Needless to say, the coronavirus pandemic has been very stressful and isolating for so many people. As cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to increase throughout Orange County and the nation, the safest way to celebrate the holidays this year is to rejoice at home with those who live with you.
Gathering during Christmastime is always a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with loved ones. But unless they live with you, please consider ways your holiday plans can be modified this year to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and help ensure our families, friends and communities remain healthy and safe.
Keeping the Christmas Spirit alive is more important now than ever before, and celebrating virtually or with members of your own household (who are also taking the necessary safety measures to avoid spreading COVID-19) clearly poses the lowest risk for spread of the virus.
For virus-free ways to enjoy the holidays this year, please visit the Out & About Safely in South County section located at the bottom of my newsletter. Wishing you and yours a very safe and Happy Holiday Season!
County of Orange Deploys Mobile Field Hospitals
As reported in my newsletter last week, the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) is deploying Mobile Field Hospitals (MFH) to local hospitals to support the Orange County health care system as it responds to a surge in COVID-19 patients. OC hospitals may receive emergency waivers from the California Department of Public Health to request the use of the MFH facilities.
Mobile Field Hospital (MFH)
MFHs are capable of expanding current hospital capacity by adding additional beds to existing grounds. They are housed in large, semi-type trailers and contain heavy duty canvas tents with hard flooring and temperature-controlled units equipped with running water, toilets and showers, generators and lighting, as well as air purifiers. MFHs can be configured in a myriad of footprints and sizes, and HCA has a total of 8 trailers to support at minimum, 200 patient beds.
The MFHs can be used for numerous COVID-19 mitigation activities, such as expanding emergency department capacity and med-surge or specialty care unit beds, mass vaccination facilities, and more. Each identified hospital is charged with using the MFH in a manner that best suits their facility. The following OC hospitals have requested this resource from HCA and have already activated their surge plans:
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital - 50 beds
St. Jude Medical Center, Fullerton - 25 beds
University of California, Irvine - 50 beds
Planning is also currently underway with additional hospitals to encourage an equitable countywide distribution of HCA’s available mobile beds. For more information, click here. To read an urgent message from our County Health Officer, click here.
COVID-19 Vaccine Has Arrived in Orange County
I'm pleased to report the COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Orange County and is in the process of being administered to our Phase 1A healthcare providers. This is a positive and promising step toward ridding the virus from our communities.
This coronavirus pandemic has impacted all of our lives, some more than others, throughout the most of 2020. While many of us are anxious to receive the vaccine, there are specific State and Federal protocols that must be followed in terms of distributing and administering the vaccine.
To that end, a phased-in approach will be utilized to distribute the vaccine, with the first round being administered to critical populations in an effort to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. If you would like to see which phase you might be in, click here.
For those who are interested in receiving the vaccine, the first step is to contact your primary care physician and let them know you're interested and willing to receive it. In the upcoming weeks, the County will also be launching a publicly available phone and web application that will allow OC residents to express their interest in receiving the vaccine and obtain a general timeline as to when they will be eligible for it.
We are receiving shipments of the FDA approved vaccines weekly and will continue to work through the phases as quickly as supplies are available. We ask for your patience and cooperation during this time.
For more information on the County’s Vaccination plans, click here. To view the CDPH Community Vaccine Advisory Committee’s Phase 1a Guidelines for California Local Health Departments, click here.
OC Timeline: "So When Can I Get Vaccinated?"
Click the image above to enlarge.
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: OC Survey Results
The Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) recently conducted a survey of attitudes toward the vaccination for COVID-19 and wishes to thank the more than 25,000 people who completed the questionnaire.
How willing are different geographical, demographic and occupational groups in Orange County to be vaccinated, and what issues contribute to their willingness?
To examine vaccine hesitancy within Orange County by city, gender, age, race/ethnicity, education level and occupation, please read the report on the HCA Survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy.
WARNING: COVID-19 Vaccine Scam Alert in OC!
