I had the pleasure this week of presenting the State of the County to OC Forum. Orange County is truly a place that is thriving and, as a County, we have taken great steps toward solving issues like homelessness and housing, regional mobility, mental health services, and expanding public private partnerships opportunities.
L-R: With OC Forum President Paul Stover, co-authors of "Orange County Focus: Forging Our Common Future," Joel Kotkin (Presidential Fellow, Chapman University) and Marshall Toplansky (Research Fellow, Chapman University).
Thank you to OC Forum for inviting me to address this great group of public officials and local stakeholders that continue to make our county a great place to live, work and play.” Check back for more on this in next week's newsletter.
Voting in Orange County 2020
Learn about the benefits of Orange County’s transition to Vote Centers, such as being able to register to vote, cast an in-person ballot, obtain replacement ballots and more.
They key benefits of the transition to Vote Centers include:
There will now be 188 fully staffed Vote Centers. Voters can choose to vote in-person at any location starting February 22, 2020.
Election Day now lasts 11 days. Voters voting in the March Presidential Primary election will be able to vote at any Orange County Vote Center anytime between February 22 and March 3, 2020
Every voter will now receive a vote-by-mail ballot. Voters will be able to save time and vote at home with multiple options for returning their ballot. Ballots will begin mailing on February 3, 2020.
There will be 110 secure ballot drop box locations throughout Orange County. Voters will be able to deposit their ballot into a secure drop box between February 3 and March 3, 2020.
Click here for more information. To see a video interview with myself and Orange County Registrar of Voter Neal Kelly, discussing Orange County’s transition to Vote Centers on Village Television in Laguna Woods, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to view the interview.
DUI checkpoint in Laguna Niguel Tonight
Click the image above to enlarge.
I-5 Widening Project from SR 73 to El Toro
Click the image above to view the January 9 OCTA presentation to the Mission Viejo Chamber on the I-5 Widening Project from SR 73 to El Toro.
Oso / Antonio Parkway Intersection Update
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more info or click here.
Antonio Parkway Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Click the image above to enlarge.
OCTA Raises Awareness on Human Trafficking
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human trafficking is a billion dollar business around the world, and it thrives here in Orange County. The crime deprives a person of their liberty through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of labor or sexual exploitation.
As it has for the past six years, this month OCTA is using its award-winning Be the One campaign to raise public awareness of human trafficking through multilingual signs at transit centers, public service announcements, brochures, bus wraps, social media, and bus shelters in high-traffic areas.
Because victims might be using Orange County buses, stops and transit centers, coach operators are trained to recognize and help victims. Hundreds of coach operators have received annual training from members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Transit Police and the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force.
Click here to learn more about human trafficking and what you can do to join the fight against it.
Ride Metrolink FREE to Chinatown!
The most celebrated holiday of the year for the nearly 1.5 million people of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese descent living in Southern California, Lunar New Year gets a big welcome in Los Angeles at the Golden Dragon Parade and Festival. Now in its 121st year, the celebration will take place February 1 and is expected to attract thousands.
LA’s Chinatown is easily accessible by Metrolink, and a train ride is a pleasant and low-stress way for whole families to travel together to the parade while avoiding traffic and parking expenses.
OCTA is giving away free Metrolink tickets to the parade. There are two ways to win.
Join us for our festive kickoff event on February 1 at Irvine Station, where the first 200 visitors will receive a free roundtrip Metrolink ticket. This popular event starts at 8 a.m. and features a traditional lion dance, prizes, and refreshments before the train departs for L.A. Union Station at 9:28 a.m.
You can also enter online for a chance to win two free round-trip Metrolink tickets.
Also, Metrolink weekend day passes are just $10 for unlimited rides all day either Saturday or Sunday. Three kids age 5 and under ride free with each fare-paying adult. Learn more here.
Visit Dana Point Logo Launch Celebration
The new logo for Visit Dana Point.
Last week, my office was pleased to present a certificate of recognition at the new logo launch celebration for Visit Dana Point (VDP), the destination marketing organization for Dana Point, California, as they announced the completion of a large-scale brand rejuvenation project.
Upon Jonny Westom’s appointment to Executive Director of Visit Dana Point, he embarked on creating a stronger identity for the California beach town.
My Community Relations Advispr, Sergio Prince, presents a commendation to VDP Executive Director Jonny Westom and Board Chairman Jim Samuels.
Positioned among a saturated market of California beach communities, Dana Point has defined its identity by emphasizing key characteristics such as the city’s history, its welcoming small town feel and casual elegance, authentic surf culture and accessibility to open water, all of which have been further demonstrated through the city’s expansion.
To capture the essence of the updated brand, Visit Dana Point unveiled a new logo to further distinguish its identity. The new logo was designed to communicate Dana Point’s connection to the ocean, while juxtaposing the casual, yet sophisticated vibe of the destination. The transition from a sandy beach day to a sophisticated dinner at Orange County’s No. 1 steakhouse, Bourbon Steak Orange County, is seamless in Dana Point.
Further, since Dana Point’s name does not reference the “beach” like neighboring Southern California destinations and to further establish the destination’s connection to the water, the logo incorporates a wave to emulate the beach town’s six-mile shoreline.
