OC Fire Watch volunteers are a dedicated group specially trained to deter arson activity, ensure early fire detection and provide public education about fire danger. Fire Watch volunteers are not trained as firefighters, but provide an important component to prevent destructive wildfires.
The OC Fire Watch network is activated during Red Flag conditions when there is a high fire risk. Red Flag Warnings are issued by the National Weather Service during periods of high temperature, low humidity and high winds.
OC Fire Watch volunteers are deployed to high visibility areas posts, where ignition sources are likely, and widely distributed near wilderness open spaces throughout the OC Parks system. Posts are typically covered by two volunteers in four hour shifts. For more information,click here.
Orange County Fire Safety Town Hall 10/6/20
South County Multimodal Transportation Study
How would you improve streets, bus and rail transit, highways, and bikeways in South County?
As a member of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors, I'm pleased to report we are conducting a transportation study that will consider transportation needs of residents, commuters, and visitors in south Orange County.
The South Orange County Multimodal Transportation Study will identify improvements for all types of transportation through 2045. Please join us for a virtual community meeting to learn more about the Study and ask questions.
Date: Tuesday, October 6 Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM (virtual presentation to begin once the meeting starts)
A recording of the presentation will also be available on the project website following the meeting. For more information, click here. To take the survey, call the survey hotline at (833) 711-8070 or click here.
COVID-19 Testing Day Held in Laguna Woods
This week we were pleased to hold our first pop-up drive-thru COVID-19 Testing Day in Laguna Woods. With the County continuing to put a priority on testing our most vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations, the residents of Laguna Woods were offered free, quick and easy access to COVID-19 tests with the help of our County partners.
In Laguna Woods for our COVID-19 Testing Day.
I would like to thank our OC Health Care Agency for making this event possible, as well as CARE Ambulance (A Falcon Company), St. Nicholas Catholic Church, the City of Laguna Woods and their corresponding community management teams. For more information on testing in Orange County, please click here.
South County COVID-19 Nutrition Gap Program
Click the image above to enlarge.
County Veterans Employment Preference Policy
I’m pleased to report my Board colleagues and I approved an expanded Veterans Employment Preference Policy, which will make Orange County one of the most veteran-friendly counties in the state and increase our ability to successfully attract eligible candidates who are:
Veterans of National Guard and Reserves
Spouses of disabled and deceased Veterans
This updated and enhanced policy provides eligible candidates the opportunity to be invited to a hiring interview for employment and paid internship positions if they have successfully met the recruitment qualifications and achieved a passing score for all examination or assessments. This policy is for new employees only, which will allow greater opportunity for veterans to transition into County employment opportunities.
Orange County Veterans have proudly served a prominent role in the defense of our nation, as the County is home to Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base and Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. Additionally, we share our southerly border with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.
The brave men and women of our Armed Forces offer prospective employers exceptional training and advanced skills. We recognize their service, as well as their spouses’ sacrifices, and desire to attract that kind of esprit de corps in our workforce.
For details on the new Veterans Employment Preference Policy, click here. To explore current career opportunities with the County of Orange, click here.
OC Job Fair: Attention Employers & Job Seekers!
Click the image above to enlarge.
SafeDineOC COVID-Safe Restaurant Campaign
As part of the SafeDineOC Restaurant Program, the Orange County Board of Supervisors has allocated $10 million in Federal CARES Act funding to support local restaurants that are safely reopening.
Restaurants are eligible for up to $5,000 in reimbursements for CARES Act-qualified purchases, such as masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment (PPE), site reconfiguration, employee training, cleaning supplies, etc.
The application period for the grant program ends October 16 or whenever funding is fully allocated, whichever occurs first.
If there are multiple, separate site restaurants under one owner, each restaurant location may apply for up to $5,000 in grant funds. Restaurants must submit a separate application for each location.
Restaurants must acknowledge in writing that grant funds will be spent only on CARES Act-qualified purchases for final reimbursement grant payment. Receipts for purchases made March 1, 2020 to December 30, 2020 are acceptable and must be maintained by grant recipient for 5 years from December 30, 2020.
