Board of Supervisors |
Welcome to Nelson's E-News! |
Thank you for reading this edition of my newsletter. I hope you find the information below very helpful. As always, I appreciate and look forward to your feedback.
The Board was held on Tuesday, September 30. The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, October 7 at 9:30am in the Hall of Administration – 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana 92701. The agenda may be accessed here.
Shawn Nelson |
In the Community |
Supervisor Nelson Supports Military Appreciation Game at USC |

 Crewmembers from the USS Essex stop for a photo with Supervisor Nelson during Joint Forces Day at the USC vs. Oregon St. game.

Thousands of military enjoyed the USC Songleaders and Spirit of Troy Marching Band at the Coliseum and armed forces duty-stations around the world that was televised on Armed Forces Media. |
Supervisor Nelson enjoyed an evening with fellow USC alumni and students as the Trojans honored thousands of active-duty military and veterans at the 2014 Joint Forces Day at the Coliseum Saturday night.
As part of his contributions to a very successful night to honor the nation’s bravest, Supervisor Nelson worked with event sponsors and donors to pay for a contingent of Marines from Camp Pendleton who enjoyed the USC vs Oregon State after a 90-minute ride on the Metrolink train system.
After a month of planning and logistics, donations were finalized and with the cooperation of the Anaheim 13th MEU Adoption Committee, train tickets were delivered to Rod Keller and Jeff Spellens who handled the ground operations, communications and catered lunches provided to the Marines at the Oceanside City Hall.
Later that Saturday, the Marines boarded the Metrolink USC Football Express for the ride to L.A. Union Station where they changed over to the LA Metro Rail for a quick run to the LA Coliseum. USC provided discounted seats and a thrilling 35-10 victory. |
OC Bike Loop Summit |
 Supervisor Nelson references specific segments of the OC Bike Loop at a meeting in Fullerton on October 1.
 Supervisor Nelson makes opening remarks to attendees about the status of the OC Bike Loop in Fullerton on October 1.
 OCTA Active Transportation Coordinator Paul Martin (standing) listens to attendees’ feedback at the OC Bike Loop Summit.
 OC Parks Design Technician Tuan Richardson (left) and OC Public Works Planner Jeff Dickman (right) listen to attendees’ feedback.
 OC Public Works Planner Jeff Dickman (left) and Supervisor Shawn Nelson participate in a roundtable discussion for one of the bike loop segments. |
Supervisor Shawn Nelson hosted an OC Bike Loop Summit on Wednesday, October 1 at the Fullerton Community Center to solicit feedback from community stakeholders, focusing on several of the loop’s unfinished segments within the Fourth District. Bringing together participants from Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra and Placentia, and Yorba Linda in the Third District, the forum provided attendees with a chance to discuss the challenges and opportunities of completing the 66-mile loop that runs through most of north Orange County.
Currently, there are several gaps that require funding and collaboration to address in order to create one continuous loop for bicyclists, pedestrians and other outdoor enthusiasts. In addition to having key city staff from the respective jurisdictions, OCTA and the County of Orange at the meeting, there were several representatives from legislative offices, elected officials and community activists in attendance to provide insight and options for the ultimate completion of the loop.
Representatives from the various cities provided overviews of the work they have already accomplished, with the goal that these efforts culminate in a more highly utilized recreational space for visitors. Some of their presentations are available below.
Care Packages Rally Set for October 26 |
 Supervisor Shawn Nelson will help collect and donate care package items going to Kabul, Afghanistan at his “Cigars for Heroes” collection rally on October 26. Veterans, military family members and citizen-patriots are welcome to stop by and drop donations, take pictures and savor a cigar while collecting items that will be sent to active-duty military in November. |
Continuing his legacy of supporting active duty military stationed overseas with a taste of freedom from appreciative family, friends and Veterans in OC, Supervisor Shawn Nelson announced today that he will host the 4 hour rally at Vintage Cigars, located at 3734 S. Bristol, Santa Ana (South Bristol at Callen Common behind the Bank of America), from 1:00-5:00pm, Sunday, October 26.
