¼ mile east of El Toro Road. The mall is located at 24155 Laguna Hills Mall, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.
Saddleback Church will supply fresh produce, dairy products, bread/desserts, protein, and canned goods. It is open to drive-thru or walk-in traffic. Visitors are asked to bring a wagon, cart or stroller. Our partnership with Saddleback Church will reach well over 2,000 people in urgent need of physical and emotional support.
It breaks my heart to see so many people struggling to put food on the table due to the coronavirus pandemic. I am deeply grateful to Saddleback Church for their outstanding efforts to feed those in need during this very difficult time, as well as Laguna Hills Mall for providing the wonderful venue for our South County Drive-Thru Grocery Distribution!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Fifth District Constituent Donates Needed PPE
Receiving a generous donation of PPE from Rachel Xin.
This week, I was pleased to accept a generous donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from Rachel Xin, a Fifth District constituent from Shady Canyon, who presented my office with 20 boxes filled with several thousands of units of PPE. The various PPE, which included N-95 masks and isolation gowns, will be distributed to Skilled Nursing Facilities throughout my district.
I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Rachel Xin, as her kind generosity will certainly help protect those most at-risk of contracting COVID-19 as well as save lives!
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)
After many months of negotiation, my Board colleagues and I last week approved an agreement with Southern California Edison; Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD); the Counties of Orange and San Diego; and the Cities of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano and Dana Point to receive funding for nuclear emergency preparedness and response relating to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
Following several attempts at legislation, I initiated multiple meetings between key stakeholders, given the time sensitivity of the issue. I strongly advocated for all parties to come to an agreement as soon as possible that would ensure continued funding for many years to come. This funding is crucial in order to sustain emergency preparedness and response activities for the safety of the surrounding communities that I represent in the event of an emergency.
The agreement requires Southern California Edison to provide financial support for emergency preparedness and response activities, equipment and services required for the decommissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) and nuclear materials storage, transport or disposal.
This funding was set to expire shortly, but this new agreement extends it through June 30, 2049. With the funding, our County can plan, organize, coordinate and direct disaster response services before, during, and after a possible disaster.
Although the funding for these emergency services has a sunset, signatories of the agreement will have the opportunity to re-negotiate further agreements if the need exists. The agreement also allows for the signatories to request additional funding, should there be an emergency.
I am very grateful for the cooperation between the signatories and Southern California Edison, especially Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes and Donna Boston of OCSD, as our work on this agreement ensures the safety of our community for many years to come!
Mountain Lion Sightings Continue Park Closure
As reported in my newsletter the last two weeks, Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park was closed due to recent mountain lion activity, as members of the public and OC Parks staff reported multiple sightings in the park.
Whiting Ranch was reopened to the public earlier this week, based on consultation with California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) wardens and local experts, following sufficient elapsed time since evidence of mountain lions near public trails and trailheads.
However, OC Parks received verified reports from visitors of additional mountain lion sightings, so the park has been re-closed, pending further investigation, monitoring, and consultations with CDFW biologists in Sacramento.
The last closure was January 20, after a mountain lion grabbed a small child hiking with his family. The child was treated at a local hospital and released the same day.
Though encounters are rare, visitors should always remain vigilant in wilderness areas and report any sightings to the park office. If one does encounter a mountain lion, stand tall, wave arms, shout loudly at the animal and throw rocks. Do not run and do not turn your back to it. Please visit for updates.
Avenida La Pata: Temporary Lane Closures
Click the image above to enlarge.
Ladera Ranch: Resurfacing Construction Alert
Click the image above to enlarge.
Oso Parkway Bridge Project Update
Click image above to enlarge.
COVID-19 Orange County Case Counts by Cities
The Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) continues to release the daily COVID-19 case counts by cities in Orange County, in addition to the cumulative cases and deaths to date in Orange County. As of today, HCA is reporting 8,153 positive cumulative cases including 210 deaths in Orange County, as well as 291 currently hospitalized with 135 in ICU.
Please be advised that the city data is reflective of where cases live, not necessarily where transmission occurred. Additionally, city numbers should not be interpreted to reflect where transmission is geographically focused or not, as COVID-19 is present in all communities in Orange County.
Case counts are also not reflective of all disease transmission in any given community because testing is prioritized for those at greatest risk or most sick. Asymptomatic and persons with mild disease may not be reflected due to not being tested.