Approved restaurants participating in the SafeDineOC program must post their attestation in plain sight for their customers and will also have their name featured on this website.
For more information, please click here. If you need assistance with the online application or have additional questions, please email SafeDineOC@ocbc.org.
OC Human Relations: Goodwill Program
Click the image above to enlarge.
OC Human Relations: Focus on Fear Driven Hate
Click the image above to enlarge.
Registrar of Voters: COVID-19 and Ballot Security
Neal Kelley, Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV), has released an important message for all Orange County voters. This message includes information on in-person voting options under COVID-19, election security, and our operational plans with the United States Postal Service. To read the message, click here. To view the video, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to view the video.
General Election 2020: OC Social Media Kit
Click the image above to download.
County Launches Mattress Recycling Program
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more information.
JWA Ranked Among Nation's Best Large Airports
John Wayne Airport (JWA) ranked #2 among large airports in North America by J.D. Power's 2020 North America Airport Satisfaction Study, continuing its record of top rankings since it was elevated to the large airport category in 2017. The Airport was ranked #1 among large airports in 2017 and 2018.
John Wayne Airport was compared among large airports with 10 to 32.9 million passengers per year.
The J.D. Power North America Airport Satisfaction Study measures overall satisfaction by examining six factors (in order of importance):
Terminal Facilities
Airport Arrival/Departure
Baggage Claim
Security Check
Check-In/Baggage Check
Food, Beverage, and Retail
In the 2020 survey, JWA received the highest security check score of all large airports. For more information, click here.
Laguna Beach: “Most Waterwise City” Again
This year’s Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation was not easy with COVID-19 but, despite the obstacles, Laguna Beach residents accepted the Challenge and made conservation a priority. For the fifth time since the competition began nine years ago, Laguna Beach has secured the title “Most Waterwise City” in its population category.
The annual month-long public awareness campaign to promote drought resiliency and water quality ended August 31, with mayors from states across the nation vying to see whose city could be the nation’s most “water-wise.” The cities with the highest percentage of residents making pledges during the campaign were Laguna Beach; North Port, Fla.; Lakeland, Fla.; Sacramento, Calif.; and Dallas, Texas.
The Mayor’s Challenge is sponsored by the Wyland Foundation, a nonprofit environmental education organization founded by Laguna Beach artist known only as Wyland. The challenge raises awareness about water conservation and, by extension, the positive implications these reductions have on our local and global environment from the energy we use to products we make to the food we grow, package, eat, and sell.
Congratulations to the residents of Laguna Beach! For more information, please visit Stu News Laguna.
AirPAWS Therapy Dog Program Returns to JWA
As reported in my newsletter last week, John Wayne Airport’s K-9 Ambassadors and their handlers in the AirPAWS Therapy Dog Program are excited to be back in the Terminal, welcoming guests and making travel a lot less “ruff” and a lot more “PAWs-itive.”
Through a partnership with OC Animal Allies, certified AirPAWS K-9s and their handlers will roam the Thomas F. Riley Terminal and interact with guests as they wait for their departing flight. Research shows that contact with therapy dogs can provide physical and mental health benefits, including reduced anxiety, diminished pain, and lowered blood pressure in addition to providing comfort and aiding in relaxation.
AirPAWS handlers will wear a face covering and practice Healthy Travels measures implemented throughout the Terminal following County and State guidelines to protect the health and safety of all passengers and guests. To learn more about the ways that we have upgraded our clean and safe to cleaner and safer, please view our Healthy Travels video or www.ocair.com/covid19.
Let's Paws: Hot Weather Pet Safety Tips
Click the image above
OC Animal Care Pet of the Week: Meet Ethan!
Click the image above to enlarge.
OC Animal Care: Drive-Thru Pet Food Pantry
Click the image above to enlarge.
Do You Have Pets? Info on COVID-19 & Animals
Click the image above for more info.
Please Protect Yourself and Those Around You!