In addition to a refreshed brand and logo, Visit Dana Point also announced the expansion of the Dana Point Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID), which will go into effect July 1, 2020. The expansion adds seven hotel properties to its portfolio – encompassing all overnight accommodation offerings in the destination. The Dana Point TBID includes The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, Monarch Beach Resort, Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa, DoubleTree Suites Doheny Beach, with additions including Beachfront Inn, Best Western Plus Dana Point Inn-by-the-Sea, Best Western Plus Marina Shores Hotel, Blue Lantern Inn, Capistrano Surfside Inn, Dana Point Marina Inn and Riviera Beach Spa Resort.
This growth will provide a larger budget for the destination, allowing for further promotion of the city as an overnight destination through aggressive public relations and marketing campaigns, attendance at large-scale events and tradeshows, and more.
Click on the the links below to view the videos presented during the Visit Dana Point logo launch celebration:
The OC Health Care Agency’s Public Health Services staff has been receiving multiple calls each day from local healthcare facilities regarding possible suspect cases of novel coronavirus. So far, only one has warranted testing by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those results are pending.
More information will be shared with the community if/when we have a positive case confirmed here. To date, there have been no identified cases of novel coronavirus in Orange County, and currently the risk of local transmission is low.
At this time, residents can click here for the most up-to-date information, including these tips for travelers:
If you have recently been to Wuhan, China and have developed fever with cough or shortness of breath within 14 days of your travel or have had contact with someone who is suspected to have novel coronavirus stay home and call your healthcare provider immediately.
If you do not have a healthcare provider or if you need to be seen at a hospital, do not go directly to hospital.
Please call the emergency room to get instructions before going in.
Auditor Controller Releases Citizens Report
Click the image above to view the full press release.
SSA Publishes FY 2018-2019 Annual Report
Click the image above to view the full press release.
Canine Pet of the Week: Meet Tinsley!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Bunny Bistro at OC Animal Care
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Clemente: Lunar New Year Celebration
Honoring the Year of the Rat, the fifth annual Lunar New Year Celebration returns Saturday, January 25 from 1 PM to 2 Pm at Outlets at San Clemente, featuring over 70 performers from Irvine Chinese School and San Diego-based Three Treasures Cultural Arts Society. Highlights include a Dragon Dance, the ever-popular interactive Lion Dance, martial arts demonstrations, arts and crafts activities, Red Envelopes and more.
BRAVE RACE 5K Joyful Child Fun Run
Click the image above for more info.
Laguna Niguel: School Bond Forum
Click the image above for more info.
Participated in the Call to Action on Homelessness at 28th Annual Empowerment Congress Summit in Los Angeles.
Was interviewed with OC Registrar of Voters Neal Kelly on Village Elevation in Laguna Woods with THIS DAY host Ken Goldenberg.
Delivered the State of the County at the OC Forum luncheon.
Participated in various TCA meetings.
Attended the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce Installation Ceremony and presented a proclamation to Michael Kinsman in honor of be named the inaugural Chamber Champion.
Participated in the SCAQMD Mobile Source Committee meeting.
At the Empowerment Congress Summit in Los Angeles.
Speaking at the Empowerment Congress Summit.
At the Empowerment Congress Summit.
L-R: With Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Paula Hornbuckle-Arnold, Board Chairman J.J. Ballesteros, Chamber Champion Michael Kinsman, and Mayor Bob Whalen.
In Laguna Beach with Scott & Diana Schmitt, Grand Marshals of the 2020 San Juan Capistrano Swallows Dy Parade.
With OC Registrar of Voters Neal Kelly on Village Elevation in Laguna Woods and THIS DAY host Ken Goldenberg. (Click the image above to view the video)
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the 1-year anniversary celebration for Music Preserves Foundation, held at the Marine Room Tavern in Laguna Beach.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for American Family Care - Urgent Care in Ladera Ranch.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Vision! Executive Insurance & Financial Services in Dana Point.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for HOAG Health Center in Foothill Ranch.
Presented a certificate of recognition in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony for Marker Real Estate in San Clemente.
My Community Relations Advisor, Sergio Prince, presenting a commendation in honor of the 1-year anniversary of Music Preserves Foundation. (Photo courtesy of Accent Portraits by Diana)
At the ribbon cutting for Vision! Executive Insurance & Financial Services in Dana Point.
At the ribbon cutting for American Family Care - Urgent Care in Ladera Ranch.
At the ribbon cutting for HOAG Health Center in Foothill Ranch. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
At the ribbon cutting for Marker Real Estate in San Clemente.
L-R: Laguna Beach Mayor Bob Whalen, Chamber Champion Michael Kinsman, and Councilwoman Sue Kempf at the Chamber Installation Ceremony.
Lake Forest Mayor Neeki Moatazedi at the HOAG Health Center ribbon cutting. (Photo courtesy of Takata Photo & Design)
L-R: Ladera Ranch Civic Council Members Rosemary Scott, Chenin Boutwell, Joe Brenneman, Stephanie Ramsey, Ed Gow, and Heather Redd at the American Family Care - Urgent Care ribbon cutting.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at