This year’s charity will honor Captain Shane Yates, a Chaplain assigned to the 162nd Infantry Division who is now in Kabul, Afghanistan. Yates ministers to front-line combat troops who are bunkered in forward operating bases in remote mountain and desert posts. His ministry allows him to deliver prayers, mail and fresh cigars to battle-weary troops who cheer his arrival when he steps off a gunship transport.
Captain Yates lives in Placentia, has a wife, Karon, who is active with the Healing Heroes Ministry, a son who is active-duty military and another son (Travis) playing football for Orange Lutheran High School. Captain Yates is also a coach at Orange Lutheran serving the freshman football team prior to his deployment.
The Orange Lutheran football teams has dedicated their season and prayers to the safety of the 162nd and wear their division patches as stickers on their football helmets, according to Karon Yates, to honor his courage and faith in combat.
The purpose for the rally is to accept donated items requested by the troops. Other than cigars, products most requested included protein powder packs, ground coffee, beef jerky packets, top ramen soup, flavored water packets like Crystal Light, energy powder mixes, mixed nuts, candy, microwavable foods, protein bars, magazines, gum, mints and stationery for writing home.
All the donated food items, along with cigars, will be packaged up and sent to Captain Yates at the front for distribution to the troops from the residents of Orange County.
Please bring your donated items to the rally on Oct 26th or drop them off at the offices of Shawn Nelson at the OC Hall of Administration, located at Broadway and Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, Fourth District, located on the fifth floor.
Cigars can be either purchased on-site on the day of the event or we can convert donated funds toward the purchase on your behalf.
If you have any questions on this project to honor America’s Bravest, or have any desire to help, please contact Steve Spernak at (714) 834-3542 or email him at |
Fullerton Oral Surgery |
On September 25, Fourth District staffer, Natalie Wieckert, presented a Certificate of Recognition congratulating Dr. Miyamoto on the grand opening of his Fullerton Oral Surgery office. The opening ceremony was attended by Fullerton Oral Surgery staff, close friends and local dignitaries. Dr. Miyamoto and owner Dr. Nelson (not pictured) have over 50 years of combined experience in oral surgery, serving the areas of North Orange County. They use the latest advancements and technologies to ensure that your family’s oral health is in good hands. For more information, please visit the website here or call (714) 525-1178. |
Paisley’s Petals and Gifts |
Paisley’s Petals and Gifts, the newest flower shop in Fullerton, is thankful to the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce for hosting a grand opening, ribbon cutting ceremony on September 26. Paisley’s Petals completed an “extreme makeover” of the business after acquiring the flower store in the Morningside Plaza this past summer. The store is now reminiscent of an old fashioned flower shop with friendly people, beautiful arrangements, unique plant designs, and an increasing array of gifts. Paisley’s Petals can send flowers next door or around the world, as well as take care of wedding floral needs, and flowers for any event.
Paisley’s Petals has been a dream of proprietor Candy Marder for a number of years. She and her dad were going to start a shop using his prior experience in the landscaping business. When he passed away a few years ago, Candy kept the dream going, which became a reality this year. The store is named after her dad and mom, which is her maiden name Paisley. There are a number of things in the store that serve as a reminder of their inspiration to open the shop.
Paisley’s Petals is all about “making the world a better place with flowers”. This involves developing relationships with customers both young and old, local businesses, and the community. They hope you will check out their website at, visit them digitally on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, call them at 714-529-8600, or even contact them the old fashioned way by dropping by in person Monday – Saturday. |
 Deputy Chief of Staff Mark Lopez presents a certificate to owner Candy Marder. |
Supervisor Begins Year Four of “ASB vs. DUI” With MADD OC |
 Supervisor Nelson shows his support for MADD, Law Enforcement and the DA’s office with commendations delivered by Policy Advisor Steve Spernak at their annual awards luncheon held at the Nixon Library. |
Continuing his personal commitment to prevent the chaos and personal tragedy of drunk driving, Supervisor Nelson partnered with MADD OC to deliver educational and contact information to each of the high schools in his district.