Because transmission occurs throughout the County, it is important for all residents to practice social-distancing as directed by the Governor and the Orange County Health Officer regardless of the case count in their city. Doing so will help to reduce the spread of infection, ease the burden on our hospital and healthcare system, and protect those most vulnerable in our county.
Orange County COVID-19 Testing 101
Click the image above to enlarge.
Additional OC Sites Increase COVID-19 Testing
The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) last month partnered with the California Department of Public Health to launch four new testing sites in Orange County, including one in San Juan Capistrano.
The State sites are powered through a partnership with OptumServe, the federal government health services business of Optum, a leading health services innovation company.
The additional State sites increase the County’s testing capacity by 2,640 per week. When combined with testing presently available through the County’s existing OC COVID-19 Testing Network, a total of nearly 7,000 tests per week are available for FREE to all community members without insurance or who have been unable to receive testing through their health care providers.
At this time, testing priority is given to people with symptoms as well as asymptomatic health care workers, first responders, and social service employees and essential workers who do not have access to testing through their employer or health care provider.
There is no out-of-pocket cost, though insurance will be billed if available. Additionally, there is no medical assessment offered at these new testing sites, so residents who access the testing feature are also strongly encouraged to call their health care provider for guidance on management of symptoms.
I believe knowledge is power. Now that we have the ability to test more residents, we can gather additional data that may help us refine our knowledge of COVID-19 in Orange County and inform our policy decisions moving forward.
For more information on testing criteria and to schedule an appointment, please click here and scroll down to OPTUMSERVE TESTING SITES. Residents without internet access interested in making an appointment at a State site may call 1-888-634-1123.
County of Orange COVID-19 Resource Directory
The County of Orange has consolidated the information and links to various local, state and federal resources that are available to our residents and businesses. Please visit our COVID-19 Resource Directory.
Guidance for Multi-Unit Housing Pool Facilities
Click the image above to enlarge.
OC Public Libraries To Offer Curbside Pickup
Pursuant to the State orders, Orange County Public Libraries are not yet permitted to open, as libraries are part of Stage 3, and no guidance or timeline has yet been provided by the State.
However, I'm pleased to report we have opened bookdrops at all County branch libraries for patrons to return checked out items; and June 16 we will open all libraries for contactless curbside pickup of holds. Please click on the image below for more information.
Click the image above to enlarge.
Important Information for Seniors & Caregivers
Click the image above to enlarge.
Please Check On Your Elderly Neighbors
Click the image above to enlarge.
While You Are Home, Spot the Scams
Many of you are at home working or self-isolating and spending more time on the internet. Unfortunately, thieves are taking advantage of this situation and coming up with new and innovative ways to separate you from your money.
Now would be a good time to educate yourself on the various ploys that are used by scammers regarding COVID-19. Read more here.
Drive Thru Pet Food Pantry at OC Animal Care
Click the image above to enlarge.
Important Pet Information: COVID-19 FAQs
Click the images above for more info.
OC Sheriff's Use of Force Policies and Practices
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more information.
County of Orange Mental Resiliency Resources
As the spread and far reaching impacts of COVID-19 dominate the world news, we have all witnessed and experienced the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and uncertainty. The way to overcome this natural tendency is to build our mental resilience, the ability to refocus, clear our minds, and discard negative thoughts.
Here's what you can do...
1) Remember that knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that affect a person’s immune response to COVID-19 will matter as much as, or more than, understanding the virus. There is great information available on the Orange County Health Care Agency's website,
2) Don’t accept everything you read or hear. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information and frequent updates on the COVID-19’s spread, severity, risk assessment, etc., on the CDC's website.
3) Get your emotional support system in place:
Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much as possible; take care of your basic needs and employ helpful coping strategies; rest during work or between shifts, eat healthy food and engage in physical activity.
Stay connected with friends and family, even virtually connected, and maintain your social networks.
Have the emails and phone numbers of close friends and family handy.
4) Take control, incorporate preventative measures:
The constant stream of news reports can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed. Instead, seek updates and practical guidelines at intervals during the day.
Be supportive to others. Assisting others in their time of need can benefit the person receiving support as well as the helper.