As reported in my newsletter last week, we've already received reports of scams showing up in Orange County, advertising the vaccine for a heavy cost. Please be advised that the vaccine will only be distributed by state-approved health care providers and is free to all our residents.
Please remember to stay vigilant during these times, and if you recognize suspicious behavior regarding the vaccine, please call theOrange County District Attorney’s COVID-19 Hotline at (714) 834-3482. For tips from the Federal Trade Commission on how to spot a COVID-19 scam, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
Saliva-Based COVID-19 Testing for OC Residents
As previously reported in my newsletter, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) has launched phase 2 of its at-home, saliva-based COVID-19 testing program with Ambry Genetics for all Orange County residents. We also have the nasal swab option available to accommodate individual preferences.
To that end, all those who live in Orange County may click here and register to receive a test kit shipped directly to their home at no cost. Ambry Genetics is able to process 4,000 tests each day with a 48 hour turnaround time for notification of results.
Ambry’s CARE for COVID Program was developed with the latest guidance from federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is an end-to-end screening, testing, and result-management solution, which includes:
Ambry’s AVA™ virtual assistant supporting an online health questionnaire
Online determination of essential worker status or medical necessity criteria (symptoms/exposure, etc.) that enables insurance billing or uninsured third-party billing for the test, ensuring there is no cost for the resident
A HIPAA compliant software that enables users to register their test kit
Medical provider ordered-testing and supervision (including return and review of results) Viral testing by Ambry’s RT-PCR test using saliva collection for a simpler and more convenient experience than nasopharyngeal swabs commonly used by other labs
Most results reported directly through the CARE platform within 24 hours of receipt of the sample by the lab.
If an online order is placed for a kit by 1 p.m. Pacific Time Monday through Friday, the kit will arrive the next day. For orders placed after 1 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, or any time on Saturday or Sunday, the kit will arrive the following Tuesday. The Ambry Genetics lab receives kits every Monday through Saturday, runs testing, and reports out test results 7 days a week.
In our fight against COVID-19, we continue to leverage all available resources to provide convenient and reliable testing our residents. We anticipate the convenience of online test ordering and reporting, telehealth support, and at-home sample collection will provide greater support to OC residents as case counts continue to surge across the county. For more information, please click here.
FREE COVID-19 Testing for South Orange County
Click the image above to enlarge.
UPDATE: CA Small Business Relief Grant Program
As previously reported in my newsletter, the State has announced a package of assistance for small businesses affected by COVID-19, including $500 million in grants for small businesses and nonprofits that have been financially impacted by COVID-19 and the associated health & safety restrictions.
UPDATE: Applications open Wednesday 12/30 and run through Friday 1/8. Please visit CAReliefGrant.comNOW to begin preparing your documents!
You may also register for an informational webinar to learn about the grant program, eligibility, what the funds can be used for, how to apply, necessary documents, and if you're eligible. Moreover, the State has announced additional available assistance, including Tax Relief as well as Recovery Loans through the California Rebuilding Fund.
Fifth District Small Business Economic Support!
Last week, my Board colleagues and I approved $10 Million for a countywide Small Business Economic Support Program, intended to provide much needed financial support to small businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19.
Funding will be allocated equally among the five supervisorial districts ($2M per district), which is in addition to the $75M CARES ACT Small Business Relief Program previously approved and allocated over the summer to small businesses and nonprofits throughout Orange County.
Details of the Small Business Economic Support Program are currently under development and will be released soon. Please stay tuned to my newsletter for more information!
City of Laguna Beach: LB CARES Grant Program
The City of Laguna Beach has launched the LB CARES grant program to assist local restaurants, bars, and retail establishments during this Stay-at-Home Order. The LB CARES grant application will close January 5 at 5:00 PM.
The Promenade on Forest in Laguna Beach.
Under the program, Laguna Beach restaurants and bars can receive $5,000, retailers that had to close can receive $3,000, and retailers that had to reduce their capacity can receive $2,000 on a first come, first served, basis. For more information about the LB CARES grant program, click here.