Mailed to each of the high school Activities Directors was an invite and explanation flyer that directed them to contact MADD Program Specialist Tiffany Townson at 714 838 6199 x 6674 or for details on how MADD can educate parents and adult staff members on the dangers of alcohol.
The flyer explains how the power of parents can change or shape attitudes to deter abusing drugs and alcohol, teen drunk driving and binge drinking and stop the 6,000 annual fatalities that result from alcohol abuse.
Parents, Activities Directors, PTA parents, Coaches and Administrators are encouraged to contact MADD Orange County and reserve the 30 minute parent’s workshop and instructional guidebook.
Parents and PTA members can also contact Fourth District Policy Advisor Steve Spernak at for additional information related to Red Ribbon Week and Sober Graduation at your high school.
POP Info Flyer |
Masterlink Sausage Ribbon Cutting |
An institution in the City of Fullerton, Masterlink Sausage and Meats celebrated its 50th year of operation on Wednesday, October 1 by hosting scores of elected officials, legislative representatives, members of the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce and well-wishers with samples of its food and drink.
Owner Randy Martin and his son Joe, who is the plant manager, produce more than 84 different raw, cooked and smoked sausage, and meat products, which include family-recipe branded sausages and a variety of private label products.
The half-century festivity included a barbeque, raffle, beverage truck and even and appearance by Tremor, the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes minor league baseball mascot. Supervisor Nelson congratulates Masterlink Sausage on its major milestone in the City of Fullerton. Masterlink is located at 327 N. State College Boulevard and can be reached at (714) 870-6040. |
 Deputy Chief of Staff Mark Lopez (right) presents owners Randy and Mary Martin with a certificate of recognition.
 Masterlink Sausage owner Randy Martin prepares to cut the ribbon at his business on Wednesday.
 Deputy Chief of Staff Mark Lopez poses with Tremor, the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes’ mascot.
OCTA Update |
Board Reaffirms Commitment to Deliver I-405 Project as Promised |
The board voted to move forward with the $1.3 billion plan to construct one general-purpose lane in each direction on San Diego Freeway (I-405) as promised to voters through Measure M.
The action comes after Caltrans informed OCTA in July that it intends to select a bigger project—one general purpose lane in each direction, plus a high occupancy toll (HOT) lane in each direction—as the project alternative for the I-405 Improvement Project between State Route 55 and Interstate 605.
Caltrans intends to add the HOT lanes to the freeway when it secures funding for the added cost, estimated at approximately $400 million. Measure M funds would not be used to build HOT lanes. The HOT lanes project would add an additional carpool lane and combine it with the existing carpool lane to create a two-lane HOT lane facility in each direction.
This stretch of the I-405 carries more than 370,000 cars a day and that number is expected to increase approximately 35 percent by 2040.
The final environmental document is expected to be finished early next year. Based on that schedule and utilizing the design-build method of construction to add one lane in each direction, OCTA’s project would get under way in 2016 and be completed in 2021.
No timeline has been set for the addition of the HOT lanes by Caltrans. Please click here to listen to a brief interview of Supervisor Nelson on this topic from September 22. |
$2.8 Million from Measure M Approved for Environmental Cleanup Projects |
The board approved $2.8 million for environmental cleanup projects to improve overall water quality from transportation-generated pollution.
The Measure M Environmental Cleanup Program will provide funding for 18 projects across the county. OCTA received 22 applications following a call for projects earlier this year. Applications were reviewed and evaluated by OCTA staff and the Vice Chairman of the Environmental Cleanup Allocation Committee.
The Measure M program is designed to remove the more visible forms of pollutants, such as litter and debris, which collect on the roadways and in the storm drains prior to being deposited in waterways and the ocean. These funds are available for Orange County local governments to purchase equipment and upgrades for existing catch basins and other related projects. Examples include screens, filters, and inserts for catch basins, as well as other devices designed to remove pollutants.
The 18 projects fall into three categories:
- Automatic retractable screen and other debris screens or inserts: Screen or insert units prevent debris from entering the storm drain system (15 projects).