If you or a loved one are feeling anxiety, worry or fear related to the social disruption caused by COVID-19, you can also reach out to these resources for support:
Call (855) OC-LINKS or visit the OC Links website Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to talk or chat with a trained clinical navigator.
The NAMI Warmline is also here to provide non-crisis support for anyone struggling with mental health concerns Monday through Friday from from 9 AM to 3 AM, and Saturday and Sunday 10 AM to 3 AM. Call (877) 910-WARM or visit
For general information about COVID-19, please call the OC Health Care Agency’s (HCA) Health Referral Line at (833) 426-6411, HCA website, or follow HCA on Facebook and Twitter.
Virtual Programs Offered by OC Public Libraries
OC Public Libraries (OCPL) recently announced its new Virtual Programs webpage, as OCPL staff worked hard to create some amazing digital content. To date, OCPL has dozens of virtual programs published on social media (with dozens more in our backlog ready to be published!) and our communities are responding positively to the new way we are providing service.
This site will be updated regularly. For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
FREE Virtual Financial Planning offered by FPAOC
Click the image above to enlarge.
RSM: VIRTUAL Rancho Family Fest 2020
Click the image above for more info.
Festival of Arts Laguna Beach: #TourDePageant
Experience great art from celebrated museums around the globe virtually through the magic of tableaux vivants, or living pictures, Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach has launched #TourDePageant,a social media series, showcasing past Pageant re-creations with real people posing as works of art. This art-stopping online initiative offers a unique look into some of the most famous museums in the world, all from the comfort of your home.
With society practicing social distancing, the arts are needed more now than ever. Festival of Arts hopes this online initiative will enrich, entertain and inspire during this challenging time.
Laguna Playhouse: Play-at-Home
Laguna Playhouse brings you their "Play-at-Home" series, designed to keep you connected to the Playhouse artists you love, and some more fun stuff to pass the time while your at home. For more information, click here.
Laguna Art Museum: LAM at Home
Laguna Art Museum (LAM) hopes you are well and safe at home. While LAM is temporarily closed, they are working remotely to offer art and inspiration online. We believe art has the power to connect us, and we hope that you will enjoy these new ways to stay connected with Laguna Art Museum,
Laguna: Sunset Serenades From Your Sofa
Sunset Serenades from your Sofa is a new virtual video series. The Laguna Beach Arts Commission has postponed the May and June concert series due to COVID-19, but the musicians want to give the community a personal message.
Mission San Juan Capistrano At Home
Mission San Juan Capistrano invites all to visit their Digital Resource Center (DRC) for continued ways to experience, learn, and interact with the Mission. The DCR offers many digital events and video tours, including:
If you can’t come to Ocean Institute in beautiful Dana Point Harbor, we want to bring Ocean Institute to you! A variety of topics will be covered, including ocean science, ocean conservation, and maritime history. Lessons include a video resource and an educational activity for you to try at home. For more information, click here.
FREE Livestream Event at The Coach House
Enjoy a FREE livestream event this Saturday, June 13 at 6:00 PM on The show, taking place at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, will feature Gunboat Kings.
Ladera Ranch Farmers Market (NOT ONLINE)
Click the image above for more info.
Casa Romantica San Clemente: Live Virtually
Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens in San Clemente is the historic home of Ole Hansen, the founder of the city of San Clemente, Casa Romantica invites you to Live Virtually @ the Casa and enjoy world-class arts and culture in your home with highlighted Casa virtual artists and activities. For more information, click here.
Watch+Listen: Pacific Symphony Musicians
Even though Pacific Symphony has temporarily suspended live concerts in the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall as a public health precaution, the Symphony will stay in touch online, serving up culture and entertainment. Their new Watch+Listen page provides you with a central overview for all the Symphony’s offerings online!
Click the image above for information on their Meals on Wheels and Congregate Lunches for Seniors.
Click the image above for information on their Drive-Thru Food Distribution, weekdays in San Clemente.
Click the image above for information on their Drive Through Food Bank, Monday - Friday in Irvine.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry, Monday - Friday in Laguna Beach.
Click the image above for information on their PEACE Community Resource Center Food Pantries.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry Services weekdays by appointment in Irvine.
FOCUS Orange County Food Distribution
Click the image above to enlarge.
CREER Food Pantry in San Juan Capistrano
Click the image above to enlarge.
South County Drive-Thru Grocery Distribution
Click the image above to enlarge.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at