To be eligible for the Small Business Emergency Relief Grant Program, a business or nonprofit must meet criteria established by the City of Mission Viejo. To qualify, a business or nonprofit applicant must prove their business has been affected by COVID-19. For more information, click here.
South County SSA Regional Office Changes
Click the image above to enlarge and scroll down for more information.
Property Tax Relief Provided for Orange County
Click the image above to enlarge.
The Toll Roads Again Offers Relief for Drivers
Upon implementation of the State's latest executive order, urging residents to stay at home in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) acted immediately and again began waiving the $20 FasTrak account suspension fee that may be assessed when the account balance is negative and the method of payment is rejected by the issuing financial institution more than once. For more information, click here.
Take the OCTA Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey!
In addition to serving on the Orange County Board of Supervisors, I'm also pleased to serve you on the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors. As part of our mission to create a balanced and sustainable future for Orange County, OCTA is developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan.
This project will support current OCTA emergency and crisis management plans, strengthen the organization’s resilience to natural hazards, and assist OCTA in accessing federal funding to implement interventions from natural disasters. Examples of natural hazards include flooding, earthquakes, and wildfires.
Public input is needed to help identify hazards that might impact the use of OCTA services and find out what is needed to help reduce hazard risks. Please help OCTA assist Orange County by taking this online survey, available through January 8.
OC Flex Extended in South County through 2021
I'm pleased to report that the OC Flex micro-transit pilot program has been extended through December 2021 in South County, where the OCTA service has been well used in its first two years.
OC Flex has been operating since October 2018 and allows passengers to request a ride on demand through the OC Flex mobile app within the service area, currently in portions of Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo and Laguna Niguel.
The impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the OC Flex service have made it challenging to evaluate the performance of the pilot program. However, prior to March, ridership in South County had been steadily increasing and key metrics, such as subsidy per boarding, continued to improve.
The proposed 14-month extension of OC Flex will allow OCTA to better evaluate the program’s performance during and beyond the pandemic, as well as incorporate any future health and safety adjustments. For more information about OC Flex, click here.
Point-In-Time Count Cancelled Due to COVID-19
The County of Orange is among several Continuums of Care (CoC) in Southern California that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to forgo the Unsheltered Count of the 2021 Point-In-Time due to the impacts of COVID-19.
HUD is still requiring CoCs to complete the Sheltered Count and Homeless Inventory Counts (HIC), which are an annual mandate that occurs concurrently with the biennial unsheltered count process. The Sheltered Count and the HIC will be completed during the last week of January working in collaboration with 2-1-1 Orange County.
With my staff during the 2019 Point-In-Time.
The majority of Southern California CoCs have also made similar requests and been approved by HUD to not conduct their count of unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness.
The Point-In-Time is a biennial effort required by HUD counting people experiencing homelessness in a given point in time during the last 10 days in January. For more information about the Continuum of Care, click here.
The campaign, Together We Can Be Incredible, features characters from Disney and Pixar’s “The Incredibles,” sharing tips and reminders of important health and safety measures. As such, the PSA reiterates current health and safety measures based on guidance from health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and appropriate government agencies, including our OC Health Care Agency (HCA).
The scope of the campaign is made possible in part by existing relationships across Orange County, including with the Los Angeles Angels, Anaheim Ducks and more. In addition, the Disneyland Resort is working with local school districts to provide tools and resources to share with students.
For more information, click here. To watch the “Together We Can Be Incredible”video, click the image below.
Click the image above to watch the video.
Support Our Local Restaurants and Businesses!
We all love our local restaurants in South County and want to see them succeed during these unprecedented and most challenging of times. Whether you order takeout, delivery, or purchase a gift certificate, thank you so much for supporting our local restaurants and businesses!
With the latest additional restrictions from the State, I want to assist our 5th District residents in identifying and locating their local restaurants to support. To that end, many of our Chambers of Commerce in South County are also promoting the restaurants and businesses in their respective communities.