- Continuous deflective separator: CDS units divert runoff away from waterways and screen storm drain flows from trash and debris. CDS units screen, separate and trap debris, sediment, oil and grease from storm water runoff (two projects).
- Bioretention system: Pollutants are captured and immobilized into the bioretention system. Storm water continues to flow into the drain system where the treated water is discharged (one project).
To date, nearly $9 million of Measure M funds have been granted to cities and the county for projects of this type. |
Santa Ana/Garden Grove Streetcar Project Moving Forward |
The Santa Ana/Garden Grove streetcar project has recently hit several project milestones.
The alternatives analysis report has been completed, the environmental assessment and impact report has been approved, and the locally preferred alternative has been chosen.
The alternatives analysis report provided four project alternatives and the city’s locally preferred alternative is to build a streetcar system, which would utilize the Pacific Electric Right-of-Way through the western half of its alignment and substantially operate along Santa Ana Boulevard and 4th Street along the eastern half of its alignment.
This preferred alternative is expected to have the highest ridership, serve the greatest number of transit- dependent households and cost less to construct and operate than the other streetcar alternative analyzed.
The Santa Ana/Garden Grove streetcar project was initiated through the Measure M Go Local Program, to help broaden the reach of the Metrolink system by providing links between stations and major destinations. OCTA has overseen the project development to ensure consistency with the goals, commitments and objectives of Measure M. |
Long-Range Transportation Plan Ready for Submission to Regional Transportation Plan |
The final 2014 Long-Range Transportation Plan has been completed and will be submitted to the Southern California Association of Governments as input to the 2016 Regional Transportation Plan.
The LRTP provides the vision for Orange County’s regional transportation system over the next 20 years. It analyzes anticipated demographic and travel demand growth, projected revenue limitations and emerging issues and technologies. The plan is updated every four years to adjust for changing conditions.
To prepare the LRTP, a two-phase outreach effort was conducted from June 2013 through June 2014. This included more than 50 meetings, involving more than 1,000 participants including the public, elected officials, local agencies, advocacy groups and industry professionals. As future users of the transportation system, involvement of high school and college age youths was emphasized throughout the outreach effort.
Through 2035, it is projected that average daily trips in Orange County will increase by nearly 1.2 million, roughly from 8.3 million to 9.5 million. This increase in travel demand is because of anticipated socioeconomic growth. Forecasts estimate an additional 400,000 residents and 300,000 jobs within Orange County by 2035.
OCTA has undertaken a number of planning efforts in recent years that identify priorities, projects, and programs that address many of Orange County’s transportation needs. These efforts include major investment studies, the Transit System Study, regional bikeway plans and the M2020 Plan, which will speed up the delivery of Measure M projects. |
Announcements |
O.C. Bridges Road Closures |
Four intersections along the BNSF rail line at the border of Anaheim and Placentia will close for twelve hours – from 6 pm on Saturday, October 4, to 6 am on Sunday, October 5. The closures are necessary for railroad crews to install crossing-gate timing devices for a new bypass road at Tustin Avenue/Rose Drive and are being conducted overnight during the weekend to cause the least amount of disruption to traffic flow.
The intersections with the rail line scheduled to close are, from west to east: Tustin/Rose, Van Buren Street, Richfield Road and Kellogg Drive.
Rail crossings at Lakeview Avenue and Jefferson Street will remain open and will serve as the designated detour routes during the closure. Regular train traffic will continue during those hours and BNSF crews will manually open and shut gates at Lakeview and Jefferson.
While the work is scheduled to occur overnight on Saturday, the closures are subject to change. Drivers should depend on electronic message signs on the streets, which will be updated with the latest information at least 48 hours before the closure begins.
During the closure, nearby residents may hear train horns, which will be activated as an added safety precaution. All local streets will remain open to residents to enter and exit their neighborhoods.
Once the work is completed, a bypass road along Tustin/Rose will open to traffic Sunday morning, allowing traffic to continue to cross the rail line at that intersection as work on the overcrossing is completed. The project is scheduled for completion in late 2016.
