Yesterday, December 3, the Governor announced a Regional Stay-at-Home Order that will be triggered if Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity drops below 15 percent in a given region.
Although not there yet, it is anticipated that the Southern California region, which includes Orange County, will fall below the 15% threshold in early December.
Currently, the ICU actual capacity for the Southern California region stands at 20%, calculated as the region’s average availability. Orange County also currently has 20% ICU bed capacity availability.
Once the trigger happens, regions will have 24 hours to implement the order, at which time, residents will be required to stay at home as much as possible and minimize mixing to reduce exposure. For more information, click here.
Bond Fire Update
The Bond Fire
Late in the evening of Wednesday, December 2, a structure fire broke out in Silverado Canyon that extended into the wildland area. Due to Red Flag conditions, the fire had a rapid rate of spread with Evacuation Orders and Warnings issued for the affected communities.
The fire has burned 6,400 acres with 10% containment. Luckily, the imminent threat of fire spread has passed. For up to date information and evacuation orders, please visit the OC Sheriff’s Department Bond Fire website and follow the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA)@OCFA_PIO on Twitter.
The OC Emergency Operations Center Hotline at 714-628-7085 remains active and is handling calls related to both the Bond Fire and COVID-19 questions. Please be advised that Red Flag Warning remains in effect through Saturday, December 5 at 10:00 PM.
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to view the damage of the Silverado Fire that occurred in October from one of the OCFA helicopters. Additionally, we took the time to view the different defensible space and fuel modification requirements for newly developed communities, which is a critical component of preventing devastating fires in our communities.
I am very grateful to all of our firefighters and law enforcement partners for continuing to protect Orange County from fire danger. Although we are getting deeper into the winter months, the Silverado and Bond fires should remind us all that we are always in fire season and we should continue to be prepared and ready for anything.
It's not a matter of whether another catastrophic wildfire will occur in OC, but when, especially in communities adjacent to wilderness areas and open space. Get Prepared. Learn How!
This past October, I hosted the very first Virtual South County Emergency Preparedness Summit, and the information that was provided is still very timely, which included presentations from several of Orange County’s leading experts on emergency preparedness during the age of COVID-19, including:
Dr. Clayton Chau, County Health Officer - "COVID-19 in the County of Orange"
Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes - "County of Orange Emergency Response Efforts"
Fire Chief Brian Fennessy, Orange County Fire Authority - “Wildland Fire Preparedness in Orange County”
Caroline Choi, Senior Vice President, Southern California Edison - “Public Safety Power Shutoff Program”
Doug Bauder, Vice President/Chief Nuclear Officer, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) - “SONGS Emergency Preparedness”
I hope our program will help you to better understand some of the ways Orange County is working hard to protect our residents in the event of a major emergency during the age of COVID-19, as well as how you can also better prepare yourselves, your families and local businesses. To view the South County Emergency Preparedness Summit 2020, click here.
First Installment Secured Property Tax Deadline
This is a friendly reminder that Thursday, December 10, is the last day to timely pay he first installment of property taxes. Payments must be made online, received in the Orange County Treasurer-Tax-Collector's (TTC) office or have a USPS postmark dated on or before December 10. If not paid, a 10% delinquency penalty will be added to the amount due.
Check the payment status of your property taxes on the OC Treasurer-Tax Collector (TTC) self-service website by inputting your APN or property address. If you are having difficulty accessing the website, please telephone the TTC call center at 714-834-3411 between 9 AM and 5 PM.
The fastest, easiest and most secure method is to pay online using the TTC's eCheck payment option (bank account) 24/7 by midnight on the 10th. Taxpayers receive same-day credit, can print or receive a receipt by email, save time and money (eCheck is free) by paying on the TTC's secure payment page.
Taxpayers can also mail their payment (we recommend getting it hand-stamped by the USPS). If you have any questions, email the TTC or call 714-834-3411. For more information, click here.
App Platform Combats Teen Mental Health Issues
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has noted that COVID-19 can affect adolescents directly and indirectly. Beyond getting sick, many adolescents’ social, emotional and mental well-being has been impacted by the pandemic. The County is doing everything we can to offer vital assistance in these unprecedented times.