Please see the following alphabetical listing of our local Chamber of Commerce websites featuring their respective restaurant members:
Needless to say, 2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for all of us, but this is especially true of small businesses and restaurants that have been forced to continuously modify their operations in order to adhere to changes in guidance and stay-at-home orders issued by the State.
As a result, we have seen some local businesses remain resilient by utilizing creative ways to continue operating. If you are a small business owner or restaurateur, or have simply seen one doing something creative and unique, I want to hear from you. Please share these innovative ideas with us so we can help spread the word!
The saying, “Shop and Dine Local,” has never been more appropriate, and I urge our Fifth District residents to please do so during this holiday season and beyond!
UPDATE: Nutrition Gap Program for 5th District
On June 2, the Board of Supervisors approved my 5th District Nutrition Gap Program (NGP) to address the food insecurity challenges caused by COVID-19 in South County.
To that end, enrollment for the NGP - benefiting individuals age 55 and older, persons with disabilities, and military veterans regardless of age - was launched September 14, as the first deliveries to eligible participants began September 21.
As such, I'm very pleased to report that to date we've successfully delivered over 80,000 meals from Ruby's Diner and 95,000 food boxes to eligible participants of the Program!
Please be advised that the 5th District Nutrition Gap Program closed Wednesday, December 23, with the last delivery taking place Tuesday, December 29.
Thank you so much to our wonderful NGP partners - 211 OC, Second Harvest Food Bank, Ruby’s Diner, and County staff - for their outstanding support of the Program. Congratulations on a job well done! For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above to enlarge.
OC Animal Care Pet of the Week: Meet Spencer!
Click the image above to enlarge.
Drive-Thru Pet Food Pantry at OC Animal Care
Click the image above to enlarge.
Pet Project Foundation's 2020 Impact Report
Click the image above to enlarge.
Do You Have Pets? Info on COVID-19 & Animals
Click the image above for more info.
COVID-Friendly Holiday Connections w/Seniors
With the holiday season already upon us, the Orange County Board of Supervisors is calling on our residents to safely connect with their elderly neighbors amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Happy Holidays Neighbor! is a public awareness micro-campaign targeted at raising awareness of the dangers related to senior isolation and suggesting ways everyday citizens can reach out and make a difference.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)website, there are many public health risks linked to social isolation and loneliness. With one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older considered to be socially isolated, this makes seniors more susceptible to increased risk of serious medical conditions, such as dementia and heart disease.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic threatens to further cut off seniors from regular social engagement as well as limit their ability to access needed food, supplies and medication. During the holiday period, seniors face further challenges related to gift buying, mailing packages and decorating their home exteriors.
The Happy Holidays Neighbor! public awareness micro-campaign suggests ways to connect and support seniors this holiday season in COVID-safe ways that focus on physical distancing but still maintain a social connection. It features a printable postcard that neighbors can fill out and send to local seniors, asking what assistance they need and providing the neighbor’s contact information. Additionally, the micro-campaign provides information about County and local senior resources that are important during the holiday season.
The physical health of our seniors is critical, but we can’t overlook the importance of mental health. The holidays are a time to come together to show how much we care for the health and well-being of our seniors.
The OC Health Care Agency continues to release daily COVID-19 case counts in Orange County. As of today, HCA is reporting 138,310 positive cumulative cases and 1,782 deaths, as well as 1,893 currently hospitalized with 405 in ICU.
Please be advised that city data is reflective of where cases live, not necessarily where transmission occurred. Additionally, city numbers should not be interpreted to reflect where transmission is geographically focused or not, as COVID-19 is present in all communities in Orange County.
Case counts are also not reflective of all disease transmission in any given community because testing is prioritized for those at greatest risk or most sick. Asymptomatic and persons with mild disease may not be reflected due to not being tested.