Click the image above to enlarge.
COVID-19 Orange County Case Counts by Cities
The OC Health Care Agency continues to release daily COVID-19 case counts in Orange County. As of today, HCA is reporting 54,118 positive cumulative cases and 1,281 deaths, as well as 175 currently hospitalized with 48 in ICU.
Please be advised that city data is reflective of where cases live, not necessarily where transmission occurred. Additionally, city numbers should not be interpreted to reflect where transmission is geographically focused or not, as COVID-19 is present in all communities in Orange County.
Case counts are also not reflective of all disease transmission in any given community because testing is prioritized for those at greatest risk or most sick. Asymptomatic and persons with mild disease may not be reflected due to not being tested.
Because transmission occurs throughout the County, it is important for all residents to practice social-distancing as directed by the Governor and the Orange County Health Officer regardless of the case count in their city. Doing so will help to reduce the spread of infection, ease the burden on our hospitals and healthcare system, as well as protect those most vulnerable in our county.
Orange County COVID-19 Data Dashboard
The Orange County COVID-19 Data Dashboard uses a GIS mapping software platform to display data charts, graphs and maps. Specific data is available for viewing in both a Desktop Version as well as a Mobile Version.
Please visit the COVID-19 Data Dashboard and select the Desktop Version or the Mobile Version to view additional information on Orange County COVID-19 cases; then click the tabs at the bottom of the webpage to view specific data charts, graphs and maps.
COVID-19 Impacts Orange County Transportation
To understand how COVID-19 and the experience of the last months may have lasting effects on public attitudes, working arrangements, and travel behaviors, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) worked with True North Inc., a market research firm, to conduct a scientific survey during July 2020.
The findings will assist OCTA in its mission to develop an integrated and balanced transportation system that reflects the character of Orange County and supports its diverse travel needs. According to the survey, COVID-19 impacts have been dramatic. For more information, click here.
Orange County Mayors: Mask Up to Open Up OC!
If you thought masks weren’t cool in Orange County, think again! All of Orange County’s 34 mayors have teamed up to send a message to residents, businesses and visitors: “Mask up to open up OC!”
The message comes in a video featuring Orange County’s mayors socially distant and masked up at iconic locations across Orange County, including Laguna Beach’s Festival of the Arts / Pageant of the Masters. The video drives home the point that across diverse Orange County, we are all in this together and must work together to keep fighting coronavirus in our communities.
As Orange County’s COVID-19 case numbers and testing positivity rates continue a dramatic decline, we’re moving toward gradual reopening of more businesses and activities. But as we do so, wearing masks will be more important than ever to ensure we maintain our progress, keep our cases low and prevent another shutdown. To view the video, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to view the video.
HCA Wants Everyone to Get a Flu Shot!
With flu season now upon us, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is already anticipating the potentially devastating effects of a double whammy of influenza and COVID-19 cases hitting in the fall and winter months and urges everyone to get a flu shot.
Recognizing all of the things that people are worried about, such as paying bills and dealing with the stress of social isolation due to COVID-19, the County is launching a flu vaccine campaign designed to encourage people to get their flu shot so they have one less thing to think about. The tag line is “Don’t worry about the flu, too!”
According to a Centers for Disease Control study of the 2018-19 flu season, of people 19 years of age and older, 48.7% of White people received flu shots, while only 39.4% of Black people and 37.1% of Hispanics received the vaccine. 44% of Asian people were vaccinated. A study conducted in Orange County of the 2015-16 flu season produced very similar breakdowns in people vaccinated.
The flu vaccine will be available as a shot or mist form at the Family Health Clinics by appointment only, 8 AM - 11:30 AM and 1 PM - 4 PM, Monday - Friday. Clinics are closed 11:30 AM - 1 PM. People who live in the County should call 1-800-914-4887 for an appointment. There will also be flu pop-up clinics throughout the community that will be listed here.