To that end, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is launching a student-driven, app-based platform – blucky – that will offer teens a diverse collection of features with creative outlets and access to mental health resources.
More than ever, young people are struggling to cope with mental health stressors – especially while managing through the COVID-19 pandemic. This prompted the HCA to seek new and innovative solutions to offer needed support.
The HCA is working closely with Orange County school leaders to actively engage local students in providing input before bplucky’s Phase I soft launch on December 30, 2020. This is an important period of student involvement and app development.
Within bplucky’s Phase I app launch, features such as “The Surge” will greet users with ongoing inspirational quotes when logging on to the app. “Share Your Story” gives teens the opportunity to post personal videos about the challenges or issues they’ve successfully worked through; this includes 24/7 monitoring for any inappropriate language, images, etc. posted. And, unique to the bplucky app is “The Lookout”– a resource section that offers students a directory of mental health apps and hotlines to choose from.
Click the image above for more info.
Protecting Family Members This Holiday Season
With Christmas and other seasonal holidays upon us, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is reminding Orange County residents to avoid usual large family gatherings in order to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their neighbors from the spread of COVID-19.
Launching a new marketing and advertising campaign, “Who Should You Get Tested For?,” HCA wants to remind residents to protect the people they love by wearing a face covering, washing their hands often, staying at least six feet apart, and accessing our COVID-19 testing networkto get a COVID-19 test.
Orange County has several options for people who can’t get a COVID-19 test from their health care provider. And just this week, HCA in partnership with Ambry Genetics launched at-home saliva-based COVID-19 test kits. For a full list all available County testing options, please click here.
This is simply not the time to get together with your grandparents and all your aunts, uncles and cousins over the holidays. Family traditions may be able to resume next year, but we must be creative in 2020. Send your famous fruitcake or sugar cookies as a care package. We want to see all those smiling faces in our picture frames around the table next year! For more information, please click here or see the County Health Officer's Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving.
Operation Santa Claus, which began as a small effort to meet the needs of a handful of children in 1962, has become a major event for the community. This program provides gifts and toys to children who are in foster care in Orange County, as well as to children of disadvantaged families that are receiving services from the County of Orange.
Last year, Operation Santa Claus distributed over 41,000 toys/gifts to children in need.
The Orange County Social Services Agency (SSA) also runs Senior Santa & Friends. This program is geared toward providing gifts and special request items to low income elderly or severely disabled adults who are clients of SSA and/or the Orange County Health Care Agency.
Last year, Senior Santa & Friends provided over 2,300 gifts and necessities to low-income seniors and adults with disabilities in Orange County.
With the holiday season already upon us, the Orange County Board of Supervisors is calling on our residents to safely connect with their elderly neighbors amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Happy Holidays Neighbor! is a public awareness micro-campaign targeted at raising awareness of the dangers related to senior isolation and suggesting ways everyday citizens can reach out and make a difference.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)website, there are many public health risks linked to social isolation and loneliness. With one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older considered to be socially isolated, this makes seniors more susceptible to increased risk of serious medical conditions, such as dementia and heart disease.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic threatens to further cut off seniors from regular social engagement as well as limit their ability to access needed food, supplies and medication. During the holiday period, seniors face further challenges related to gift buying, mailing packages and decorating their home exteriors.
The Happy Holidays Neighbor! public awareness micro-campaign suggests ways to connect and support seniors this holiday season in COVID-safe ways that focus on physical distancing but still maintain a social connection. It features a printable postcard that neighbors can fill out and send to local seniors, asking what assistance they need and providing the neighbor’s contact information. Additionally, the micro-campaign provides information about County and local senior resources that are important during the holiday season.
The physical health of our seniors is critical, but we can’t overlook the importance of mental health. The holidays are a time to come together to show how much we care for the health and well-being of our seniors.
My office had the pleasure of attending this week's Dana Point City Council meeting to present a proclamation honoring outgoing Councilman Paul Wyatt in recognition of his outstanding public service upon completing his four-year term.
Councilman Paul Wyatt comments during his final meeting this week on the Dana Point City Council.