The $103-million Tustin/Rose project is one of seven in the Orange County Transportation Authority’s O.C. Bridges program. This is an effort to separate car and pedestrian traffic from the busy rail line, enhancing safety and improving commute times by eliminating the need for drivers to wait at rail crossings.
Up to 70 trains travel through the area daily – a number expected to increase to nearly 130 trains each day by 2030.
Each of the O.C. Bridges projects is being funded in part by Measure M, the county’s half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements, and by state and federal funds.
For more information, visit |
Colony Classic Car Show |

Click on the image above to view a larger version. |
Do you know any hometown heroes? |
The Fourth District is accepting submissions to recognize unsung heroes in our community.
This may include public safety, first responders, or friends and neighbors who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in everyday life to enrich our community.
To share your story, please call or email Mark Lopez: 714-834-3440 |
County Commissions and Committees |
The Fourth District has vacant appointments on the following commissions or committees:
- Oversight Board of the Successor to the City of Redevelopment Agency (Buena Park and Anaheim)
- Treasury Oversight Committee
- Assessment Appeals Board
- Bylaws
- Application
If you are interested in serving on one of these Committees, please call Mark Lopez at (714) 834-3440 |
OC Animal Care |

Click on the image above to view a larger version. |
Events |
What: Farmers Market
When: October 5, 2014
Where: Anaheim Packing District, 440 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
What: Anaheim Fall Festival
When: October 25, 2014
Where: Downtown Anaheim
Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm
What: Rotary Club of Brea
When: October 7, 2014
Where: Embassy Suites, 900 E. Birch Street
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
What: Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting – Red Brick Pizza
Where: 215 W. Birch Street
When: October 8
Time: 5:00pm-7:00pm
What: Kiwanis Club of Brea
When: October 9, 2014
Where: Embassy Suites, 900 East Birch Street
Time: 7:15am - 8:30am
What: Cultural Arts Commission
Where: 1 Civic Center Circle, Level 2
When: October 14
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Buena Park
What: Free Flu Shots at Ehlers Community Center
When: October 10, 2014
Where: 8150 Knott Avenue
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
What: Fine Arts Commission Meeting
When: October 15, 2014
Where: 6650 Beach Boulevard
Time: 6:30pm
What: 58th Annual Silverado Days
Where: 7225 El Dorado Drive
When: October 17-19
Time: Friday 5:00pm-12:00am, Saturday 10:00am-12:00am, Sunday 8:00am-10:00pm
What: SCORE: What You Need to Know When Running a Home-Based Business
When: October 6, 2014
Where: Fullerton Public Library, 353 W. Commonwealth Avenue
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
What: Sunset Mixer: Sam’s Club
When: October 8, 2014
Where: 629 S. Placentia Avenue
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
La Habra
What: Community Blood Drive at American First Credit Union
When: October 8, 2014
Where: American First Credit Union South Parking Lot, 700 N. Harbor Blvd
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
What: Enterprise Team Thursday Meeting
When: October 9, 2014
Where: La Habra Chamber of Commerce
321 E. La Habra Blvd
La Habra CA 90631
Time: 9:30am - 10:30am
What: 50th Anniversary Heritage Festival
When: Saturday, October 11, 2014
Where: Tri-City Park
2310 N. Kraemer Boulevard
Time: 7:00am – Pancake Breakfast
9:00am – Parade
12:00pm - 4:00pm – Business Showcase, Car Show, Entertainment
What: Placentia Library Parenting Series: Bullying
When: Saturday, October 11, 2014
Where: Placentia Library - 411 E. Chapman Avenue
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
For questions or comments regarding Nelson’s E-News
please contact the Supervisor's office staff:
Mark Lopez Phone: (714) 834-3440 Email: |
Denis Bilodeau
Chief of Staff
Mark Lopez
Deputy Chief of Staff
Audra Fishel
Policy Advisor /
Communications Director
Steve Spernak
Policy Advisor
Scott Carpenter
Policy Advisor
Natalie Wieckert
Staff Aide
Stay Connected! |