activity gets underway as committee members visit Miramar Greenery facility to observe composting operations.
Select OCWR staff complete Remote Pilot Airman Certification and implement a first-of-its-kind drone program at the landfills.
approves release of waste
diversion grants.
OCWR builds a view shed and installs a permanent faux tree cell phone tower to enhance site aesthetics for neighbors of Coyote Canyon Landfill.
OCWR launches composting demonstration projects at all three landfill sites – feedstock arrives, operations and compliance protocols in place, process begins.
OCWR staff attend the US Composting Council’s Compost Operations Training Course in Davis, CA. for instruction on the art and science of commercial-scale compost production.
More than 350 community members attend the inaugural Earth Day Open House and Environmental Fair.
OCWR joins grand reopening of Yorba Dog Park, following a multi-year effort to renovate and upgrade the long-since closed landfill site.
breaks ground on Phase D excavation and liner project, which extends the capacity of Zone 1 by 13.2 million cubic yards.
for the Yorba Park Revitalization and for the Compliance Alert & Reporting System (CARS) in partnership with County IT.
produces and airs a segment about OCWR’s bird abatement program, showcasing OC Landfills’ environmental stewardship and protection measures.
OC Grand Jury releases report that offered five findings, two recommendations and a commendation.
Read Report
while excavating Phase D at Prima
Deshecha Landfill.
Olinda Alpha Landfill starts construction of Basin C, which is approximately 2.4 acres and holds 9.8 million gallons of water.
from its compost demonstration projects. OCWR moves forward to develop conceptual plans for commercial scale organic processing facilities at each of the landfill sites to provide regional solutions to divert organics.
When at capacity, Phase VIIIB-2 will hold more than 11 million tons of trash and will generate approximately $500 million of revenue.
Los Angeles Angels player Keynan Middleton takes the EcoChallenge at the updated exhibit at the Discovery Cube OC with fans and community members.
raises nearly $5,000 for the County’s United Way campaign.
arrive at Frank R. Bowerman Landfill to train operators under any weather conditions and provide realistic training experience.
to promote recycling throughout OC and celebrate America Recycles Day at the Honda Center.
San Juan Capistrano and OCWR enter into a new, updated cooperative agreement that extends the Prima Deshecha Landfill closure dates and continues to provide valuable services to the community.
Hard work by staff and world-class mitigation efforts contribute to all three sites passing critical LEA inspections, despite multiple days of heavy rains and extremely high winds.
DONALD R. FROELICH elected chair and CHERYL BROTHERS elected vice chair of Waste Management Commission.