Among Paul Wyatt's many achievements while on the City Council was his passionate work on the Dana Point's Homeless Task Force, as well as his diligent efforts on the Orange County Commission to End Homelessness. In addition, Paul served on the OC Public Libraries Advisory Board and on my Dana Point Harbor 50-year Time Capsule Celebration.
Councilman Paul Wyatt at the 2020 Dana Point Festival of Whales Parade.
Although he has retired from the Dana Point City Council, Paul Wyatt still plans to continue his excellent work with the OC Commission to End Homelessness, in addition to 211OC and Be Well OC.
With Councilman Wyatt at the 2019 Point-In-Time Count of the Homeless.
To that end, I highly commend Paul Wyatt for his outstanding commitment to public service, wish him much success in all future endeavors, as I look forward to working with him in addressing Orange County's homelessness and mental health issues. For more information, please see the article in this week's Dana Point Times.
OC Animal Care Pet of the Week: Meet Simon!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Pet Project Foundation: 2020 Impact Report
Click the image above to enlarge.
Do You Have Pets? Info on COVID-19 & Animals
Click the image above for more info.
Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Recognizing the stresses that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is having on OC residents, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) has launched three new mental health awareness campaigns, with the first one aimed at reducing the stigma in support of wellness and recovery, as the other two are focused on suicide prevention.
Introduced a year ago, StigmaFreeOC has launched a new advertising and community outreach campaign, addressing the stigma surrounding mental illness and alcohol and drug misuse so everyone in the community is supported in getting the help that they need. Engaging 15-second video ads show a person’s face veiled by animated swirls of textured colors, then transitioning to reveal the human face with the poignant message: See the person not the condition.
Reducing the stigma associated with these conditions is even more important, as many adults are reporting specific negative impacts on their mental health and wellbeing, such as “... increases in alcohol consumption or substance use (12%), and worsening chronic conditions (12%), due to worry and stress over the coronavirus," according to Kaiser Family Foundation.
Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn will be used as the primary platforms for promoting the Stigma Free OC campaign along with digital and print ads in Orange County. The campaign website,, provides behavioral health resources as well as the opportunity to sign a pledge to support a stigma-free community in Orange County. Individuals and organizations that take the StigmaFreeOC pledge are listed on the website.
In addition, the first suicide prevention campaign, Help is Here, focusing on adult males, will roll out in early November and run through the end of the year targeting the holiday season, which has historically shown greater incidents of suicide. The campaign includes outdoor billboards, television and radio spots, transit shelter ads, digital and social media placements. Multiple ad executions were created to reflect real men representing this high-risk group.
Suicide is also a major concern when it comes to young people. According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds. The Be A Friend For Life campaign directs youth to reach out to friends who exhibit warning signs of suicide and seek professional support.
The campaign targets youth ages 15 to 22-years old, with a specific focus on the LGBTQ+, foster youth and high-achiever demographics who are at higher-risk for suicide. The campaign will appear in transit shelters, and digital and social media.
COVID-19 has brought to the forefront many of the behavioral health issues people were already facing before the pandemic. We hope that by raising awareness and providing critical resources, we can help turn someone’s life around, and give them an opportunity for a brighter future.
For more information about mental health and suicide prevention resources, visit OC Health Care Agency’s Behavioral Health Services.
Please Protect Yourself and Those Around You!
Click the image above to enlarge.
COVID-19 Orange County Case Counts by Cities
The OC Health Care Agency continues to release daily COVID-19 case counts in Orange County. As of today, HCA is reporting 82,887 positive cumulative cases and 1,603 deaths, as well as 746 currently hospitalized with 195 in ICU.
Please be advised that city data is reflective of where cases live, not necessarily where transmission occurred. Additionally, city numbers should not be interpreted to reflect where transmission is geographically focused or not, as COVID-19 is present in all communities in Orange County.
Case counts are also not reflective of all disease transmission in any given community because testing is prioritized for those at greatest risk or most sick. Asymptomatic and persons with mild disease may not be reflected due to not being tested.
Because transmission occurs throughout the County, it is important for all residents to practice social-distancing as directed by the Governor and the Orange County Health Officer regardless of the case count in their city. Doing so will help to reduce the spread of infection, ease the burden on our hospitals and healthcare system, as well as protect those most vulnerable in our county.