The similarities in symptoms between the flu and COVID-19 are startling. Our website features a lot of important resources about the similarities and differences between the two illnesses, as well as treatment and prevention. In order to mitigate the spread of the flu, I urge people to read these materials and get the shot as soon as possible!
Saddleback College: FREE Flu Vaccinations 10/8
Click the image above to enlarge.
San Juan Capistrano: FREE Flu Vaccination
Click the image above to enlarge.
10/6 Webinar: Coronavirus Scams & Older Adults
Join experts from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Administration for Community Living at Health and Human Services (HHS) for a FREE webinarTuesday, October 6 from 11 AM to 12 PM (PST).
The FTC will begin the programwith an overview of coronavirus-related scams targeting older adults. The CFPB will share resources to help older adults avoid financial distress due to the pandemic.
HHS will conclude the webinarwith a discussion of the role of the aging network, including Adult Protective Services, legal services attorneys and Long-term Care Ombudsman program experts. The panelists will share government resources for aging service providers and older consumers.
As the spread and far reaching impacts of COVID-19 continue to dominate the world news, we have all witnessed and experienced the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and uncertainty. The way to overcome this natural tendency is to build our mental resilience, the ability to refocus, clear our minds, and discard negative thoughts.
Here's what you can do...
1) Remember that knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that affect a person’s immune response to COVID-19 will matter as much as, or more than, understanding the virus. There is great information available on the Orange County Health Care Agency's What You Feel is Real webpage.
2) Don’t accept everything you read or hear. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information and frequent updates on the COVID-19’s spread, severity, risk assessment, etc., on the CDC's website.
3) Get your emotional support system in place:
Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much as possible; take care of your basic needs and employ helpful coping strategies; rest during work or between shifts, eat healthy food and engage in physical activity.
Stay connected with friends and family, even virtually connected, and maintain your social networks.
Have the emails and phone numbers of close friends and family handy.
4) Take control, incorporate preventative measures:
The constant stream of news reports can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed. Instead, seek updates and practical guidelines at intervals during the day.
Be supportive to others. Assisting others in their time of need can benefit the person receiving support as well as the helper.
If you or a loved one are feeling anxiety, worry or fear related to the social disruption caused by COVID-19, you can also reach out to these resources for support:
Call (855) OC-LINKS or visit the OC Links website Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to talk or chat with a trained clinical navigator.
The NAMI Warmline is also here to provide non-crisis support for anyone struggling with mental health concerns Monday through Friday from from 9 AM to 3 AM, and Saturday and Sunday 10 AM to 3 AM. Call (877) 910-WARM or visit www.namioc.org.
In their first self-produced virtual choir, Pacific Chorale sings a stirring performance of Bobby McFerrin's heart-felt setting of The 23rd Psalm, dedicated to his mother, Sara. Sara McFerrin was an accomplished singer, veteran music educator here in Orange County, and a longtime Board member of Pacific Chorale. She passed away last December.
Sara and Bobby McFerrin
Pacific Chorale dedicates this virtual performance of "The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to My Mother)" to all who have suffered illness and loss due to COVID-19. To view the video, click on the image below.
Click on the image above to the video.
Everest: The Director's Cut
MacGillivray Freeman Films, based in Laguna Beach, has the inspiration you need for your next adventure!
When MacGillivray Freeman Films (MFF) released the film Everest in 1998, it was the first time anyone had taken an IMAX camera to the top of the world, and the views were spectacular. The film was an instant blockbuster, and to this day remains the highest-grossing giant-screen film in history.
Now, a new generation will experience this classic film. Next February, for the 25th anniversary of MFF's historic film expedition, Everest: The Director's Cut will land in theaters with new footage and digitally remastered at 16k resolution.
Click the image above to watch the trailer.
Cirque du Soleil: Behind the Curtain of OVO
Cirque du Soleilis offering an escape from everyday life through the delight and whimsy of their shows. Now more than ever, they want to do their little part to spread joy, even from afar, directly to your safe spaces. Let them welcome you into their world, where awe-inspiring show footage and fan favorite videos will transport you. Click on the image below and enjoy!