Because transmission occurs throughout the County, it is important for all residents to practice social-distancing as directed by our County Health Officer, regardless of the case count in their city. Doing so will help to reduce the spread of infection, ease the burden on our hospitals and healthcare system, as well as protect those most vulnerable in our county.
Please Protect Yourself and Those Around You!
Click the image above to enlarge.
App Platform Combats Teen Mental Health Issues
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has noted that COVID-19 can affect adolescents directly and indirectly. Beyond getting sick, many adolescents’ social, emotional and mental well-being has been impacted by the pandemic. The County is doing everything we can to offer vital assistance in these unprecedented times.
To that end, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) is launching a student-driven, app-based platform – blucky – that will offer teens a diverse collection of features with creative outlets and access to mental health resources.
More than ever, young people are struggling to cope with mental health stressors – especially while managing through the COVID-19 pandemic. This prompted the HCA to seek new and innovative solutions to offer needed support.
HCA is working closely with Orange County school leaders to actively engage local students in providing input before bplucky’s Phase I soft launch on December 30. This is an important period of student involvement and app development.
Within bplucky’s Phase I app launch, features such as “The Surge” will greet users with ongoing inspirational quotes when logging on to the app. “Share Your Story” gives teens the opportunity to post personal videos about the challenges or issues they’ve successfully worked through; this includes 24/7 monitoring for any inappropriate language, images, etc. posted. And, unique to the bplucky app is “The Lookout”– a resource section that offers students a directory of mental health apps and hotlines to choose from.
Click the image above for more info.
Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Recognizing the stresses that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is having on OC residents, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) has launched three new mental health awareness campaigns, with the first one aimed at reducing the stigma in support of wellness and recovery, as the other two are focused on suicide prevention.
Introduced a year ago, StigmaFreeOC has launched a new advertising and community outreach campaign, addressing the stigma surrounding mental illness and alcohol and drug misuse so everyone in the community is supported in getting the help that they need. Engaging 15-second video ads show a person’s face veiled by animated swirls of textured colors, then transitioning to reveal the human face with the poignant message: See the person not the condition.
Reducing the stigma associated with these conditions is even more important, as many adults are reporting specific negative impacts on their mental health and wellbeing, such as “... increases in alcohol consumption or substance use (12%), and worsening chronic conditions (12%), due to worry and stress over the coronavirus," according to Kaiser Family Foundation.
Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn will be used as the primary platforms for promoting the Stigma Free OC campaign along with digital and print ads in Orange County. The campaign website,, provides behavioral health resources as well as the opportunity to sign a pledge to support a stigma-free community in Orange County. Individuals and organizations that take the StigmaFreeOC pledge are listed on the website.
In addition, the first suicide prevention campaign, Help is Here, focusing on adult males, will roll out in early November and run through the end of the year targeting the holiday season, which has historically shown greater incidents of suicide. The campaign includes outdoor billboards, television and radio spots, transit shelter ads, digital and social media placements. Multiple ad executions were created to reflect real men representing this high-risk group.
Suicide is also a major concern when it comes to young people. According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds. The Be A Friend For Life campaign directs youth to reach out to friends who exhibit warning signs of suicide and seek professional support.
The campaign targets youth ages 15 to 22-years old, with a specific focus on the LGBTQ+, foster youth and high-achiever demographics who are at higher-risk for suicide. The campaign will appear in transit shelters, and digital and social media.
COVID-19 has brought to the forefront many of the behavioral health issues people were already facing before the pandemic. We hope that by raising awareness and providing critical resources, we can help turn someone’s life around, and give them an opportunity for a brighter future.
For more information about mental health and suicide prevention resources, visit OC Health Care Agency’s Behavioral Health Services.
While You're Home, Beware of COVID-19 Scams
Many of you are at home working or self-isolating and spending more time on the internet. Unfortunately, thieves are taking advantage of this situation and coming up with new and innovative ways to separate you from your money. Now would be a good time to educate yourself on the various ploys used by scammers for COVID-19.