County of Orange COVID-19 Vaccine Survey
The County of Orange is conducting a survey of attitudes toward vaccination for COVID-19, which will be of great assistance in planning for distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.
It will take less than five minutes to complete a simple questionnaire regarding your attitude about being vaccinated against COVID-19. You need not to give your name nor any other identifying information. All responses are anonymous and confidential. For more information, click here.
HCA Wants Everyone to Get a Flu Shot ASAP!
With flu season now upon us, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is already anticipating the potentially devastating effects of a double whammy of influenza and COVID-19 cases hitting in the fall and winter months and urges everyone to get a flu shot.
Recognizing all of the things that people are worried about, such as paying bills and dealing with the stress of social isolation due to COVID-19, the County has launched a flu vaccine campaign designed to encourage people to get their flu shot so they have one less thing to think about. The tag line is “Don’t worry about the flu, too!”
According to a Centers for Disease Control study of the 2018-19 flu season, of people 19 years of age and older, 48.7% of White people received flu shots, while only 39.4% of Black people and 37.1% of Hispanics received the vaccine. 44% of Asian people were vaccinated. A study conducted in Orange County of the 2015-16 flu season produced very similar breakdowns in people vaccinated.
The flu vaccine will be available as a shot or mist form at the Family Health Clinics by appointment only, 8 AM - 11:30 AM and 1 PM - 4 PM, Monday - Friday. Clinics are closed 11:30 AM - 1 PM. People who live in the County should call 1-800-914-4887 for an appointment. There will also be flu pop-up clinics throughout the community that will be listed here.
The similarities in symptoms between the flu and COVID-19 are startling. Our website features a lot of important resources about the similarities and differences between the two illnesses, as well as treatment and prevention. In order to mitigate the spread of the flu, I urge people to read these materials and get the shot as soon as possible!
Hoag Cleared for Takeoff at John Wayne Airport
Hoag and JWA officials have announced plans for the Fly Well Clinic, a first-of-its-kind health care facility will offer travelers health services including office visits, telehealth consultations, immunizations, treatment of cold and flu symptoms and prescriptions.
The partnership represents the first airport health clinic in Orange County and comes at a time of heightened health awareness among passengers and Airport employees.
In advance of the Fly Well Clinic’s official opening next spring, Hoag is currently hosting a Pop-Up Health Fair at JWA. Located across from Gate 10 in Terminal B (post security), Hoag will offer Airport guests complimentary flu vaccinations and screenings, nutrition and exercise tips for travelers, virtual reality health demonstrations and more.
Hoag Pop-Up Health Fair currently at JWA.
The permanent 850-square-foot Fly Well Clinic, opening in spring 2021, will offer an onsite licensed health care provider, general health and wellness information and other services, including:
On-site office visits
Treatment of cold and flu symptoms
Rapid COVID-19 testing
Vaccinations – including flu shots
Virtual Reality demonstration, including relaxation and mindfulness journeys
Blood pressure and other vital screenings
On demand telehealth appointments
The Fly Well Clinic also will provide travelers and Airport employees with the ability to access Hoag doctors through on-demand telehealth appointments including video visits.
Orange County Mayors: Mask Up to Open Up OC!
If you thought wearing masks wasn’t cool in Orange County, think again! All of Orange County’s 34 mayors have teamed up to send a message to residents, businesses and visitors: “Mask Up to Open Up OC!”
The message comes in a video featuring Orange County’s mayors socially distant and masked up at iconic locations across Orange County, including Laguna Beach’s Festival of the Arts / Pageant of the Masters. The video drives home the point that across diverse Orange County, we are all in this together and must work together to keep fighting coronavirus in our communities.
As Orange County’s COVID-19 case numbers and testing positivity rates continue a dramatic decline, we’re moving toward gradual reopening of more businesses and activities. But as we do so, wearing masks will be more important than ever to ensure we maintain our progress, keep our cases low and prevent another shutdown. To view the video, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to view the video.
While You're Home, Beware of COVID-19 Scams
Many of you are at home working or self-isolating and spending more time on the internet. Unfortunately, thieves are taking advantage of this situation and coming up with new and innovative ways to separate you from your money. Now would be a good time to educate yourself on the various ploys used by scammers for COVID-19.