Click the image above to enjoy Cirque du Soleil!
Enjoy an Evening of Comedy on Saturday, Oct. 3
Click the image above to enlarge.
SALSA SUNDAY: Cuban Salsa Concert
Laguna Beach Community Clinic is bringing their 4th Annual SALSA SUNDAY Cuban Salsa Concert to you via live stream October 4 from 3 PM to 4 PM. Safely socialize with family and friends while enjoying this fun community event, featuring the sizzling sound of LA’s Changüí Majadero and mesmerizing moves of professional salsa dancer Kati Hernandez! For more information, click here.
Be The Change You Wish To See In The World!
Click the image above to register.
Ocean Institute: Virtual Maritime Festival 2020
The Ocean Institute, located in beautiful Dana Point Harbor, in September concluded its first Virtual Maritime Festival, a multi-layered interactive and educational event.
Replacing the annual Tall Ships Festival, Ocean Institute sees their new virtual event as an annual festival moving forward. The inaugural Ocean Institute Maritime Festival was complimentary to all participants, with the goal to further education in all things maritime.
Click here to view all of the live interviews and content from the amazing weekend! To view the Festival's YouTube Playlist, click here.
Watch+Listen: Pacific Symphony Musicians
Even though Pacific Symphony has suspended live concerts in the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall as a public health precaution, the Symphony will stay in touch online, serving up culture and entertainment. Their Watch+Listen page provides you with a central overview for all of the Symphony’s offerings online! Check back regularly as new musical experiences are continuously being added!
Pacific Symphony performing with Pacific Chorale.
Laguna Art Museum: LAM at Home
Laguna Art Museum (LAM) hopes you are well and safe, they are working to offer art and inspiration online. We believe art has the power to connect us, and we hope that you will enjoy these new ways to stay connected with Laguna Art Museum.
Casa Romantica San Clemente: Live Virtually
Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens in San Clemente is the historic home of Ole Hansen, the founder of the city of San Clemente, Casa Romantica invites you to Live Virtually @ the Casa and enjoy world-class arts and culture in your home with highlighted Casa virtual artists and activities. For more information, click here.
Laguna: Sunset Serenades From Your Sofa
Sunset Serenades from your Sofa is a virtual video series. The Laguna Beach Arts Commission postponed the May and June concert series due to COVID-19, but the musicians still wanted to give the community a personal message.
RSM: VIRTUAL Rancho Family Fest 2020
Click the image above to watch it again!
Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association
The Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association (DSBIA) provides links to various websites to enjoy At Home Learning opportunities supporting the goals and mission of DSBIA and the California State Parks. These sites offer enrichment of subjects and provide information in a topic of personal interest for both children and adults. For more information, click here.
Mission San Juan Capistrano At Home
Mission San Juan Capistrano invites all to visit their Digital Resource Center (DRC) for continued ways to experience, learn, and interact with the Mission through many digital events and video tours. For more information, click here.
Virtual Programs Offered by OC Public Libraries
OC Public Libraries (OCPL) has a Virtual Programs webpage, as OCPL staff worked hard to create some amazing digital content. To that end, OCPL has dozens of virtual programs published on social media (with dozens more in their backlog ready to be published!) and our communities are responding positively to the way we are providing service.
This site is updated regularly. For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
OC Public Libraries: Grab & Go!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Click the image above for information on their Meals on Wheels and Congregate Lunches for Seniors.
Click the image above for information on their Drive-Thru Food Distribution, weekdays in San Clemente.
Click the image above for information on their Drive Through Food Bank, Monday - Friday in Irvine.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry, Monday - Friday in Laguna Beach.
Click the image above for info on their Food Pantry held on the first & third Wednesday of every month.
Click the image above for information on their PEACE Community Resource Center Food Pantries.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry Services weekdays by appointment in Irvine.
Saddleback Church: Grocery Distribution 10/3
Click the image above to enlarge.
COVID-19 Nutrition Gap Program for 5th District
Click the image above to enlarge.
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at