Be on the lookout for fake calls, texts, and emails Scammers are pretending to be Social Security Agency employees. They may threaten you and demand immediate payment to avoid arrest or other legal action. Do not be fooled!
Additionally, a large-scale coronavirus scam has erupted, as impostors are filing claims for unemployment benefits using names of people who have not filed claims. Victims learn about the fraud when they get a notice from their state unemployment benefits office or employer about their supposed application for benefits.
Sadly, people exploiting older adults are often family members or other trusted people who are handling the financial affairs of an incapacitated parent, relative or friend. As such, caregivers and assisted living and nursing facilities can also work together to help protect elderly residents from financial exploitation, both during the pandemic and after life returns to a new normal.
As the spread and far reaching impacts of COVID-19 continue to dominate the world news, we have all witnessed and experienced the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and uncertainty. The way to overcome this natural tendency is to build our mental resilience, the ability to refocus, clear our minds, and discard negative thoughts.
Here's what you can do...
1) Remember that knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that affect a person’s immune response to COVID-19 will matter as much as, or more than, understanding the virus. There is great information available on the Orange County Health Care Agency's What You Feel is Real webpage.
2) Don’t accept everything you read or hear. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information and frequent updates on the COVID-19’s spread, severity, risk assessment, etc., on the CDC's website.
3) Get your emotional support system in place:
Maintain familiar routines in daily life as much as possible; take care of your basic needs and employ helpful coping strategies; rest during work or between shifts, eat healthy food and engage in physical activity.
Stay connected with friends and family, even virtually connected, and maintain your social networks.
Have the emails and phone numbers of close friends and family handy.
4) Take control, incorporate preventative measures:
The constant stream of news reports can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed. Instead, seek updates and practical guidelines at intervals during the day.
Be supportive to others. Assisting others in their time of need can benefit the person receiving support as well as the helper.
If you or a loved one are feeling anxiety, worry or fear related to the social disruption caused by COVID-19, you can also reach out to these resources for support:
Call (855) OC-LINKS or visit the OC Links website Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM to talk or chat with a trained clinical navigator.
The NAMI Warmline is also here to provide non-crisis support for anyone struggling with mental health concerns Monday through Friday from from 9 AM to 3 AM, and Saturday and Sunday 10 AM to 3 AM. Call (877) 910-WARM or visit
Camino Real Playhouse in San Juan Capistrano is pleased to present a Musical Holiday Show, featuring The Roy Kobayashi Trio, The Caroling Connection Entertainment, and much more! Click here or on the image below to enjoy the show, available through Christmas night!
Click the image above to watch the show!
Enjoy Soka University's Signature Encore Series!
This time of year would normally be busy and vibrant with preparations for the holiday shows at the beautiful Soka University Performing Arts Center in Aliso Viejo. However, they are excited to share a their new Signature Encore Series to help you experience some of their wonderful past performances, as well as some new holiday offerings! For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
Christmas Productions from Laguna Playhouse!
Laguna Playhouse has something for everyone this Holiday Season, including It's a Wonderful Life (a live radio play), Estella Scrooge (A Christmas Carol with a twist!) and Merry Christmas Darling, (holiday classics by Karen Carpenter) and more! For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
Casa Romantica Presents Casa Nutcracker!
Casa Romantica in San Clemente invites you to Live Virtually at the Casa and enjoy their production of Casa Nutcracker, featuring the Orange County Ballet Theater. For more information, click here or on the image below.
Enjoy a yuletide tradition at home with South Coast Repertory’s audio recording of Charles Dickens’ classic novella, "A Christmas Carol," which is now ready for your listening pleasure through December 31.
Performed by SCR Founding Member Richard Doyle with a vibrant soundscape to transport you back to 19th-century London, this uplifting tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and his miraculous transformation is the perfect cure for the holiday humbugs! For more information, click here or on the image below.
Click image above to listen to "A Christmas Carol."
Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" Production
The timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge comes to thrilling new life as South Coast Repertory (SCR) presents Tony Award winner Jefferson Mays, playing over 50 roles in a virtuosic master class of a performance that must be seen to be believed. This theatrical achievement comes from the haunting vision of one of Broadway's most imaginative directors, Michael Arden.
Staged exclusively for this production and captured live with breathtaking clarity, this must-watch streaming event conjures the powerful spirits of Christmas and brings all the magic of live theatre home for the holidays. For more information, click here.
Pacific Symphony: Watch+Listen for Christmas
Although Pacific Symphony has suspended live concerts in the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall as a public health precaution, Pacific Symphony will stay in touch online, serving up culture and entertainment.
Their Watch+Listen page provides you with a central overview for all of the Symphony’s offerings online! Check back regularly as new musical experiences are continuously being added! To watch the Holiday Greeting from Music Director Carl St.Clair,click here.
Pacific Symphony performing with Pacific Chorale.
Pacific Chorale: "Tis The Season" Concert & Gala
Although Pacific Chorale was not able to gather in the beautiful Segerstrom Concert Hall this year, their first-ever "Tis The Season" virtual holiday concert and gala touched everyone's hearts with music, goodwill, and cheer. Now available FREE on demand through January 1. If you were unable to join them previously, have friends you want to share the concert with, or simply want to experience the magic all over again, here is your chance!
Pacific Chorale: Bobby McFerrin, The 23rd Psalm
In their first self-produced virtual choir, Pacific Chorale sings a stirring performance of Bobby McFerrin's heartfelt setting of The 23rd Psalm, dedicated to his mother, Sara. Sara McFerrin was an accomplished singer, veteran music educator here in Orange County, and a longtime Board member of Pacific Chorale. Sara McFerrin passed away last December 2019.
Sara and Bobby McFerrin
Pacific Chorale dedicates this virtual performance of The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to My Mother) to all who have suffered illness and loss due to COVID-19. To view the video, click on the image below.
Click the image above to view the video.
Segerstrom Center Presents Virtual Holiday Fun!
Segerstrom Center for the Artsin Costa Mesa is happy to offer Virtual Holiday Fun, featuring the incomparable Liz Callaway, Shoshana Bean, and Holidaze Harmony! for more information, click here or on the image below.
Click the image above for more info.
'Twas The Night Before Christmas with Cirque!
Cirque du Soleil is proud to present an escape from everyday life through the delight and whimsy of their shows, including an all new 'Twas The Night Before Christmas! Now more than ever, they want to do their little part to spread holiday joy, even from afar, directly to your safe spaces. Let them welcome you into their magical world, where awe-inspiring show footage and fan favorite videos will transport you. Click the image below and enjoy the show!
Click the image above and enjoy the show!
National Geographic: Be Inspired at Christmastime
For over 130 years, National Geographic has hosted some of the leading scientists, conservationists, photographers, and storytellers to share their stories live at our headquarters in Washington, D.C. Now you can watch their inspiring and thought-provoking stories from anywhere!
Watch on-demand stories from top National Geographic Explorers about their fascinating adventures and discoveries and spark your inner Explorer without leaving home. For more more information, click here of on the image below to Be Inspired!
Click the image above to Be Inspired!
Click the image above for information on their Meals on Wheels and Congregate Lunches for Seniors.
Click the image above for information on their Drive-Thru Food Distribution, weekdays in San Clemente.
Click the image above for information on their Drive Through Food Bank, Monday - Friday in Irvine.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry, Monday - Friday in Laguna Beach.
Click the image above for info on their Food Pantry held on the first & third Wednesday of every month.
Click the image above for information on their PEACE Community Resource Center Food Pantries.
Click the image above for information on their Food Pantry Services weekdays by appointment in Irvine.
Wishing a Very Safe and Merry Christmas to All!
questions or
regarding my
please contact
my office staff
at (714)
834-3550 or
email my
Advisor, Sergio
Prince, at