Be on the lookout for fake calls, texts, and emails. Scammers are pretending to be Social Security Agency employees. They may threaten you and demand immediate payment to avoid arrest or other legal action. Do not be fooled!
Additionally, a large-scale coronavirus scam has erupted, as impostors are filing claims for unemployment benefits using names of people who have not filed claims. Victims learn about the fraud when they get a notice from their state unemployment benefits office or employer about their supposed application for benefits.
Sadly, people exploiting older adults are often family members or other trusted people who are handling the financial affairs of an incapacitated parent, relative or friend. As such, caregivers and assisted living and nursing facilities can also work together to help protect elderly residents from financial exploitation, both during the pandemic and after life returns to a new normal.
As the spread and far reaching impacts of COVID-19 continue to dominate the world news, we have all witnessed and experienced the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and uncertainty. The way to overcome this natural tendency is to build our mental resilience, the ability to refocus, clear our minds, and discard negative thoughts.
Here's what you can do...
1) Remember that knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that affect a person’s immune response to COVID-19 will matter as much as, or more than, understanding the virus. There is great information available on the Orange County Health Care Agency's What You Feel is Real webpage.
2) Don’t accept everything you read or hear. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information and frequent updates on the COVID-19’s spread, severity, risk assessment, etc., on the CDC's website.
3) Get your emotional support system in place:
Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much as possible; take care of your basic needs and employ helpful coping strategies; rest during work or between shifts, eat healthy food and engage in physical activity.
Stay connected with friends and family, even virtually connected, and maintain your social networks.
Have the emails and phone numbers of close friends and family handy.
4) Take control, incorporate preventative measures:
The constant stream of news reports can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed. Instead, seek updates and practical guidelines at intervals during the day.
Be supportive to others. Assisting others in their time of need can benefit the person receiving support as well as the helper.
If you or a loved one are feeling anxiety, worry or fear related to the social disruption caused by COVID-19, you can also reach out to these resources for support:
Call (855) OC-LINKS or visit the OC Links website Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to talk or chat with a trained clinical navigator.
The NAMI Warmline is also here to provide non-crisis support for anyone struggling with mental health concerns Monday through Friday from from 9 AM to 3 AM, and Saturday and Sunday 10 AM to 3 AM. Call (877) 910-WARM or visit
In their first self-produced virtual choir, Pacific Chorale sings a stirring performance of Bobby McFerrin's heartfelt setting of The 23rd Psalm, dedicated to his mother, Sara. Sara McFerrin was an accomplished singer, veteran music educator here in Orange County, and a longtime Board member of Pacific Chorale. She passed away last December.
Sara and Bobby McFerrin
Pacific Chorale dedicates this virtual performance of The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to My Mother) to all who have suffered illness and loss due to COVID-19. To view the video, click on the image below.
Click on the image above to the video.
Pacific Symphony: Watch+Listen
Although Pacific Symphony has suspended live concerts in the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall as a public health precaution, Pacific Symphony will stay in touch online, serving up culture and entertainment.
Their Watch+Listen page provides you with a central overview for all of the Symphony’s offerings online! Check back regularly as new musical experiences are continuously being added!
Pacific Symphony performing with Pacific Chorale.
MMF: Ice Climbing in Pictured Rocks Michigan
MacGillivray Freeman Films (MFF) based in Laguna Beach, has the inspiration you need for your next adventure!
In this week's video, the MFF team is on location at Michigan's Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior, filming ice climbing for National Parks Adventure. When the weather drops to 20 below zero, watchhow the team finds a way to save their frozen camera equipment!
Click the image above to watch the video.
Click the image above for information on their Meals on Wheels and Congregate Lunches for Seniors.
Click the image above for information on their Drive-Thru Food Distribution, weekdays in San Clemente.
Click the image above for information on their Drive Through Food Bank, Monday - Friday in Irvine.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry, Monday - Friday in Laguna Beach.
Click the image above for info on their Food Pantry held on the first & third Wednesday of every month.
Click the image above for information on their PEACE Community Resource Center Food Pantries.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry Services weekdays by appointment in Irvine.
COVID-19 Nutrition Gap Program for 5th District
Click the image above to enlarge.
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